Born December 17, 1954
Graduated from high school in 1973
Attended Athen’s Technical college in 1974
Graduated in 1975
Begin working as licensed nurse in 1976
Got married in 1978
Moved to Atlanta Georgia in 1979
Began working at Georgia Baptist medical center
1980 grandmother passed she raised me had to take leave from work
due to depression
Began working at Emory university
2000 got divorce
2002 remarried
2011 husband died
2012 went on disability due to injury
2012 started college at South university online
2014 graduated with bachelor's degree I Allied health
2015 Got baptized as one of Jehovah witnesses
2016 graduated with master's degree I public Health
2018 opened daycare center
2019 started Keiser University
2021 graduated with master's in psychology
2022 started PhD in psychology at Keiser University
I had polio as a child and was hospitalized numerous times for
corrective surgeries on my left hand, arm, and shoulder. My mother
neglected me as a child, left me with her mother at age 10. My mother,
father and mother raised me and three brothers, the grandparents
were very caring and nurturing. I attempted suicide at age 17 due to
peer pressure. Diagnosed with diabetes in 2004, have severe arthritis
and severe knee pain, going to have knee replacement in 2023. I have
no biological children, raised twin great nephews that were born in
March 2009.
My aunt life line
MY aunt birthday January 9, 1943
Started school1970 age 7
Graduated from high school 1963
Attended Athens technical college in 1965
1965 got nursing aid certificate
1966 started working as a maid in the hospital
1967 start working as nursing assistant age 18 –30
1968 got pregnant with daughter, not married to daughter father
Daughter was taken by the father mother.
Age 30-40 worked various jobs to help support daughter in retail stores
Got married in 1969 moved into house in 1969
Was pregnant when she got married had miscarriage
Was unable to have another child because of female problems
Age 45-60 had many surgeries and adopted two children one in
1972,and 1973 lived in Athens Georgia for her entire life. Lost her
oldest brother in 1970 and that was an event in her life that was
devastating. Mother passed in 1980, which was devastating , lost father
in 1997 due to cancer, mother died from heart attack, had stroke
before heart attack. Lost brother at age 26. As a child we were poor but
raised with much love by our parents. The historical events in my life
were losing family members and having to be poor as a child. I skinny
dipped and played with my siblings, we created many games to play
and kept us occupied. We were poor and I had to pick cotton to buy
many of my school supplies. My life was full of historical events
because of the many surgeries I had throughout my life such as cancer
of the breast and other surgeries. I have had almost 50 surgeries or
more in my life time. I retired at age 70 and traveled with family.

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