ENG Week 4 DQR
Responding to Others
? Ask for clarification about why the student chose the role he/she did.
? Provide additional evidence for that role or another one.
? Try using one of these roles (skeptic, reflector, validator, or extender) in your responses.
Ryan Trussell
I agree with many of the author’s points on why students plagiarize. Allison Berryhill points out that when students see literature work from someone more experienced, they evolve as a writer within moments. With these students having little knowledge in writing, spotting words they would not use is not a hard task. Berryhill also brings up the student?s perception value of the assignment. If the scholar does not consider the task to be worth their time, they will use a passage, directly from the source, to answer. With lack of care, the students will blame it on not having enough useful material. Students missing lessons hinder their ability to improve and learn helpful skills. It is very important to re-engage with students to make sure all barriers are evaluated and crossed. Some are so quick to react off the first google search, then their own knowledge. Even when paraphrasing, credit still has to be given to the primary source. Being confident in your ability to create, increases the brains productivity.
Bruna Bush
Class and professor,
The teacher has strong arguments on why students cheat and plagiarize, but I disagree with some points of the article. Allison Berryhill says “Plagiarism frustrates me not only because it is cheating but also because it makes me feel as though my teaching has fallen short.”, which in my opinion, makes her sound like a victim of her own doing. The teacher is human, so perfection should not be expected, not even from herself, and it is impossible to please or even connect with every student in order to make them commit to something that does not seem appealing.
Berryhill then says “Was this assignment the best way to teach these skills? Upon reflection, offering a mini-lesson on summary would have turned the rote part of this assignment into an opportunity for refining a valuable skill.”, where she recognizes that a better approach could have been used, showing that even a teacher has something more to learn, even though I would not call it “falling short”. It can be very challenging trying to help someone that does not want to be helped, that being in a school setting or when dealing with physical and mental health, or even for people with addiction problems, which leads to the next point of the article that I disagree with, where the teacher decided not to move forward with the disciplinary actions that the school has in place for plagiarism and gave the student half credit for his paper.
If a person decides to rob a bank because they saw a movie on it, and although they have a very well thought master plan behind it, they end up getting caught, do you think they would receive half the penalty due to ingenuity?
It is okay to give second chances, but in this case, is it showing the student that they can get away with cheating or giving them just a slap on the wrist and saying good job overall?

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