ENGL148N Advanced English Composition
Week 3 Quiz
Which statement best describes an outline for an essay?
An outline is the blueprint for your essay and is where you organize each idea, example, and piece of support in the order they will appear in your essay, paragraph by paragraph.
An outline is a geometric visual, in the shape of squares or circles, in which you develop several main ideas.
An outline is one of the lines you draw on your notebook page from your prewriting to your thought bubble about that prewriting.
An outline is a brief summary you write on your title page that outlines your key points for the reader.
For each of the following statements, please select “True” if the statement is true for an argument essay outline. Select “False” if the statement does not describe a fact about an argument essay outline.
True False
Arranging body paragraphs in an argument essay’s outline should be deliberate and done with argument strategy in mind.
An argument essay outline does not need to reflect argument strategy; you will think about argument strategy only later, when you write out your full essay.
An argument essay outline will include an outline for all paragraphs in the essay: the introduction paragraph, all body paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph.
In an outline for an argument essay, the introduction will be first and the conclusion will be last, but the body paragraphs can be in any random order; it doesn’t matter where you place body paragraphs.
The supporting items, like logic and evidence, that you write throughout your argument essay outline should reflect a strong argument strategy.
True or False: A good writer of argument will begin persuading their reader in the first sentence of the introduction paragraph.
Which statement best describes how argument outlines are unique (different from outlines written for other types of essays)?
Outlines for argument essays will list just the three main points and nothing else, which means they are much shorter than outlines for other types of essays.
For most essays, the introduction and conclusion are included in the outline; for argument essay outlines, you should always avoid including material for the introduction and conclusion.
Outlines for argument essays require more careful thought because the writer must apply persuasive strategies when choosing the arrangement of ideas and the contents of all paragraphs, including the introduction, all body paragraphs, and the conclusion.
Outlines for argument essays require two people to write the outline: one person who supports the main argument and one person who opposes it.
Which is a good practice when preparing to outline an argument body paragraph?
Decide which type of paragraph you are going to write (supporting, opposing, or both) and gather your previous prewriting work to collect the ideas and information related to that single paragraph.
Decide that you will paste all of your facts into your outline; this means you should include nothing but pasted words from sources with no citation.
Definitely develop your first body paragraph outline as your “insult” portion in which you criticize opponents based on their appearance, where they vacation, and how they behaved in high school.
Find an outline of your topic on the internet and use it.
Below are several statements about outlining body paragraphs for an argument essay. Please select “Do” for actions that you should take and select “Do Not” for approaches you should not take.
Do Do Not
Work on just one paragraph at a time with a specific argument purpose in mind.
Remember that every single body paragraph in your argument essay will be structured in the exact same way.
You are now in the planning stage, so you should not even glance at the prewriting you did earlier.
Make a rough outline first, and then use careful thought and strategy to fine-tune it.
In each body paragraph outline, plan your argument strategies and the support you will likely use.
When outlining the introduction and conclusion paragraphs for your argument essay, your main goal should be your reader.
True or False: Once you put your entire argument outline together, you should still consider it a living tool that you can take notes on, add to, and rearrange if a better strategy or support occurs to you before or even during drafting.
For each of the following statements, please select “Correct” if the statement is correct for an argument essay outline. Select “Incorrect” if the statement does not describe a fact about an argument essay outline. Hint: 2 are correct and 3 are incorrect.
Correct Incorrect
When planning your argument essay, you will create an outline that includes just the introduction and conclusion paragraphs, not the body paragraphs.
There is no need to think about the ordering of body paragraphs in your outline; it makes no difference whether one of your body paragraphs is the first body paragraph or a later body paragraph.
All of the items you include while constructing your argument essay outline should reflect your argument strategy.
If your instructor asks for a specific outline format, you should use it.
Once your full outline is written and organized, it is set in stone; you cannot make any changes and must write your essay exactly as your outline indicates, without deviating from that even in the slightest.
Which statement best describes an outline for an essay?
It is the plan, or blueprint, for your essay and is where you organize each idea, example, and piece of support in the order they will appear in your essay, paragraph by paragraph.
It means making sure that if you take notes in the margins of your prewriting, you are drawing a line from your notes directly to the portion of prewriting they address.
It is a very short summary you write on your title page that explains your entire project in two sentences.
It is a series of dotted outlines for triangular shapes, in which you write down several main ideas.
True or False: It is best to completely avoid any persuasion or argument while outlining the introduction paragraph.
Which statement best describes how argument outlines are unique (different from outlines written for other types of essays)?
Argument outlines will outline just the research and how it will be used, which means they are much shorter than outlines for other types of essays.
Argument outlines require more careful thought because the writer must apply persuasive strategies when choosing the arrangement of ideas and the contents of all paragraphs, including the introduction, all body paragraphs, and the conclusion.
