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ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 1 Quiz

True or False: A research essay is defined as an essay that is compiled mostly from source information placed into paragraphs.



True or False: When we paraphrase, we take sentences directly from a source and change a few words.



True or False: An annotated bibliography occurs when you turn to your source’s last page, where your source has listed their sources, and you make marks on their references that will help you.



Here are some beliefs a student might have about writing research essays. Two of these are incorrect; for those two, please select “incorrect” beside them. Three of these are correct; for those three, please select “correct” beside them. Remember: 3 are correct and 2 are incorrect.

 My research paper will be about my ideas (my thesis, my main ideas, my logic), with research used as just one kind of support.              

I have no valuable ideas; therefore, I must rely on sources for all of the important parts of my research essay, including the thesis and all of my main points.       

Before I begin researching, I must develop my own topic and main ideas, as well as my own support, and I must prepare a plan for how all of that will be structured in my essay.  

My research paper’s body paragraphs will be written in my voice.              

Any research I can find, regardless of when it was written, who wrote it, and where I get it, is good research as long as it has something to do with my thesis statement in some way.     incorrect

Which of the following is a good step to take while you are performing research?

 When you create an annotated bibliography, include every single source you’ve even glanced at, which will probably be at least 100 sources, and just write the title and a one-sentence summary of each.

 If you find an idea you like, just jot it down and move on without writing anything about the source or placing quotation marks around any exact words from the source.

 If you find a source you think you may use, write down all of the information about it that you will need to reference, cite, and locate it again, and if you record any passages from the source, quote them exactly so that you can decide later how to use them. This will help you avoid plagiarism.

 If you find a good source, you can copy the source’s overall thesis, main ideas, and supporting details as your own thesis, main ideas, and supporting details for your entire essay.

Please choose the statement that is true of research writing.

 Attribution is not really necessary and is far overrated; it’s better if the reader thinks you’re a genius; never give credit to anyone else for researched ideas. Like your cousin always said, “finders keepers.”

 You should always use I when stating an opinion or noting what your essay is about. For example, it is very good to say, “In this essay, I will show you why I believe that, in my opinion, cars are fun.”

 Any information that did not come from your own brain—information you had to research to find—must always be attributed to the source.

 When you use a source, the more extreme the verb, the better. Some examples include: “Smith screamed,” “Jones whined,” and “Rodriguez whispered.”

True or False: The balance in a research essay body paragraph should always be weighted toward you and your voice, not toward your sources.



Please read through the four following statements carefully. Two of these are good advice for writing the parts of a research essay and using sources. Two of these are bad advice. Please select “Good” next to the two pieces of good advice. Please select “Bad” next to the two pieces of bad advice. Remember: 2 are good, and 2 are bad.

To avoid plagiarism, a paraphrase should be an exact copy of the source’s sentences, with just a word or two changed.               

While the structure of most essay introductions is attention-grabber, background information, and thesis, the introduction paragraph of a research essay is completely different and should be nothing but one paragraph-long quote— no thesis of your own, nothing but the paragraph-long quote.   

To avoid plagiarism, a paraphrase should include the basic ideas and/or information from the original but should be completely rephrased into your wording.                

The structure of a conclusion paragraph in a research essay is the same as a conclusion paragraph for any essay: a restatement of the overall main point of the essay in an original way, and something to leave your reader thinking powerfully about your essay.       Good

Please choose the statement that is true of research writing.

 Attribution (giving credit to a source) is never necessary; in fact, it’s better if the reader thinks you’re a genius; never give credit to anyone else for researched ideas. Like your cousin always said, “finders keepers.”

 You should always use I when stating an opinion or noting what your essay is about. For example, it is very good to say, “In this essay, I will show you why I believe that, in my opinion, cars are fun.”

 Attribution verbs should be extreme and indicate the sound of a voice. Some examples include: “Smith screamed,” “Jones whined,” and “Rodriguez whispered.”

 You must attribute to a source any information that did not come from your own brain, any information you had to research to find.

True or False: As long as a source is published in a periodical, like a magazine, journal, or newspaper, it is considered scholarly.




Which of the following describes purposeful research?

 You have been given the assignment for your essay but cannot think of a topic. So, you go to the library and search for a source you can base your topic and much of your essay on.

 Purposeful research means that instead of accidentally finding sources, you deliberately search for them.

