discussion boards
TASK 1 : Topic question : How do theories of justice apply to reproductive issues?
Reproductive issues including abortion, in vitro fertilization, and surrogacy have long been the subjects of ethical dilemmas. Locate an article or two and use your textbook and the articles and videos under course materials in week 6 regarding these dilemmas. Apply the theories of justice including egalitarianism, libertarianism and utilitarianism to discuss how subscribers to these theories might view each of these issues.
200 words answer or more
Question : Should sex selection be offered to patients for nonmedical purposes? (Answer with 150 words or more)
Task2: Description :Advances in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) technologies prior to embryo transfer make it clinically possible for parents to select the sex of their future children. Sex selection can be a useful tool in avoiding sex-linked genetic disorders. However, in the absence of family history of genetic disorders, it is viewed as an optional use of medical technology to fulfill parental desires regarding the gender of a child. 68% of Americans disapprove of its use. There is an ongoing ethical debate over nonmedical PGD for sex selection. The concern that PGD for these purposes only, does not show appropriate respect for embryos. Critics are concerned that those parents engaging in sex selection may impose insensitive gender norm on their children disallowing them the right of an open future.
In the US, Invitro fertilization with PGD is offered to patients for nonmedical reasons only in some facilities. Arguments regarding patient autonomy and reproductive liberty have been offered in support of the practice.
Source: Use of reproductive technology for sex selection for nonmedical reasons. (2015). Fertility and Sterility, 103(No. 6), 14181422. https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(15)00240-X/fulltext
Question : Should or should not a surrogate be paid? And if so, what should be the price? (answer with150 words or more
Task 3 Description :The burden of carrying and birthing a child is not an easy one. It takes 9 months of development, body and hormonal changes, and pain to create a child. The idea of giving your body and changing your lifestyle to give birth to someone else’s child is heavy. Some consider this to be hard labor, and deserve to be compensated for, others may disagree. Others may claim that a child is not an object that is made in a factory, but a piece of nature that holds no price. My question is, who is correct? Also, is it ethical for the surrogate to ask for a price on their livelihood to carry a developing fetus for 9 months.
Not only does having a child carry its physical toll on the mother’s body, but it takes a toll on their work life as well. For most individuals, being a surrogate is not their main source of income, they work real jobs. And because of the effect pregnancy has on the body, it can limit their ability to work and get paid. Due to this, compensation could be helpful. At the same time, being a surrogate is a full-time job in itself. Dealing with the possible cravings, morning sickness, swelling, and limited range of motion is a big change from their normal life.
On the other hand, life has no value. A fetus is not an object made in a factory, it is a complex being that develops its life functions over time. And to some, it comes as a blessing and a great gift for others. In this argument, adding payment may seem unethical and soil the value of the practice.
Edge, R. & Groves, J. (2018). Ethics of healthcare: A guide for clinical practice (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning
Source: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/news/thebirminghambrief/items/2018/09/the-ethics-of-surrogacy.aspx
TASK 4 : Ask your own question related to task the question/ question #1 that can be open for discussion. 150 words or more
-Add a description and context to question you will develop to increase the quality of responses you receive.

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