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NUR 4775 ~ Applications in Evidence-Based Practice for BSNs
Ch. 3 & 4: Research Evidence & Ethical Issues Discussion
Two models that have been used to implement evidence-based guidelines in clinical settings include Stetler Model & the Iowa Model. The Stetler Model provides a framework to facilitate the use of research evidence in practice for individual nurses/healthcare institutions. The Iowa Model provides direction for the development of an EBP in a clinical agency with a built-in focus toward informing quality improvement. (Nieswiadomy & Baily,2018, pg.33).
We will be exploring these two models ~ but don’t be afraid to explore modifying these models or to develop your own!
Chapter 4:
Medical curiosity led to “research” early on, but at that time, ethics were not a serious consideration. Based on some rather disturbing history of research practices, ethics has become an integral part of of our current research practices.
Discussion Board Prompts: (This discussion board has 2 parts: SO, please choose one prompt from Part I and one prompt from Part II ~ Post them as one posting.)
Part I: Focuses on evaluating change in practice using implementation models
Choose one of the following prompts (In addition to one from Part II)
We will be looking at how research is being infused into the clinical setting:
Choose a research article. Summarize the article and evaluate an implementation plan based on the Stetler Model, identifying any barriers to implementation. OR
Choose a research article on quality. Summarize the article and develop a plan of implementation based on the steps of the Iowa Model, identifying any barriers to implementation.
Part II: Examines ethical issues related to conducting research.
Choose one of the following prompts (In addition to one from Part I)
Go to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) website ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) and discuss briefly a case of misconduct currently under investigation. Give your opinion as to the process and/or outcome.
Explore the American Nursing Association website and and review its research guidelines. Compare them to the founding principles of ethical research listed in your text.
Review the document used by an institutional review board and determine how unethical behaviors are prevented.
Obtain an informed consent form from a nursing research study. Present it and identify if the basic 8 elements listed in your text are included.
Discuss whether you believe the issue of “euthanasia” or “right to die” lends itself to a research study. Defend your position based on the readings.

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