Because argument essays never include conclusion paragraphs, you should not outline ideas for a conclusion paragraph.
Argument outlines require teamwork: you must find a friend who disagrees with you and ask that person to write all of the opposing parts of your outline.
Which action should you take when you are preparing to outline an argument body paragraph?
You should decide which type of paragraph you are going to write (supporting, opposing, or both) and gather your previous prewriting work to collect the ideas and information related to that single paragraph.
You should begin by outlining a “facts” paragraph because at least one of your paragraphs in your argument essay will be nothing but a series of short, pasted facts from the internet.
You absolutely must use a formal outlining format, with Roman numerals, and you must not place any information in the outline. Just leave it blank.
You should start with an “insult” paragraph in which you criticize opponents based on their appearance, their pets’ appearance, and the type of car they drive.
Below are several statements about outlining body paragraphs for an argument essay. Please select “Yes” for actions that are best practices and select “No” for approaches that are not. Hint: 3 are yes and 2 are no.
Yes No
You should use the prewriting you have already done to help you identify material for your body paragraph outline.
Outlining is just a form of prewriting; the first ideas that come to mind about a body paragraph should just get written quickly with no refinement or extra thought.
Work on just one paragraph at a time with a specific argument purpose in mind.
Remember that every single body paragraph in your argument essay will be structured in the exact same way.
In each body paragraph outline, plan your argument strategies and the support you will likely use.
For the statement below, please choose the word that best fits in the blank.
When outlining the introduction and conclusion paragraphs for your argument essay, your main goal should be your reader,
True or False: Once you develop the outline for your argument, you can consider it set in stone and it cannot be changed.
Which of the following is true of applying scholarly theory to our specific writing steps?
It is important, but not in an applicable way to our actual writing; instead, it helps us sound smart in a group of people because we can discuss Aristotelian theory.
It is important because Aristotle is really old, which means he’s been through some things.
It is important because while we may know the basics of argument, we also must learn to plug any holes in the argument, appeal to the reader in multiple ways, and make certain we are firmly backing and proving our assertions.
It is unimportant; once we learn to come up with arguments and opposition and research, we can write a strong argument.
In the following sentence, you must choose between Toulmin and Aristotle. Use the drop-down item within the sentence and select the scholar that best fits with the information in the sentence.
The scholar who names “argumentative appeals” like logos, ethos, pathos, and kairos is .
True or False: The Toulmin Model names several components of a good argument, and some of those include “Claim,” “Warrant,” and “Grounds.”
True or False: The Toulmin Model’s six stages must be completed in order, one at a time, with separate sections in your essay for each stage.
For each statement below, please select “Claim” if the statement is a claim and select “Grounds” if the statement provides grounds.
Claim Grounds
For every acre of grass, thousands of gallons of water are needed every summer.
When an entire town switches to yards filled with native flowers and grasses, the bee population increases by 400% over the first two years.
All house and apartment rentals should be required to be rent-to-own with no interest.
60% of families with two incomes struggle to achieve home ownership.
Cities that require non-grass yards for all residents should be offered government grants.
Interest rates are very high.
For each Toulmin component on the left, match it with the correct example on the right.
Warrant While many feel the responsibility should be only on parents, and while this seems logical, this stance does nothing to put more food in children’s mouths.
Backing In cities with a population larger than 500,000, at least 3% of children regularly go at least one day a week without food.
Qualifier No child should go days without food.
Rebuttal Some neighborhoods can benefit greatly from a service that can reach most children in the area.
Read the six statements about logos and ethos below. For a statement that is false, select “False.” For a true statement, select “True.”
True False
If you have had a particular disease, your personal experiences provide powerful ethos in an argument essay about the disease.
If an author is an expert and has many degrees, no other ethos needs to be established by the author.
Good ethos requires several factors that come together to make a writer credible: good writing, current scholarly sources from differing viewpoints, and the ability to discuss those sources intelligently.
Logos means logic; logic refers to drawing connections between ideas to better convince your reader.
While applying logos in your argument essay, you might start with two commonly accepted facts, adding your argument that those facts logically lead to: If “a” and “b,” then “c.”
When applying logos in your argument essay, it’s a good idea to simply state the published facts and allow your reader to figure out what logic you’re attempting to convey.
For each statement below, please use the drop-down item to indicate whether the statement represents kairos or pathos.
1. Feral cats actually do suffer in the winter months, from frostbite to losing their kittens to hypothermia.
2. One solution for the current flooding at Yellowstone National Park would be to utilize the National Guard.
3. Because of the massive increase in the feral cat population in this city in the past two years, an official committee should be formed to identify appropriate action.
4. During natural disasters, animals are often separated from their parents and often do not thrive.
Which of the following is true of applying scholarly theory to our specific writing steps?
