Course Competency:
· Analyze the increased complexity of care among older adults.
Your supervisor needs to make sure that each of the in-service topics will be covered by someone, so she is asking the staff to communicate their topic preference. Below is the list of problems your supervisor wants the nursing staff to be able to teach older adult clients (and/or their family members) about.
In-service Topic Options:
· Hypertension
· Diabetes
· Coronary artery disease
· Depression
· Dementia
· Polypharmacy
· Increased risk of falls
· Vison/hearing impairment
· Nutrition and hydration
Your supervisor has asked you to submit a 1-page proposal, written using proper spelling, grammar, and APA, which addresses the following:
1. Identify the client problem your in-service will address.
2. Describe at least 5 consequences of the client problem as it relates to the health, safety, and well-being of older adults.
3. Explain your rationale for choosing the client problem you selected.
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Special Instructions for This Assignment
· This is a proposal and you will need to write it up as a proposal, not as a research paper. You will follow the assignment prompt in terms of acting as if you were an employee of Rasmussen home care. You need to select a topic of your choosing from the list and write about it EACH week throughout this course so choose wisely. I do not want this weeks assignment in APA format. If you were my employee at a Home Health Agency, you would not write a proposal to your boss in APA format. You can use SBAR format if you want and I have included a copy of a form that works well. You would write an intro paragraph and use the form to “pitch” your idea to your boss.
SBAR Template
The patients being discharged from our Cardiac floor with a diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) are unaware they need to weigh themselves daily. This is causing an increase in readmissions to the hospital.
It is widely known that CHF patients have issues with water retention. Many are taking diuretics and some even have fluid restrictions. These medications and lifestyle modifications are meant to help ease the workload on the heart and prevent fluid overload.
Our unit educator had her hours cut by the organization 6 months ago. Since that time, all new nurses hired on have not received the training regarding how to give proper discharge instructions.
Additionally, with supply chain shortages due to COVID, our unit stock of scales has been depleted and we are told scales are on a 4-month backorder. We need to ensure our patients without scales at home are sent home with scales.
Create a new orientation process which includes proper training of nurses to educate patients related to all commonly admitted diagnoses.
Find a new supplier for scales or allow patients to walk into their nearest medical facility and weigh themselves daily to monitor and trend their weights.
Ensure patients know to call their primary care provider if they have more than a 5 pound weight gain in a 7 day span.
SBAR Template

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