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There were those who had encounters with Jesus, and who left everything and chose to follow Him.  Think of the disciples who left their nets in Matthew 4.  Then, there were others who encountered Him and did willfully choose to reject Him like the rich young ruler who went away sorrowful in Matthew 19:22.  Indeed, scripture says that Jesus was despised and rejected of men (Isaiah 53:3).
Prepare to discuss how you are going to handle it when you see someone you have worked hard to lead to Christ willfully reject Him and walk away. Describe how you foresee yourself handling them reject Christ, and what you will do to forestall any discouragement that Satan may attempt to bring to you as a result of their rejection.
Support your work with scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided.  Quoting or paraphrasing from any source in discussion posts requires APA format by including an in-text citation and listing the reference at the end of the post.

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