We must learn to plug any holes in our argument, appeal to the reader in multiple ways, and make certain we are firmly backing and proving our assertions.
It is unimportant.
Aristotle is really old, which means he’s been through some things.
It helps us sound smart in a group of people because we can discuss Aristotelian theory.
In the following sentence, you must choose between Toulmin and Aristotle. Use the drop-down item within the sentence and select the scholar that best fits with the information in the sentence.
The scholar who promotes approaching argument with the six components of Claim, Grounds, Warrant, Backing, Qualifier, and Rebuttal is .
True or False: The Toulmin Model’s six stages must be completed in order, one at a time, with separate sections in your essay for each stage.
For each statement below, please select “Claim” if the statement is a claim and select “Grounds” if the statement provides grounds. Hint: 2 are claims, and the other 4 are grounds.
Claim Grounds
40% of pet owners are unprepared to meet the needs of a pet.
Veterinarians should legally have the right to decide if a person is a competent pet owner.
Most crimes of all types are committed by people between the ages of 18 and 21.
High school and the designation of “minor” should both be extended to the age of 21.
Science shows that the brain is still lacking in the development people need to make responsible decisions at age 18 23% of adopted pets are returned to the shelter within the year.
For each Toulmin component on the left, match it with the correct example on the right. Each component will match one example.
Warrant While some education experts feel that elementary children should attend only four days a week, and while there are clear benefits to this, a four-day school week must be paired with a four-day workweek to prevent family disruption.
Backing Parents who work five days per week but whose children attend school on four days report a 23% higher stress rate than parents whose children attend school on the same days the parents are at work.
Qualifier Some districts might run a trial to see how a four-day workweek and a four-day school week, when combined, could improve work/school success and family happiness and cohesion.
Rebuttal Life runs more smoothly when parents and children have steady, comparable schedules.
For each statement below, please use the drop-down item to indicate whether the statement represents kairos or pathos. Hint: 2 are kairos and 2 are pathos.
1. Global inflation is causing people to consider changes to their financial habits.
2. Children grow up to be happier, more creative, kinder, and more open-minded humans when we simplify our lives.
3. We really have no control over our rights as human beings or when any of our rights might be suddenly stripped away.
4. Discussions over term limits for government officials are much more common now, in light of recent policies.
True or False: The Toulmin Model names several components of a good argument, and some of those include “Introduction,” “Body Paragraph,” “Conclusion,” and “References List.”
Read the six statements a writer might make about logos and ethos below. For a statement that is not good, select “Not Good.” For a good statement, select “Good.” Hint: 3 are “Good” and 3 are “Not Good.”
Good Not Good
I will use logos by drawing connections in a reasonable way between ideas to better convince my reader.
My approach to using logos in my argument will be to simply state the published facts and allow my reader to figure out what logic I am attempting to convey.
I had West Nile Virus; therefore, I will write extensively about my personal experiences; in this way, I will establish all the ethos needed in my argument essay about West Nile Virus.
When I use logos, I will start with two commonly accepted facts, adding my argument: If “a” and “b,” then “c.”
I found a source written by a person with two doctoral degrees; that’s all I need to know to declare that this source has all the ethos it needs.
I can establish ethos as a writer through clear and meaningful writing, current scholarly sources from differing viewpoints, and a reasonable discussion of those sources and how they prove my points.
In each sentence below, select a correct descriptive word to describe the way of using a source.
When we use the exact words from a source without changing them, we are
a source.
When we use a section of information, retain its general length, but completely reword the information, we are
a source.
When we condense a large amount of information into a very brief overview, we are
a source.
Which is the best way to paraphrase a passage from a source and avoid plagiarism?
Change a couple of words in the passage.
Save your essay in an odd file type that Turnitin plagiarism detection software cannot read.
Don’t change any words; just use in-text citations and it’s all good.
Completely rephrase the passage into your own language without using the source’s words.
True or False: When quoting from a source, you will use exact words from a source, place quotation marks around the exact words from the source, and cite and reference the source.
Which statement correctly defines summary?
Summaries are the exact same length as the item being summarized.
Summaries are brief overviews of larger pieces of text.
Citations are not at all required when summaries are created.
Summaries must be enclosed in quotation marks because they are the exact words of the author.
Review the following passage from a scholarly journal article. Then, next to each paraphrase attempt, choose either “Good” or “Poor,” depending on whether the paraphrase is done well or not.
“In all, greater accountability is needed for political leaders given the large platform they can use to potentially mobilize for violent action” (Nugent et al., 2021, p. 255).
Nugent, W. R., Abrams, T. E., & Joseph, A. A. (2021). The relationship between violent political rhetoric and mass shootings. Journal of Social Service Research, 48(2), 246–258. https://doi.org/10.1080/01488376.2021.2018089
Good Poor
Nugent and his gang want to kill free speech.