 You have developed your paper topic on your own, and you have performed brainstorming and planning to (on your own) develop your essay’s main points, support, and thesis. Now, you go to the library to find sources that address your points and support and that support your stance and opposing viewpoints.

 You have seen many opinions on your topic on blogs and on social media. So, you go to the internet and start searching for opinions about your topic that you can use.

True or False: If you search in the university library, you can narrow your search to scholarly sources only.



If you perform research too soon, what might happen?

 This is not a good idea; researching too soon will cause you to lose your voice as the author of your paper and could make your paper about the sources and not about your purpose.

 Researching too soon is good because your sources can write your paper and you don’t have to.

 There is no such thing as researching too soon. A research paper means you research and then patch your research together to make your essay.

 Researching too soon is good because you can simply choose to agree with the people who make good points; that way, you don’t have to think about what your opinion really is.

Which of the following types of sources is considered scholarly?

 A website that ends in .com and that is trying to sell a particular medication to the public.

 An article in a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal.

 A list of concepts your instructor hands you to help you study for a test.

 An article in a popular magazine like Good Housekeeping.

Review the following actions one might take while performing library research. Two are things you should do and two are things you should avoid. Please select “Do This” next to the two actions that are good and “Avoid This” next to the two actions you should avoid. Remember: 2 are “Do This” and 2 are “Avoid This.”

Do This Avoid This

Use multiple synonyms; often, a similar idea will produce results that will apply to your points, even if they aren’t exact.   

 Give up if your first search results in far too many results or far too few results.  

 Have a specific purpose in mind for each search: to explore a particular main idea for a paragraph that you’ve already generated or to look more closely at the support you’ve already developed.          

 Use only one search term; do not brainstorm for multiple search terms or approaches.   

 Which of the following are effective ways to narrow your library search to the best scholarly items?

 Narrow to peer-reviewed journals.

 Narrow by choosing just one year from the distant past, like 1877.

 Narrow by looking at the “subjects” list and clicking on the oddest subject with the fewest results, even if the subject is far off-base for your purposes.

 Narrow by selecting “newspapers only” under “source type.”

True or False: All sources with authors are scholarly.



What could happen if you begin researching too soon?

 Researching too soon is good because you can simply choose to agree with the people who make good points; that way, you don’t have to think about what your opinion really is.

 There is no such thing as researching too soon. A research paper means you research and then patch your research together to make your essay.

 This is not a good idea; researching too soon will cause you to lose your voice as the author of your paper and could make your paper about the sources and not about your purpose.

 Researching too soon is good because your sources can write your paper and you don’t have to.

True or False: All websites are considered to be scholarly.



What makes research purposeful?

 Research is purposeful when you, instead of accidentally finding sources, deliberately search for them.

 Research is purposeful when you have seen many opinions on your topic on blogs and on social media. So, you go to the internet and start searching for opinions about your topic that you can use.

 Research is purposeful when you have developed your paper topic on your own, and you have performed brainstorming and planning to (on your own) develop your essay’s main points, support, and thesis. Then, you go to the library to find sources that address your points and support and that support your stance and opposing viewpoints.

 Research is purposeful when you have been given the assignment for your essay but cannot think of a topic. So, you go to the library and search for a source you can base your topic and much of your essay on.

One of the following types of sources is considered scholarly. Please choose the correct answer.

 A website that ends in .com and that is trying to sell a particular medication to the public is considered scholarly.

 An article in a popular magazine like Good Housekeeping is scholarly.

 An article in a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal will be considered a scholarly source.

 A list of concepts your instructor hands you to help you study for a test would be a scholarly source.

Take a look at the following statements regarding library searches for relevant, scholarly sources. Two are good and two are bad. Please select “Good” next to the 2 good actions and “Bad” next to the 2 bad options. Remember: 2 are good and 2 are bad.

Good     Bad

You should use only one search term; do not brainstorm for multiple search terms or approaches.              

 You should try out multiple synonyms; often, a similar idea will produce results that will apply to your points, even if they aren’t exact.            

 You should have a specific purpose in mind for each search: to explore a particular main idea for a paragraph that you’ve already generated or to look more closely at the support you’ve already developed.            

 You should give up if your first search results in far too many results or far too few results.            

 True or False: Every single source that refers to any other source is 100% scholarly.



After you have a huge list of results, which of the following is a best practice for narrowing while still keeping the best, most relevant, scholarly sources?

