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Must read book:
From the Bush: The Front Line of Health Care in a Caribbean Village. by Marsha B. Quinlan. Thomson Wadsworth: ISBN: 978-0155085671. must be included in references

Reference requirements

1.Only Websites that are .gov or .edu may be used as credible resources for your paper.

2.Any .com (or other extension) websites that contain published material or documented unbiased news reports may also be used as sources but you should reference original publications not the website.

3.Other .com websites may be used if they have their own references listed from published sources, authors, or editors names, and publication date listed on the website.  Only 1 .com website without authors or editors names, publication dates, or references listed for the information can be used per assignment for secondary or supportive information.

Write a descriptive essay using either MLA or APA style guides.  (See Purdue Owl website or other style guide for formatting rules). Title page and references page are required but not included in page count.  Minimum of 4 references, and a minimum of 3 full pages, double spaced, standard 12 point font text is required for this assignment.

Task :
Describe the environment, background history and current culture (prior to 2017) on the Island of Dominica. (Cultural information has changed considerably post devastation of the island by Hurricane Maria in September 2017).

Grade will be an average of scores from 1 to 5  in each of  the following categories 1) writings skills (paragraphing, grammar, punctuation, style) 2) formatting (title page,  formatting of body, in text citations, references page) 3) Knowledge of background information and culture described, and 4) Overall presentation.

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