Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Describe visual depth perception and its role in human - STUDENT SOLUTION USA
  • Describe visual depth perception and its role in human perception. If a person has problems with depth perception, explain how difficult it would be to do things such as drive or hit a baseball.
  • Describe motion agnosia and its potential debilitating effects. ?Describe some of the serious problems or difficulties that one might face when suffering from motion agnosia and how you might cope with such a condition?
  • Describe the part of the brain responsible for perceiving motion. Explain what types of physiological studies have been conducted to determine which brain areas are involved in motion perception.espond to at least two of your classmates.

Week 3 Discussion

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Kathy Williams posted Mar 2, 2022 9:33 PM


Visual depth perception focuses on identifying information in the retinal image, that is correlated with depth in the scene, however there can be a misconception of depth, due to an illusion (Goldstein & Brockmole, 2016). Someone that has a problem with depth perception may have problems seeing how far an object actually is, for example, if they were driving they may not can see how far a car is In front of them.

Motion agnosia is a condition caused by a brain tumor, that affects a persons ability to judge whether an object is moving or not (Goldstein & Brockmole, 2016). Brain damage from this condition, affects the visual perceiving part of the brain, and hinders a person from recognizing any motion in the the visual stimulus (
For example, if I had 2 pencils, because of motion agnosia, I may not be able to see but one pencil at a time, because of an injury or injuries to the brain. Speech and occupational therapy is known to help with communication, plan tasks and improve interactions with others (>brain-what-is-agnosia).

The part of the brain that is responsible for perceiving motion, is the parietal lobe, it is responsible for distinguishing between speed and direction of a moving object or person (

). There were several findings that indicated that the ventral pathway may be implicated in motion perception (Majaj et al., 2007; Hedges et al., 2011). Further findings, primarily from non-human primates, indicate the ventral visual cortices may play an important role in motion perception (Maunsell & Van Essen, 1983).

Goldstein, E. B., & Brockmole, J. (2016). Sensation and Perception (10th Edition). Cengage Learning US.

Sharon Gilaie-Dotan, Ayse P. Saygin, Lauren J. Lorenzi, Ryan Egan, Geraint Rees, Marlene Behrmann, The role of human ventral visual cortex in motion perception, Brain, Volume 136, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 2784? 2798,




Week 3 Discussion

Contains unread posts

Anna Brown posted Mar 3, 2022 8:57 PM


? Describe visual depth perception and its role in human perception. If a person has problems with depth perception, explain how difficult it would be to do things such as drive or hit a baseball.

Visual depth perception is the eyes? ability to determine the distance of an object. ( In humans, it helps us for instance to determine cars are far enough to walk or drive across the street. If a person is playing baseball, they need to be able to determine how far the ball is away from them before they have to swing.

? Describe motion agnosia and its potential debilitating effects. Describe some of the serious problems or difficulties that one might face when suffering from motion agnosia and how you might cope with such a condition?

Motion agnosia affects a person?s judgment on whether an object is moving. (Sam, 2015). A serious issue with having this disorder is that it has different branches depending on the signs you show. For instance, a person could lose their ability to draw shapes. Or forget the name of an object and the purpose of the object. For some, they are able to go to therapy and it can help them to redevelop their skills again.

? Describe the part of the brain responsible for perceiving motion. Explain what types of physiological studies have been conducted to determine which brain areas are involved in motion perception.

The part of the brain that is responsible for how we perceive motion is the superior temporal and inferior frontal/premotor cortex. (Saygin, 2007) In the studies, some researchers used MRI testing, and some used neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies to display the parts of the brain that involve motion perception.

References: Boyd, K. (2018, May 4). Depth perception. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from

Saygin, A. P. (2007, June 1). Brain areas involved in biological motion perception: What is involved and what is necessary. Journal of Vision. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from,for%20intact%20biological%20motion%20perception.

Sam, N. (2015, July 14). What is motion agnosia? definition of motion agnosia (psychology dictionary). Psychology Dictionary. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from,whether%20an%20object%20is%20moving.%22

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