 Narrow by selecting “peer-reviewed journals.”

 Narrow by selecting “videos only” under “source type.”

 Narrow by looking at the “language” list and choose only “German.” Whether you speak German or not, you will at least have far fewer sources and can make up what the source is saying to best prove your thesis.

 Narrow by purposefully misspelling a search term; that ought to get rid of most of the sources.

True or False: As long as you are searching in the university library, you do not need to narrow your search at all. Every single item in the university library is 100%, without a doubt, a scholarly source.



True or False: It is okay to copy and paste from the internet without citing your source since internet sources are common knowledge.



Plagiarism is defined as:

 using your own thoughts and ideas.

 using brainstorming to decide how you will perform your research.

 using proper citation and referencing.

 not acknowledging the sources you developed your ideas from.

True or False: It is okay to not use quotation marks as long as you use in-text citations properly.



Which three examples demonstrate intentional plagiarism?

 Copying and pasting with quotes and citations

 Using more sources than your own words to develop your essay without citing them

 Passing off work as your own that you did not create

 Using a statement you found on Facebook to support your topic

 Using a theory as your own that is someone else’s

Which are the three examples of unintentional plagiarism?

 Forgetting a citation

 Trying to rewrite in your own words without citation

 Citing an author’s exact words properly

 Paraphrasing another work with citation

 Not putting quotation marks around a quotation

What is one difference between a summary and a paraphrase?

 There is no difference.

 A summary is longer.

 A summary is shorter.

 Summary does not address the main points.

True or False: You need to use and cite all the sources you write down when doing preliminary research.



How do paraphrasing and summarizing differ?

 A summary states word for word what the original author said.

 A paraphrase changes some of the words from the original work by using a thesaurus to retain the original structure.

 A summary rewords and condenses the original work while paraphrasing rewords but maintains the source’s length.

 A summary does not need to be cited, while a paraphrase does.

Original statement:

Most people want to go out to celebrate their birthday. They like to go out to dinner, maybe go to a club, or go see a movie. As an introvert, I like to stay home and order Chinese takeout and watch a movie on TV. Most people think I am weird, but going out makes me anxious and stressed out. So, why wouldn’t I do what makes me happy on my birthday?


Most people want to go out to celebrate their birthday.

True or False: This is an example of a good summary.



True or False: You can change a few words in a passage and replace them with your own, and you do not need to cite it.



True or False: Texts like Homer’s Iliad or the Bible do not need referencing, since they are ancient and are not covered by copyright laws.



Original paragraph:

“Riding horses is a fun activity if you like animals and like being outdoors. Most people do not realize that riding horses actually takes a lot of physical activity. While riding, you need to keep your heels pressed down and be slightly lifted, so you do not bounce around in the saddle. This is a great workout for your calf and thigh muscles, and that is just when you are walking. When you canter your horse, you have to engage your core muscles to obtain that gliding effect seen in movies. Learning to ride a horse properly is important in order to not only avoid being sore after riding, but also to avoid severe injury.”

Which is a good summary of the above paragraph?

 Horseback riding is fun.

 Horses are dangerous.

 Horseback riding can be painful.

 Horseback riding is a great workout for your calves, thighs, and core muscles and can be fun.

“If you want to travel throughout the United States with animals, you may want to think about traveling in an RV.”

Which is a good paraphrase of the above statement?

 Traveling with animals is fun.

 Summer is a great time to travel.

 Animals love traveling.

 You can travel in an RV to see the United States and take your pets.

True or False: You never need to cite a paraphrase since you put the information in your own words.



Which one of the following describes an example of plagiarism?

 Buying essays online and submitting an essay you did not write

 Writing your own response to an exam question

 Using examples from your own life and experiences

 Using in-text citations and end referencing every time you paraphrase or quote

Original statement:

“Many schools have banned peanuts from schools due to the high level of severe peanut allergies amongst students. They found having peanut free tables during lunch was not effective and demoralizing to the students because they were singled out.”

Which is a good example of a paraphrase of the above statement?

 Banning peanuts in schools was the only option for keeping students with severe peanut allergies safe and not identifying them to the other students.

 Banning peanuts from school is not fair to the students that do not have peanut allergies.

 Peanuts are a great source of protein and taste good.

 Schools banned peanuts due to allergies instead of having special tables.


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