For this week’s discussion I chose question 1 to answer. The question asks to Describe the 4 levels of evaluation that make up Kirkpatrick’s framework of evaluation. Identify 1 example of data at each level that might be collected to provide evidence for the effectiveness of a class or training program in which you have participated.
Four levels of evaluation
The four levels that make up Kirkpatrick’s framework of evaluation are reaction (level 1), learning (level 2), behavior (level 3), and results (level 4). Kirkpatrick's framework offers a concise method to consider the potential effects of training and serves as a reminder that workplace learning initiatives frequently include a number of goals (Werner, 2022). The trainees' opinions of the program and its efficacy are the main subjects of the reaction level. The reaction level has limitations in that it cannot tell whether the program achieved its goals beyond assuring participant satisfaction. For example, in the military we conduct a lot of training. In these sessions it was common to ask trainees for feedback in the form of conducting an after-action review (AAR). Trainees would be asked what the strength and weaknesses of the training were conducted. Next, the learning level is determined by whether the trainees mastered the material that was specified in the learning goals. In contrast to the reaction level, the learning level could include a quiz or exam to assess learning. This level is pretty self-explanatory as most of the training I have been a part of would require at a minimum a check on learning if a quiz or test was not given. The third level, or behavior level, is a crucial indicator of success since it shows if the trainee applied what they had learned at work. Many times, this level is evaluated by a trainee being able to teach what they learned. For example, when I was a younger soldier, my supervisor would teach me things that was specific to my job then put me in charge of training over my peers. The organization's efficacy is assessed at the last level, results, to see if the workplace learning endeavor was successful. This level would be identified by customer feedback or overall outcome of the companies’ objectives. With the goal of discovering assessment of learning forms, outcomes, and techniques that embed practice change, the Kirkpatrick evaluation model offers reviewers a framework within which to organize pertinent articles into categories and levels for analysis and presentation of findings (Campbell et al., 2019).
Biblical Approach
This week, my discussion response dealt with evaluations. 2 Corinthians 13:5 (English Standard Version Bible, 2023) states, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!”. The bible gives us instructions on how to examine the condition of our heart and figure out if we are in Christ or not. Just as we examine and evaluate ourselves on our jobs, the same applies to our Christian walk. These same four levels can be applied.
English Standard Version Bible. (2023).
Campbell, K., Taylor, V., & Douglas, S. (2019). Effectiveness of online cancer education for nurses and allied health professionals; a systematic review using kirkpatrick evaluation framework. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(2), 339-356.
Werner, J. (2022). Human Resource Development: Talent Development (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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