14 American Nurse Today Volume 5, Number 9 www.AmericanNurseToday.com
doubt what your poster is about. Generally, postersare read from leO to right; organize the contentwith this in mind. When possible, lead the viewerthrough the logical Sow using bold take-homepoints or arrows.
• Use a visual image. People retain visual imageslonger than the wriWen word, so aim for at least one
Most professional meeting agendas set aside speciYctimes for poster presentations. Many organizations o3ercontinuing education credit for poster session aWen- dance. Beaware that if your poster is accepted at aconference, a presenter familiar with the project or re- search isexpected to be available during poster ses- sions to answerquestions.
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A networking oppo^unityPoster presentations are excellent oppo^unities notjust to showcase your work but also to network withcolleagues who have similar interests. E3ective pre- sentersintroduce themselves to aWendees and “walk”them through their poster, oOen adding informationthat they think will interest them. Some aWendeesmay want to take the information back to their or- ganizations,so consider having handouts availableto distribute at the conference. Also, bring your busi- ness cards orwriWen contact information to give to
From poster to a^icle?Interest in your poster by conference aWendees may in- spire youto take the next step—turning it into an a^i- cle. OOen, journaleditors aWend specialty conferences
and visit poster exhibits. This can be a good oppo^u- nity to querythem about their journals’ potential inter- est in your topic.
Presenting a poster is a chance to learn from at- tendees aboutaspects of your work that pa^icularlyresonate with your audience. This can give you abeWer idea of how to present your work in a journala^icle to ensure it’s informative and interestingand provides clear implications for the nursing pro- fession.
Poster sessions have become an impo^ant pa^ ofmost professional conferences and are an excellentway for presenters to share their work. Enjoy the expe- rience ofproudly standing next to your poster and dis- cussing your work withinterested colleagues. ✯
SelectedreferencesBlakesley D, Brizee A. Designing research posters. Purdue UniversityWriting Lab. 2008. hWp://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20080626013023_727.pdf. Accessed July 20, 2010.Briggs DJ. A practical guide to designing posters forpresentation.Nurs Stand. 2009;23(34):35-39.Halligan P. Poster presentations: valuing all forms of evidence. NurseEduc Pract. 2008;8n41-45.Keely BR. Planning and creating e3ective scientiYc posters. JContinEduc Nurs. 2004;35(4):182-185.Moore LW, Augspurger P, King MO, ProrW C. Insights on the posterpresentation and presentation process. Appl Nurs Res.2001;14(2):100-104.Sherman RO. Writing abstracts for podium and posterpresentations.In: Saver C. ed. Anatomy of Writing for Publication for Nurses.Indi- anapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2011.University of Bu3alo Libraries. Poster presentations: designinge3ec- tive posters.hWp://library.bu3alo.edu/asl/guides/bio/posters.html.Accessed July 20,2010.Rose O.Sherman is director of the Nursing LeadershipInstituteand associateprofessor of nursing at theChristineE.Lynn College of NursingatFlorida AtlanticUniversityin Boca Raton.Shecan bereached [email protected].
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