The introduction should include:
- When was the activity completed?
- Name of the person interviewed? Job title and job description based upon interview questions.
- What was the reason for selecting this nurse leader for the interview?
What were the objectives of the interview?
(you should write objectives if you are interviewing a leader and share them at the beginning of the interview)
These are questions to ask: You may include additional questions.
- What is that nurse leader’s leadership style?
- How do you see yourself as a leader?
- What are some of your leadership strengths and weaknesses?
- Throughout your career what qualities in a leader have you found are most beneficial?
- Without naming the person, during your career, have you encountered an exceptional leader that has stood out amongst other leaders and what were those distinctive qualities?
- How do you foster teamwork and collaboration?
- Has there been a situation during your career when you made a communication error? If so, how did you resolve it?
- How would you resolve a conflict with a coworker, patient, or physician?
- Describe how you create a healthy work environment?
- How do you manage stress at work?
- How do you use critical thinking to influence decision-making? (you will have to prepare for this by looking up critical thinking skills)
- How has your leadership style changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What has been your greatest strength as a leader for your team during the pandemic?
Analysis of the interview. Must include the following:
1. What essential communication skills did you use during the interview? Provide specific examples.
2. Analysis:
- What leadership concept/skill does this leader use?
- How does the nurse leader’s position impact nursing practice?
- What are your take-aways from the interview?
Use references when citing concepts. This is an APA formatted paper.
Have the nurse leader sign a copy of this rubric verifying the time and date of the interview.
NSG 470
Professional Activity Rubric
Level of Proficiency
Constructs well thought
introduction clearly
preparing reader for contents
of paper. 10
Constructs introduction
preparing reader for
contents of paper. Main
idea clear 8
Constructs introduction with Introduction disorganized.
minimal preparation for
Main idea vague or missing. 1:
contents of paper. Main idea no introduction earns a zero (0)
vague 6
elements of the
interview or
activity related
to the
Analysis of
techniques and
of how the
activity or
Conclusion of
Well-stated written paper of
the essential elements and
clearly relates the
intervew/activity to the
objectivest 15
Good paper of the essential
elements and clearly relates
the intervew/activity to the
objectives 12
Good paper of the essential Disorganized summary with
elements and clearly relates multiple gaps. 5:
the intervew/activity to the
objectives identifiable gaps.
Well-stated analysis
communication and of how
the activity/nurse leader
position impacts nursing
practice 10
Analyzes how the
activity/nurse leader
position impacts nursing
practice 8
Analyzes how the
activity/nurse leader position
impacts nursing practice with
identifiable gaps 6
Constructs well thought
conclusion clearly
summarizing contents of
paper. 10
Constructs conclusion
summarizes contents of
paper. Main idea clear. 8
Constructs conclusion with Conclusion disorganized. Main
minimal summary of
idea vague or missing. 1; No
contents of paper. Main idea conclusion earns a zero (0)
vague 6
Poor analysis of how the
activity/nurse leader position
impacts nursing practice with
identifiable multiple gaps 2
NSG 470
Professional Activity Rubric
ard Grammar/
flow of
___Provides logical flow of
___ Assignment is at least
checked using word
processing spelling and
grammar tools
___ Assignment is also
checked visually for errors
not detected electronically
___ Syntax, grammar,
spelling, punctuation, usage,
mechanics, organization,
___ All sources properly
attributed, no plagiarism,
paraphrasing and direct
quotes where appropriate 5
___Provides logical flow
of content
___ Assignment is at least
checked using word
processing spelling and
grammar tools
___ Few to several issues
with writing mechanics 3
___Flow of content with
Assignment shows evidence
of minimal review for
spelling and grammar errors
___ Multiple issues with
writing mechanics 2
___Flow of content poor. ___
Multiple issues with writing
mechanics and no evidence of
review 1
___ Sources properly
___ Attribution present but ___ No attribution which leads
attributed, no plagiarism 4 significantly incomplete,
to plagiarism 0; may result in
papers contains plagiarism 2 paper earning zero points.
NSG 470
Professional Activity Rubric
APA format
___ Entire paper is double- ___ Adheres to APA
spaced with 1″ margins
format but lacks 1-2
___ 12 pt font, New Times elements 4
___ Correct pagination
___ Title (bolded), name,
school name, course,
instructor, due date centered
and double-spaced
Headers follow APA format
___ Length sufficient to
properly develop written
communication with respect
to the main idea, subtopics,
etc. (ca. 5-7 or perhaps a few
more pages)
___ Adheres to a small
number of APA elements 2
___ Does not adhere to APA
elements 1
NSG 470
Professional Activity Rubric
References &
___ References on separate
titled page (centered,
___ In
correct APA format (all
information included and
appropriate for type of
Listed alphabetically
___ Hanging indent
___ Each source is cited at
least once and all cited
sources are included in
All in-text citations
complete and correctly
applied 5
___ References on separate
titled page (centered)
___ Not all in correct APA
format (all information
included and appropriate
for type of source)
___ Less than the
following (listed
alphabetically; hanging
indent; minimum of four
credible, accurate and
appropriate sources; each
source is cited at least once
and all cited sources are
included in references,
citations complete and
___References present but
significantly incomplete,
unclear or otherwise
minimally acceptable 3
___ No references for
unoriginal work 0 – may result
in a zero for the entire paper.
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