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NUR3805 Dimensions of Professional Practice
Chapter 4 Discussion
“So… you’re a nurse?”
The general public often puts all nurses into the same category, however we who are in the profession, know that there are many different kinds of nurses. This can be defined by nursing specialties, levels of education, areas of passion (ICU, peds, ED, home health, etc.), where one works,… ~ and I’m probably missing something!
Discussion Prompts:  This week’s discussion will focus on our choices ~ “If we knew then what we know now..” choices. This is not just a conversation, though it certainly could be! I would like to hear from you researched facts based on what you answer ~ I want more than just your gut feeling on the topic. There are 4 discussion points ~ Answer ONE of the following questions. Between all of you, I would like all of the discussion points to be covered so please try to avoid too much duplication, but feel free to add your perspective through responses.
1. If a friend who wants to become a nurse asked your advice about the type of program he or she should enroll in, what would your answer be (LPN, ADN, BSN, Diploma, etc.)? What would you cite as the advantages and disadvantages for your recommended program? What are the differences in scope of practice, responsibility, job opportunities, and salary?
2. The Brown Report, ANA, the National Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education (Lysaught Report), National Commission on Nursing, NLN, and AACN all recommend the BSN degree as entry into practice; however, this has not happened to date in the United States. In what way would the unification of nursing education strengthen the profession in the US? What are the drawbacks to this approach?
3. Why might a BSN program choose one accrediting agency over the other (ACEN vs. CCNE)? Make a persuasive argument for one of these two choices.
4. Jan Gonzalez has been an RN for 7 years. She has become increasingly interested in research, serving on her unit’s evidence-based practice committee and then on her hospital’s nursing research council. She is very interested in the effects of sleep deprivation on milk production in breastfeeding mothers. She is trying to decide between a doctorate of philosophy (PhD) program and a doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) program for her doctoral studies.
Address these questions Jan Gonzalez:
What are the differences and similarities between these two types of programs?
What should Jan consider as she determines which of these doctorates to pursue?
What are the differences between approaches to research that Jan will find between these two programs?

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