CYB 670: Using your research and analysis from steps 1-6, prepare an eight-to-10-page analytical summary of your research in which you identify and discuss how wealthy nations and developing nations can and should work together to protect their homelands by improving cyber capacity at the national level.
Using your research and analysis from steps 1-6, prepare an eight-to-10-page analytical summary of your research in which you identify and discuss how wealthy nations and developing nations can and should work together to protect their homelands by improving cyber capacity at the national level. Your summary should address the following:
Step 7: How Can Cyber Capacity Building Help Nations Protect their Homelands?
Using your research and analysis from steps 1-6, prepare an eight-to-10-page analytical summary of your research in which you identify and discuss how wealthy nations and developing nations can and should work together to protect their homelands by improving cyber capacity at the national level. Your summary should address the following:
1. What cyber capacity building is and why it is important to global cybersecurity efforts.
2. The uses of public-private partnerships and government to government cooperation to build cyber capacity and improve global response to cyberattacks, cybercrime prevention, and address ongoing issues arising from cyber terrorism. (Provide and discuss five or more specific examples of programs or cooperative efforts.)
3. The benefits of recruiting and deploying volunteer subject matter experts to provide support, including
pro bono professional services, in the context of public-private partnerships for cybersecurity capacity building.
4. An analysis in which you
a. Identify and discuss the three most important reasons why individual nations should develop their own trained, skilled, and professional cybersecurity workforce.
b. Identify and discuss the three largest risks to wealthy nations if they do not help smaller nations develop their cyber incident response capabilities including training and educating a cybersecurity workforce.
c. Identify and discuss the three most significant barriers or constraints which could adversely impact the success of international cooperative efforts to build cyber capacity.
5. Three to five recommendations for international cyber capacity building efforts (based upon your research and analysis).
6. Close your analytical summary paper with an appropriate concluding section that addresses the question: How does cyber capacity building help nations
protect their homeland?
Use the
research paper template
to complete this assignment. If you have not done so already, format your analytical summary from Step 5 using
APA 7th edition
. Your work must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document in .docx format.
If you do not use the template file, make sure that your analytical summary includes a title page at the beginning of your document that contains: your name, the assignment name, the date submitted, the course prepared for, and the instructor’s name. Review your work to ensure that you have properly cited y
[Title of Paper]
[Your Name]
[Month Day, Year]
Prepared for
CYB 670
[Section Term]
[Instructor’s Name]
Table of Contents
Table of Figures 2
Introduction 3
Analysis 3
First Subsection 3
Second Subsection 4
Summary and Conclusions 4
References 5
References Tab in MS Word (Microsoft, 2021)
Running head: PAPER TEMPLATE 1
Running head: PAPER TEMPLATE
This template was built from APA 7th edition requirements. The requirement for your Individual Research Paper assignments is that your work be professional in appearance and that sources are cited and referenced using a style that is consistent and provides enough information for readers to fact-check your work.
Use the Normal style for your paragraphs and set them to indent the first line by ½ inch; this indentation option is in the Special dropdown menu under Paragraph Options in Microsoft Word’s Layout tab. Make sure that your paragraph also use double spacing, shown in the righthand column of Paragraph Options. In each paragraph, do not press Enter until you are ready to move on to the next paragraph; let Word wrap lines within the paragraph itself.
For your reference section, go back to Paragraph Options to change the special indentation option to Hanging, with the same size of ½ inch. Keep the double spacing the same for your references. Only press Enter at the end of a reference entry. If you want to force Word to wrap long URLs, use the Insert ; Symbol feature to insert a no-width optional break character. You can also turn on paragraph marks (to see the symbol for that character) and copy/paste this character ?(immediately to the left of the opening par

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