Instructions: Please answer each question in writing in a PDF or MS Word file -where the page layout must be a 1-inch on four sides with a 12pt-font size Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri type. Also, it is best to utilize both quantitative and qualitative analyses in a page answer for each question. For example, statistics for human and economic development achievements can be used to back up your viewpoint that is based on facts, principles, theory,and concepts found in your textbook Economic Developmentby Todaro & Smith. 13th Edition, 2020. Publisher: Pearson—–
Question 1 (Chapter 1)How is happiness related to development?
Question 2 (Chapter 1)What are the most important characteristics that have shaped Brazils economic and social progress during the last three decades?
Question 3 (Chapter 2)What are some of the main ways in which the economies of developing countries differ from one another?
Question 4 (Chapter 2)Explain why purchasing power parity measures of income levels tend to show a smaller difference between poor and rich countries
.Question 5 (Chapter 3)Why is the debate between the international dependence and the neoclassical counter-revolution schools referred to as finger pointing?
Question 6 (Chapter 3)During the past decade, India has invested about 22% of its GDP while Chinas investment rate has been double that of Indias. Indias annual growth rate has been about 6% while that of China has been about 9%. What conclusions can you draw?
Question 7 (chapter 4)What three factors distinguish models of endogenous growth from their neoclassical counterparts?How do they contribute to a countrys success in transformation from developing to developedeconomic status -in a global pecking order?Suggestion: Pick a former less developed economy and apply your analysis to it.
Question 8(Chapter 4)What is meant by the term technological spillover?Suggestion: Pick a technology (i.e. telecommunication, computer, electricity,car making, financial innovations, etc.)that helps the markets and the economy and contributes to economic development. Explain how it spills over and how it helps the society.
Question 9(Dr. Thai Nguyen)How do you explain why some countries are rich, other are poor? Suggestion: Pick a developing economy and focus on statistics to illuminate your reason(s).Question
10(Dr. Thai Nguyen)Explain why some developing countries such as Cuba and Vietnam scored relatively high in HDI standings in the world with their respective index in between 0.700 and 0.799. Note that both have a lower PPP-adjusted per-capita income -than other very high HDI societies such as the US or Japan.Suggestion: Pick a developing economy and focus on statistics to illuminate your reason(s)-by using the three dimensionsofthe HDI as topics for your analysis.

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