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Discussion Question #2 – Applied Concepts (AC) – Week/Course Learning Outcomes

Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:

As applied to your current professional career

As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career

As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position

As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor


Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these concepts. You should develop a summary of the organization’s strategy and how they use these concepts to compete.

This is a learning and application exercise designed to give you an opportunity to apply concepts learned in a pragmatic and meaningful way that will enable you to gain valuable and relevant knowledge in an effort to augment your skill set and enhance your professional careers

APA format, 1 page.

BUS 540 Syllabus

Course Description


BUS 540 Organizational Behavior




Organizational behavior (OB) is a relatively young field of inquiry that studies what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations. Organizations are groups of people who work interdependently toward some common purpose. Organizational Behavior (OB) concepts help us to predict and understand organizational events, adopt more accurate theories of reality, and influence organizational events. This field of knowledge also improves the organization’s financial health.


McShane, S., & Glinow, M. V. (2021). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality (9th edition). McGraw-Hill Education.

Print ISBN: 978-1260799552

eText ISBN: 978-1264075355



Summary of Graded Work and Assessments

Graded work and assessments offer students the opportunity to show the degree of mastery for each CLO. The following table shows how assessments and CLOs align (link). See grading criteria description and rubrics in the
supplemental materials provided on GAP.

Course Policies and Rubrics

For Westcliff’s course policies and rubrics, please see the Course Policies document.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Linked to Program Outcomes

Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential scholarship that students achieve and can reliably demonstrate by the end of the course. Learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course – the essential and enduring knowledge, abilities (skills), and attitudes (values, dispositions) that constitute the integrated learning needed for successful completion of this course. The learning outcomes for this course summarize what students can expect to learn, and how this course is tied directly to the educational outcomes of the degree.

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)

Program Learning Objectives

1. Define, discuss, and recognize important terminology, facts, concepts and principles of organizational behavior.

1, 2

2. Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

1, 2, 3, 6, 8

3. Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

2, 3, 5, 6

4. Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

4, 5, 6

5. Discuss the relevance and application of concepts, principles, and theories used in organizational behavior to contemporary events. Design a methodology to integrate organizational behavior theories into the strategic plan.

5, 6, 7

6. Identify and discuss the interrelationships among concepts, principles, and theories used in different areas of organizational behavior and evaluate these relationships in reference to problem solving techniques.



Course Modules

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Module 1: Discussion Question

1, 2

Module 5: Professional Assignment #1

2, 3, 5

Module 6: Discussion Question

3, 4

Module 8: Course Learning Assessment #1

1, 2, 3, 4

Module 9: Discussion Question

2, 6

Module 12: Professional Assignment #2

2, 4, 6

Module 13: Discussion Question

2, 3, 4, 6

Module 16: Course Learning Assessment #2

2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Detailed Course Outline

The following outline provides important assignment details for this course, module by module. Students are responsible for all of the assignments given. Please refer to the Detailed Description of Each Grading Criteria in the syllabus for specific information about each assignment.

Module 1

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 1: Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question #1

CLO #1 – Define, discuss, and recognize important terminology, facts, concepts and principles of organizational behavior.

Studies report that heredity has a strong influence on an individual’s personality.

· How can this affect how positions are evaluated and advancements are allocated?

· What are the implications of this influence in organizational settings?

An applicant is applying for a management trainee position and he/she is given a personality test that measures the five dimensions in the five-factor model.

· Which personality traits would you consider most important for this type of job? Explain your answer. (E.g., define what are the five factors, then go into detail as to which personality traits would be most important for this job. Use an example to typify your points).

Module 2

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 2: Individual Differences: Personality and Values

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question #2 – Applied Concepts (AC) – Week/Course Learning Outcomes

Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:

As applied to your current professional career

As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career

As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position

As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor


Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these concepts. You should develop a summary of the organization’s strategy and how they use these concepts to compete.


This is a learning and application exercise designed to give you an opportunity to apply concepts learned in a pragmatic and meaningful way that will enable you to gain valuable and relevant knowledge in an effort to augment your skill set and enhance your professional careers.

Module 3

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 3: Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question – (PDQ directed at upcoming PA) Graduate Level

Prior to reading this DQ, please read the PA 1 assignment and understand what the assignment is asking you to complete. Once you have an understanding of the PA 1 assignment, please continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ 1.

Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, research six (6) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer your upcoming PA 1 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your PA 1 assignment and should be different from the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).

Please note: This article summary
should not be the only article researched
for your PA 1 assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched to fully answer your PA 1 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the research necessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or in its entirety in your PA 1 assignment.

: Please ensure that your reference for the article is in correct APA format, as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a “Cite” selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summary MUST include ALL of the following in your DQ post (include every item in the bullet list below, or you will not receive full credit):

Do these in order:

· In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

· Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

· Describe how you will use it in your upcoming assignment.

· Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

Module 4

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 4: Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress

· Submit Professional Assignment #1 by Sunday at 11:59 p.m

Preparing for a Successful Professional Assignment 1

Review the Professional Assignment 1 prompt found in Module 5 and begin drafting your response. Be prepared to submit the assignment by the given deadline.

Module 5

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 5: Foundations of Employee Motivation

Professional Assignment #1 – Please see the rubrics for grading criteria.

CLO #2 – Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

CLO #3 – Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

CLO #5 – Discuss the relevance and application of concepts, principles, and theories used in organizational behavior to contemporary events. Design a methodology to integrate organizational behavior theories into the strategic plan.

Read Case Study Hy Dairies, Inc. (Chapter 3, pp. 109-110) in your textbook (and a minimum of six [6] peer-reviewed sources plus the textbook) and answer the following questions:

1. Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what went wrong here. (make sure you define stereotyping and social identity, then answer through your definitions)

2. What other perceptual errors are apparent in this case study?

3. What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of situations?

Your paper must include an introduction and a clear thesis, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  Top papers demonstrate a solid understanding of the material AND critical thinking. Make sure you have a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed sources. This assignment will serve as a basis for your CLA 2 assignment in Week 16.

Module 6

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 6: Applied Performance Practices

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question

CLO #3 – Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

CLO #4 – Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

Learned needs theory states that needs can be strengthened or weakened.

· How might a company strengthen the achievement needs of its management team? (Define the three needs, then answer through your definition)

All exhibit various levels of the three learned needs.

· Which of the learned needs do you exhibit primarily, and explain why you believe this is so.

Rank the three for yourself and explain the rankings.

Module 7

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 7:  Decision Making and Creativity

· Video:

· Neri, A. (Publisher) (2009, December 2). ABC Nightline – IDEO shopping cart [Video file]. YouTube.

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question – (CDQ directed at upcoming CLA 1) Graduate Level

Prior to reading this DQ, please read the CLA 1 assignment and understand what the assignment is asking you to complete. Once you have an understanding of the CLA 1 assignment, please continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ 1.

Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, research six (6) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer your upcoming CLA 1 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your CLA 1 assignment and should be different from the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).

Please note: This article summary
should not be the only article researched
for your CLA 1 assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched to fully answer your CLA 1 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the research necessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or in its entirety in your CLA 1 assignment.

: Please ensure that your reference for the article is in correct APA format, as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a “Cite” selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summary MUST include ALL of the following in your DQ post (include every item in the bullet list below, or you will not receive full credit):

Do these in order:

· In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

· Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

· Describe how you will use it in your upcoming assignment.

· Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

Module 8

Assignments to complete this module:

· Submit Course Learning Assessment #1 by Sunday at 11:59 p.m

Course Learning Assessment #1 – Please see the rubrics for grading criteria.

CLO #1 – Define, discuss, and recognize important terminology, facts, concepts and principles of organizational behavior.

CLO #2 – Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

CLO #3 – Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

CLO #4 – Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

This assignment focuses on the individual behavior and processes that affect innovation in an organization. 

Watch the video “IDEO shopping cart project” (see link above) and write a summary of the attributes in the IDEO organization that encourage and enhance innovation in an organization. Make sure you include your own critical thinking on the subject matter. The paper needs to have an introduction and a conclusion section with a clear thesis. Make sure you have a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

Module 9

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 8: Team Dynamics

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question #1

CLO #2 – Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

CLO #6 – Identify and discuss the interrelationships among concepts, principles, and theories used in different areas of organizational behavior and evaluate these relationships in reference to problem solving techniques.

Suppose that you are part of a virtual team and must persuade other team members on an important matter (such as switching suppliers or altering the project deadline). 

· Assuming that you cannot visit these people in person, and you have no positional authority, what can you do to maximize your persuasiveness? (Remember, you have NO positional authority, so many sources of power are not available to you).

Module 10

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 9: Communicating in Teams and Organizations

Preparing for a Successful Professional Assignment 2

Review the Professional Assignment 2 prompt found in Module 12 and begin drafting your response. Be prepared to submit the assignment by the given deadline.

Module 11

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 10: Power and Influence in the Workplace

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question – (PDQ directed at upcoming PA) Graduate Level

Prior to reading this DQ, please read the PA 2 assignment and understand what the assignment is asking you to complete. Once you have an understanding of the PA 2 assignment, please continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ 1.

Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, research six (6) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer your upcoming PA 2 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your PA 2 assignment and should be different from the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).

Please note: This article summary
should not be the only article researched
for your PA 2 assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched to fully answer your PA 2 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the research necessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or in its entirety in your PA 2 assignment.

: Please ensure that your reference for the article is in correct APA format, as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a “Cite” selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summary MUST include ALL of the following in your DQ post (include every item in the bullet list below, or you will not receive full credit):

Do these in order:

· In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

· Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

· Describe how you will use it in your upcoming assignment.

· Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

Module 12

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 11: Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace

· Submit Professional Assignment #2 by Sunday at 11:59 p.m

Professional Assignment #2 – Please see the rubrics for grading criteria.

CLO #2 – Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

CLO #4 – Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

CLO #6 – Identify and discuss the interrelationships among concepts, principles, and theories used in different areas of organizational behavior and evaluate these relationships in reference to problem solving techniques.

Read Case Study Conifer Corp. (Chapter 8, pp. 315-316) in your textbook and answer the following questions:  

1. What symptom(s) in this case suggest(s) that something has gone wrong?

2. What are the main causes of the symptom(s)?

3. What actions should executives take to correct the problem(s)? (Remember, this is a union environment, so changing the wage scale, incentives or benefits for the workers are not options).

Make sure you have a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

Module 13

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Chapter 12: Leadership in Organizational Settings

· Chapter 14: Organizational Culture

· Chapter 15: Organizational Change

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question

CLO #2 – Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

CLO #3 – Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

CLO #4 – Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

CLO #6 – Identify and discuss the interrelationships among concepts, principles, and theories used in different areas of organizational behavior and evaluate these relationships in reference to problem solving techniques.

Find two ads for management or executive positions. (Copy and paste them)

· What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads? (There are eight [8] listed in Chapter 12, p. 460).

1. Personality

2. Self-concept

3. Leadership Motivation

4. Drive

5. Integrity

6. Knowledge of the Business

7. Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) and Practical Intelligence

8. Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.)

If you were on the selection panel, what methods (or questions) would you use to identify these specific leadership attributes (competencies) in job applicants? (For example, what questions would you ask the applicant to decipher his or her leadership competencies? BE SPECIFIC).

Module 14

Assignments to complete this module:

· Submit Exam by Sunday at 11:59 p.m

Exam – Online

The Exam can be accessed under Week 14 of your course GAP site. The Exam will open on Monday and will close on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. You will have one (1) attempt to complete the exam. Please see Exam Grading Criteria in the University Policies.

Module 15

Assignments to complete this module:

· Post DQ Initial Response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

· Post DQ Peer Response(s) by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Discussion Question – Summary & Critical Thinking – Week/Course Learning Outcomes

Welcome to the last week of your course. In this discussion question you have the opportunity to be creative and to relate what you have learned to your professional lives. Please explore and critically think about some of the learning outcomes and concepts presented in this course. Please effectively communicate how you would lead an organization (or a group of people within the organization) by applying the knowledge you have learned ethically and responsibly. Your discussion should also include innovative thinking, and information-technology aspects (such as the Internet, social-media, computers, and so forth) that may assist you in decision-making. You may frame your discussion around any functional component of business, and in any context; problem-solving, management, leadership, organizational behavior, and so forth.

Module 16

Assignments to complete this module:

· Reading:

· Review all chapters covered that will assist in the completion of the CLA 2 assignment

· Submit Course Learning Assessment #2 by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Course Learning Assessment #2

CLO #2 – Identify and apply appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, research methodologies and theories when analyzing factual situations with organizational behavior problems.

CLO #3 – Develop reasonable solutions to organizational behavior problems using appropriate terminology, concepts, principles, analytical techniques, and theories. Formulate an ethical approach to business decision-making in reference to organizational behavior.

CLO #4 – Evaluate the quality of their proposed solutions to organizational behavior problems against appropriate criteria, including organizational constraints.

CLO #6 – Identify and discuss the interrelationships among concepts, principles, and theories used in different areas of organizational behavior and evaluate these relationships in reference to problem solving techniques.

Select, research, and analyze a real organization (public, private, or non-profit). You may select an organization in which you have worked or have been a member of.

Examine a problem or issue of concern within that organization. Be selective in choosing an issue or problem within an organization, as a lack of depth in the issue itself will not be an acceptable excuse for lack of depth in the analysis. The purpose of this CLA is to apply both what has been learned in the course as well as your own independent research to problems in an organization of your choice.

Focus on an issue or problem that the organization is facing and is relevant to the content of this course. It will likely take several reflection sessions to identify a problem or issue that can be clearly defined, is manageable in scope, and is relevant to the course, so start this CLA weeks before it is due.

Gather information while supplementing this information with data from the media, the organization’s literature, and other secondary sources. You should identify a relatively recent problem to analyze (i.e., this should not be an historical account of a problem and the company’s solution). You should focus your analysis by applying the concepts from the course. While it is acceptable to incorporate several concepts from the course, please aim for depth rather than breadth regarding the use of course concepts.

To meet these broad goals, answer the following questions in a 4 to 6 page APA formatted written report supported by at least three (3) academic sources:

1) What are the issues or problems facing the organization?

2) What theoretical concepts from this course can be applied to understand why this problem is occurring?

3) What recommendations can you offer to help improve organizational functioning?

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