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ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 What does a professional educator look like? How does a professional educator behave? What standards guide a professional educator’s thinking and actions? How is the conduct of a professional educator consistent with a Christian worldview, as described on the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith, Learning and Work? Give examples. Cite your responses.
DQ2 After reading “To Improve U.S. Education, It’s Time to Treat Teachers as Professionals,” do you agree with Howard Gardner’s position on needed changes for teachers to be treated as professionals? Defend your position. Cite your responses.
ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Of the various student quotes in the Schussler article, which connected with you the most regarding engaging disengaged students? Explain. Cite your sources.
DQ2 What three techniques in Lemov’s “Teach Like a Champion” do you feel most confident in implementing in your future classroom? Explain. Cite your sources.
ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 How are the concepts of authority and engagement connected in the classroom setting? Please explain how you will establish an appropriate level of authority in your future classroom while also maintaining a successful level of student engagement.
DQ2 Please describe the three concepts of classroom management, engagement, and motivation in reference to education. How are all of these aspects of education connected and interdependent? Provide examples to support your response.
ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 How are classroom procedures different than classroom rules? Explain what it means to teach, model, and practice your procedures along with your beliefs on when procedures should be taught. Please include detailed examples on how procedures and rules might affect a student’s level of achievement in your future classroom.
DQ2 The Capizzi article discusses six key areas for effective classroom management. Explain and defend your position on the ranking of the six different areas and whether they are all equally important in maintaining effective classroom management.
ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 View the “Roller Coaster Physics: STEM in Action,” “Animal Patterns: Integrating Science, Math & Art,” and “Table for 22: A Real-World Geometry Project.” Imagine that you are a student entering each classroom for the first time. How does each setting make you feel? What does each classroom tell you about the teacher who designed the environment?
DQ2 Which strategy from the seminal article by Kagan do you believe is the most critical for engaging students in the learning process?   Defend your choice.
ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 8 Discussion
DQ1 There are a number of key stakeholders in a school system and the school community. List at least two major and two minor stakeholders, in addition to parents, and explain the importance of your relationship to each of them. How will your relationships with these key stakeholders affect students?
DQ2 What are some communication do’s and don’ts when speaking with families? After reading the Conderman et al. article, identify two of each, and explain why each is either a do or a don’t.
ELM250 Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments
 Week 9 Discussion
DQ1 California recently enacted a law that precludes willful defiance or disruption of school activities as a reason to expel students.  Do you think it is appropriate for the state legislature to decide such an issue or should the issue be addressed by the governing board of a school district?  Defend your answer.
DQ2 What are some of the most significant insights you have gained from your research on legal issues and the classroom teacher in this course? How will you or how do you hope to implement this knowledge in your future classroom as an effective educator?

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