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Most of older adults live in houses independently and would prefer to keep doing so. Unfortunately, as older adults age they aren?t as capable of living by themselves as they wish they could be. For some, family help assist with living at home, and for others, help can be available for the right price. Some options are remodeling the home to make it more older adult friendly, or moving to another house that?s more modern and friendly ? though, research shows that most older adults who do move between houses are under the age of 65. For older adults living independently in a house without family or money/savings, it can be very difficult; no one is there to help and if they do get in trouble, no one will know and come to their aid. There are also shared-homes and senior living communities that strike a balance between the two options; it allows a homey atmosphere but with the availability of hospital-like and community services either in the same building or nearby.
Support and services have evolved over the past 20 years to home and community-based services from emphasis on institutional care (Hooyman, p238). With the expansion of services, there are choices of having services brought to the older adult?s residence, or having the individual leave the home to receive services. From helping around the house with chores or movement, to meal delivery, and safety response systems, there are many options to extend and promote the aging in place in homes now. The downside of the availability of these services can be cost or scheduling conflicts.
My grandparents aged at home through their 80s and then when it wasn?t possible any longer, they moved into a shared senior home. It was extremely expensive and stressful; they didn?t really want to be there and didn?t like the staff. The mood of the everyone there, including other older adults and the staff, overall was gloomy. My parents, siblings, and I would visit my grandparents every weekend to check on them and socially stimulate them ? I think that helped a little bit but not as much as we hoped. It was difficult to balance time between school, work, personal life, and making sure there is plenty of time for visiting.
Ideally, I would want my parents to age in place at their home for as long as they can, but also I want them to be able to enjoy their older adult years. I think a good idea would be like the video in the weekly content; they should sell their home and move to a more affordable area where they can live peacefully and have access to all sorts of assisted services if needed, for the right price (Care after covid). I don?t believe that they would be able to pull that off in Southern California where everything is getting so expensive. Personally, I would like to retire in an affordable tropical area where there?s an abundance of hospitality services to fully relax and enjoy my older adult years with my lovely wife.
Hooyman, N. R., Kawamoto, K., & Kiyak, H. A. (2016). Aging matters: An introduction to social gerontology. Pearson Education.
Care after covid: the future of elderly health-care. (2020) The Economist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60AjDw492RU

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