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CS 590: Topics in Computer ScienceAssignment 01

Refer to the Hardware Security Chapter 1 document attached and answer the following questions:

1.10.1 TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS (3 p/each)1. Hardware is not considered as the “root-of-trust” for system security.2. Hardware security should not matter if a strong software tool is used to protect user’s data.3. Hardware contains different forms of assets that can be accessed by bad actors.4. Meltdown and Spectre are two newly discovered vulnerabilities found in most modern processors.5. Hardware development lifecycle involves a number of untrusted entities.6. Hardware trust issues do not lead to any security issue.7. Side-channel attacks are attack vectors that exploit implementation-level weakness.8. Test and debug features in a hardware often represent a conflict with security objectives.9. A functional bug can be exploited by an attacker for extracting assets in a SoC.10. Verification solutions can protect against several hardware security issues.

1.10.2 SHORT-ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (5 p/each)1. Describe different levels of abstraction of electronic hardware.2. State the differences: (1) general-purpose systems vs. embedded systems, (2) ASIC vs. COTS.3. Describe two major areas of focus for hardware security.4. What are the hardware trust issues, and how do they impact the security of a computing system?5. What are the differences between functional and side-channel bugs?6. Why and how do security and test/debug requirements conflict?7. Provide examples of some security assets inside SoCs.

1.10.3 LONG-ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (7 p/each)1. Describe different aspects of a system’s security, and briefly discuss their relative impact.2. Explain the current state of practice in the security design of and verification process for SoCs.3. Describe the major steps of the electronic hardware design and test flow, and discuss the security issuesin each stage.4. What are the different attack surfaces for a computing system (say, a smartphone), and for the hardwarecomponents inside it?5. Describe different types of security vulnerabilities in hardware.

SUBMISSIONSubmit a DOCX or PDF document through Western Online with the answers to the questions orproblems typing the corresponding numbers and questions (or at least the numbers) in theproper order before your answers.Submit a DOCX or PDF document (PDF preferred) through Western Online with the answerstyping the corresponding numbers and questions (or at least the numbers) in bold and in theproper order before your answers.Use a different font color for all the numbers and questions (or at least for the numbers), thanthe color used for your answers. You can, as an example, use a blue color for all the numbers

and questions, and black font for all your answers. The idea is to make the grading processeasy to follow and faster. Points will be deducted if you do not follow these guidelines.

Use the following format to name your document file:

CS590_HW_01_YourLastName-YourFirstName_.pdf (or docx extension)


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