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When unethical behavior is present always affect the quality of patients care and can lead to severs consequences that affect both individuals the safety of patients and health professionals implicated in case even reach other peoples around the of those involved, many factors can be lead to unprofessional and unethical behaviors, and those negative behaviors can be organized in one main idea, unethical behaviors are the present when the individual know the appropriate and ethical way to  procedure and patients but you decide don’t follow the rules because you don’t want to or you was not able to follow the rules, adequate and right decisions in health care situations need to be made to avoid the consequences of unethical behaviors .

as a nurse is important to be clears and right incorporate in the daily work activities the appropriate way to follow the ethics and the follows the rules installations to make the right and appropriate ethical decisions in health settings to take care of patients using the safe procedures and appropriate and ethical decisions base in the guidelines and the facilities rules and policy.

The American nursing Associate (ANA) is the nursing organization that start call as (ANA) during 1911, this nursing association is created to support, improve and boost the nursing profesional in united states, since the organization creation until now, (ANA) is always focus on nurse learn how to work and follow the appropriate ethics rules and use safe procedures during the care to patients, also ANA provide nurse support and health protection and wellness and always defends and covers  nursing profession issues, that can be affect nursing profession or license.

ANA have standers of practice that nurse need to be follow based of guidelines to provided appropriate ethical procedures and quality of care for patients, assessment, diagnostic, outcomes need to be identified, implementation, planning of care, ethic, advocate, nurse need to be respectful with patients, equal practice care for all patients, leadership, collaboration and education are part of those standers nurse need to be followed, the quality of practice and be profession are one of the most important, create and provided an healthy environments of the patients is part of the nurse daily duties.

To avoid unethical practices and behaviors nurse need to be followed guidelines and follow facility rules to be able to provide a high quality and appropriate safe practice of care for patients.


GOODWIN UNIVERSITY. (2022, May 13). What are the ANA Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses? Retrieved from

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