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ELSE 5653 Literacy and Language Development for Exceptional Learners


Language and Literacy Book Talk


The purpose of the Language and Literacy Book Talk is to promote a positive reading culture in
your classroom by suggesting interesting books for students to read. This activity will encourage
students to become lifelong readers and learners. The key audience for this activity will include
students in grade K-12.


For this assignment:

1. Select a young adult or children’s book that that is for students in grades K-12.

2. Record a 5 minute “book talk” that includes:

a. A brief introduction which includes the title of the book and author, genre,

age/grade level appropriateness, and a catchy phrase from the book or a passage
that excites the imagination.

b. Summary- Briefly summarize the book in regards to strengths and weaknesses as
well as who the main characters are, what the central conflict/idea is, what the
important events in the book are, and what you believe the author wants readers to
take from the experience of reading the book.

c. Rationale-Tell the audience what you like about the book, why it is important to you,

why students should read it, if you would recommend the text, and three main
reasons why.

d. Integrating Language and Literacy-

i. Select a language and/or literacy strategy that could be used with struggling

ii. Briefly explain the strategy and how it could be used to enhance literacy using
the selected text.

e. Presentation-(No Power Point Presentations). Record the presentation and upload

in blackboard and Livetext. Be sure to include a copy of the book (hold the book up
or show cover and a visual of the strategy.

ELSE 5653 Literacy and Language Development for Exceptional Learners


Language and Literacy Book Talk RUBRIC

Criteria Exemplary
(20 points)

(18 points)

(16 points)

(0 points)

Introduction Introduction is clear
and concise; it
thoroughly captures
the title and author
of the book,
genre, and catchy

Introduction is fairly
clear and concise; it
mostly captures the
title and author of
the book,
genre, and catchy

Summary is vague
or wordy; it does not
capture the author or
title of the book,
genre, and catchy

The introduction
is not included.

Summary Summary is clear
and concise; it
strengths and
weaknesses of the
text, the images,
and the relationship
between the two in
conveying meaning.

Summary is fairly
clear and concise; it
addresses some
strengths and
weaknesses of the
text, the images,
and the relationship
between the two in

Summary is vague
or wordy; it does not
address strengths
and weaknesses of
the text, the images,
and the relationship
between the two in
conveying meaning.

The summary is
not included.

Rationale Rationale clearly
articulates reasons
for selection of the
text; insights are
very relevant and
fully supported.

Rationale clearly
articulates reasons
for selection of the
text; insights are
mostly relevant and
fully supported.

Rationale vaguely
articulates reasons
for selection of the
text; insights are not
relevant and are
weakly supported.

The rationale is
not included.

Integration of
Language and

The language and
literacy strategy is
appropriate to the
text and can be
generalized across
other curriculums.

The language and
literacy strategy is
appropriate to the
text and can be
generalized across
other curriculums.

The language and
literacy strategy
selected is
inappropriate for the
text used and cannot
be generalized
across other

A Language
and/or Literacy
Strategy is not

Presentation Candidate
consistently makes
eye contact, speaks
fluently, manages
voice control, uses
gestures, and
displays some
visual aid.

Candidate mostly
makes eye contact,
speaks fluently,
manages voice
control, uses
gestures, and
displays some
visual aid.

inconsistently makes
eye contact, speaks
fluently, manages
voice control, uses
gestures, Or
displays some visual

Presentation is
not included.

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