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ENC1101 English Composition
Module 01 Written Assignment – Diagnostic Writing Sample, Part 1
To improve your writing skills, first you have to identify areas that you need to work on in order to make yourself a better writer. Over the first two modules, you will work on a short writing sample that you will share with your course faculty member so that he or she can identify areas for development in your writing.
For this assignment:
Click the link that follows to download a list of six linked articles from the Online Library. Select and read one of the articles.
Diagnostic Writing Sample Articles
In a Word document:
Type the article’s title and the name of the article’s author.
Write a one sentence summary of the article’s main idea.
Diagnostic Writing Sample Articles
Select and read one of the six linked articles from the Online Library.Save the article on your computer in HTML or PDF format. Be sure to save it where you can find it again later.
The links below take you to the abstract of the article with links to the full-text versions. Please view and read the complete articles.
Clem, C. (2010). You’ve got jail. American Jails, 24(5), 9-17. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
Keengwe, J., & Onchwari, G. (2009). Technology and early childhood cducation: A technology integration professional development model for practicing teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(3), 209-218. doi:10.1007/s10643-009-0341-0
•             Article Link
Koontz, A. M., Mallory, J. L., Burns, J. A., & Chapman, S. (2010). Staff nurses and students: The good, the bad, and the ugly. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(4), 240-245. Retrieved from
•             Article link
Papp, R. (2010). Virtual worlds and social networking: Reaching the Millennials. Journal of Technology Research, 21-15. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
Piore, A. (2010). The bionic man. Discover, 31(9), 50-57. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
Vandenbark, R. (2010). Tending a wild garden: Library web design for persons with disabilities. Information Technology & Libraries, 29(1), 23-29. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
ENC1101 English Composition
Module 02 Written Assignment – Diagnostic Writing Sample, Part 2
Previously you selected an article from this list.You also submitted a one sentence summary of the article.
For this assignment, write a summary paragraph about your chosen article. The summary should include:
An introductory sentence that identifies the title of the article, who wrote it, and the main idea of the article.
At least 3-5 body sentences that identify supporting details and any questions the article left unanswered.
A sentence that comments on the effectiveness of the article’s conclusion.
A concluding sentence that restates the main idea and provides closure for the paragraph.
An APA style citation for the article. For more information on APA, click on the Resources tab in this course.
Use of appropriate, standard grammar and mechanics, as well as careful proofing. The final product should be relatively error-free.
Diagnostic Writing Sample Articles
Select and read one of the six linked articles from the Online Library.Save the article on your computer in HTML or PDF format. Be sure to save it where you can find it again later.
The links below take you to the abstract of the article with links to the full-text versions. Please view and read the complete articles.
Clem, C. (2010). You’ve got jail. American Jails, 24(5), 9-17. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
Keengwe, J., & Onchwari, G. (2009). Technology and early childhood cducation: A technology integration professional development model for practicing teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(3), 209-218. doi:10.1007/s10643-009-0341-0
•             Article Link
Koontz, A. M., Mallory, J. L., Burns, J. A., & Chapman, S. (2010). Staff nurses and students: The good, the bad, and the ugly. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(4), 240-245. Retrieved from
•             Article link
Papp, R. (2010). Virtual worlds and social networking: Reaching the Millennials. Journal of Technology Research, 21-15. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
Piore, A. (2010). The bionic man. Discover, 31(9), 50-57. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
Vandenbark, R. (2010). Tending a wild garden: Library web design for persons with disabilities. Information Technology & Libraries, 29(1), 23-29. Retrieved from
•             Article Link
ENC1101 English Composition
Module 03 Written Assignment – Annotated Bibliography
It probably feels like we just started our learning in this class, but this week we’re going to begin planning for our final paper. To begin, start thinking about a topic for our final persuasive essay. You learned about persuasive writing during this week’s lecture – and we’ll get into more details about the essay in the coming weeks – but for now, let’s focus on two areas:
Select a topic for this essay about which you are passionate. Click on the link for a list of approved topics.
Persuasive Topics
Here are the approved topics for the persuasive essay. You do not have to select one from your own program of study, but if you select a topic that is not on the list, you must first get approval from your course faculty member.
Health Sciences and Nursing
•             Healthcare as a right or privilege
•             Mandatory or voluntary vaccines
•             Electronic medical records versus paper records
•             Diversity awarenessin healthcare – mandatory or voluntary
Tech and Design
•             Ethical responsibility for video game content – yes or no
•             Video games do/do not reinforce stereotypes.
•             Marketing of videogames should/should not be subject toparental control
•             Websites and hypertext transfer protocols
Criminal Justice
•             Interpreters in court do/do not influence verdicts and sentencing
•             Mandatory sentencing is/is not a deterrent for certain crimes
•             Privatizing prisons will/will not make the system more efficient
•             Single parents homes do/do not cause higher crime rates
•             Race helps/does not help incommunity policing
•             Homechildcare is/is not a viable alternative to day care
•             Pre-school should/should not be mandatory
•             Breastfeeding is/is not better for mothers and children
•             Standardized testing should/should not take place in kindergarten
•             Business and personal ethics should/should not converge
•             Diversity awareness is/is not mandatory for success in business
•             The Global Economy is/is not the basis for business expansion
•             Marketing to children is/is not ethical
Locate five sources that will be helpful in the research of your final paper. You’re going to submit these sources in the form of an annotated bibliography. “Annotation” is another word for “notes.” Using APA formatting, write the name of the source. Directly below the source, write an annotation of approximately 100-125 words. In the following links you will find some examples of annotated bibliographies.
Here are some resources for an annotated bibliography:
Rasmussen Guides
Annotated Bibliography Guide
ENC1101 English Composition
Module 04 Written Assignment – Persuasive Paper, First Draft
Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive essay will be written in two parts: a first draft due this week and a final draft due in week 6. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length.
As you prepare, here are a few reminders for this week’s draft:
In week 3 you posted a thesis for peer review. Use the revised thesis, based on your classmates’ and teacher’s feedback as the basis for your persuasive paper.
Use your sources to support your thesis. Research and prepare the passages you will consider using. Remember to review methods of paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotations.
Prepare the body paragraphs by deciding where to place supporting information. Remember, each paragraph of the paper should act to build the momentum of the argument.
Apply pathos, logos, and ethos whenever possible.
Finally, remember that it’s okay if your ideas, opinions, or sources change during process of writing this paper. Writing makes us think, and it’s fine – even beneficial – to have our thoughts change as we express them on paper.
ENC1101 English Composition
Module 06 Written Assignment – Persuasive Paper, Final Draft
It’s time to submit the final draft of your persuasive essay. At this point, your course faculty member has returned to you the graded first draft of the assignment, as well as, some insightful feedback.
For this assignment, consider all the feedback you’ve received on your first draft, including from last week’s Online+ session, and submit your 3-4 page persuasive essay based on the following criteria:
An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.
Three body paragraphs that each focus on a separate major detail.
A summary paragraph that summarizes your main ideas and puts a bow on the essay.
Your reference page will list all of your sources in APA style.
Additionally, be sure to proof your essay draft carefully for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
Applied revision and editing strategies to strengthen the essay.

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