According to Nugent et al. (2021), leaders in government have big audiences and therefore should be limited in making comments that result in harmful action.
In fact, Nugent et al. feel that it is even more important to hold government officials responsible for the harm their followers do in response to their words (2021).
According to social service writers, “In all, greater accountability is needed for political leaders given the large platform they can use to potentially mobilize for violent action.”
According to Nugent et al. (2021), political leaders have a large platform, which means they can mobilize people to act with violence.
Please review the following reasons one might choose to quote instead of paraphrase. If the statement is correct, please select “Correct.” If the statement is incorrect, please select “Incorrect.”
Correct Incorrect
The author is so well known as an authority that capturing some of the author’s exact words makes your own writing stronger.
A passage is six lines long, and you don’t feel like trying to pick out the important stuff to paraphrase or quote, so you just quote it all.
A portion of a passage or a line of poetry sharply illustrates a powerful idea in your argument.
You should never choose to quote; quoting is always plagiarism.
An idea is expressed in such a powerful way that capturing those words is important and influences the reader.
True or False: If a passage that supports a point in your essay is six lines long, the best approach is to just copy and paste all six lines, place quotation marks around the whole thing, then move on. No citation is needed if you use quotation marks.
Which example uses a signal phrase properly to indicate a shift from the student’s voice to the source author’s voice?
“Dogs are canines.” I agree.
Animals are in different categories. “Cats are felines.” People aren’t in different categories.
Dogs and cats are, according to Randall and Francis (2023), “quite unique in their affection for humans” (p. 34).
Randall and Francis are the authors. Cats and dogs are the subject.
In each sentence below, please use the drop-down menu to select the correct type of source to use that is being described.
When we use the exact words from a source without changing them, we are a source.
When we use a section of information, retain its general length, but completely reword the information, we are a source.
When we condense a large amount of information into a very brief overview, we are a source.
Which statement correctly explains summary?
Summaries are brief overviews of larger pieces of text.
Summaries are the exact same length as the item being summarized
Summaries must be enclosed in quotation marks because they are the exact words of the author.
Citations are not at all required when summaries are created.
Review the following passage from a scholarly journal article. Then, next to each paraphrase attempt, choose either “Good” or “Poor,” depending on whether the paraphrase is done well or not. Hint: Two are good, and three are poor.
“In all, greater accountability is needed for political leaders given the large platform they can use to potentially mobilize for violent action” (Nugent et al., 2021, p. 255).
Nugent, W. R., Abrams, T. E., & Joseph, A. A. (2021). The relationship between violent political rhetoric and mass shootings. Journal of Social Service Research, 48(2), 246-258. https://doi.org/10.1080/01488376.2021.2018089
Good Poor
In fact, Nugent et al. feel that it is even more important to hold government officials responsible for the harm their followers do in response to their words (2021).
According to social service writers, “In all, greater accountability is needed for political leaders given the large platform they can use to potentially mobilize for violent action” (Nugent et al., 2021, p. 255).
According to Nugent et al. (2021), political leaders have a large platform, which means they can mobilize people to act with violence.
Nugent and his gang want to kill free speech.
According to Nugent et al. (2021), leaders in government have big audiences and therefore should be limited in making comments that result in harmful action.
Please review the following reasons one might choose to quote instead of paraphrase. If the statement is correct, please select “Correct.” If the statement is incorrect, please select “Incorrect.” Hint: Three are correct, and two are incorrect.
Correct Incorrect
A portion of a passage or a line of poetry sharply illustrates a powerful idea in your argument.
You should never choose to quote; quoting is always plagiarism.
An idea is expressed in such a powerful way that capturing those words is important and influence the reader.
The author is so well known as an authority that capturing some of the author’s exact words makes your own writing stronger.
A passage is six lines long, and you don’t feel like trying to pick out the important stuff to paraphrase or quote, so you just quote it all.
True or False: If a passage that supports a point in your essay is six lines long, the best approach is to just copy and paste all six lines, place quotation marks around the whole thing, then move on. No citation is needed if you use quotation marks.
Which of the following uses a signal phrase properly to indicate a shift from the student’s voice to the source author’s voice?
Randall and Francis are the authors. Cats and dogs are the subject.
Animals are in different categories. “Cats are felines.” People aren’t in different categories.
“Dogs are canines.” I agree.
Dogs and cats are, according to Randall and Francis (2023), “quite unique in their affection for humans” (p. 34).
Which of the following is the best way to paraphrase a passage from a source and avoid plagiarism?
Save your essay in an odd file type that Turnitin plagiarism detection software cannot read.
Change a couple of words in the passage.
Completely rephrase the passage into your own language without using the source’s words.
Don’t change any words; just use in-text citation and it’s all good.
True or False: When quoting from a source, you will change a few words, write the passage in your paper, and not cite it.