Zoom Session #2
Describe your proposed project.
What is your vision of how it would look..
How would services be provided? By whom? To whom? Where? How often?
Assignment D: Need Assignment PLAN
Assignment E: Mission, Goals, Objectives
Assignment F: Logic Model
Assignment G: Marketing Plan
Assignment H: Budget
Assignment I: Personnel / Physical Environment
Assignment D – Needs Assessment Plan
How WOULD you determine if there is a need for the proposed program?
A needs assessment plan could include..
How you WOULD you gather community/demographic data
How you WOULD you conduct a problem analysis
How you WOULD you conduct a market analysis
(Calley, 2011):
I. Normative need -the standard
standards or norms of a community
current data to identify those standards
2. Perceived need
what people think or feel they need
3. Expressed need
if people are actually trying to receive services (i.e., if there is a demand for services)
4. Relative need
If there is a gap between available services in community/geographic area.
can be compared to a similar community/ geographic area.
Mission, Goals and Objectives: Assignment E
Use the following format, headings, and subheadings:
Mission Statement/Narrative.
Goals and Objectives.
Goal 1Objective 1.Objective 2.Objective 3.
Goal 2Objective 1.Objective 2.Objective 3.
Goal 3Objective 1.Objective 2.Objective 3.
Objectives should be quantifiable.
What’s the difference between objectives and activities?
Goal: Recruit and retain a diverse workforce to meet the needs of the organization.https://www.leadstrat.com/sample-hr-goals-and-objectives/
Objectives | Base-line | 1st Year | 3rd Year |
1. Increase the percentage of open positions filled by a targeted deadline. | 43% | 55% | 70% |
2. Maintain the employee retention rate (less company-initiated transitions) above 75%. | 42% | 75% | 75% |
3. Increase the percentage of managers who indicate satisfaction with the hiring support provided, as measured by survey. | N/A | 80% | 90% |
Goal: Ensure our compensation and performance management processes are designed and executed to align and maximize our people’s performance with the goals of the organization.
Objectives | Base-line | 1st Year | 3rd Year |
1. Increase the percentage of employees for whom performance reviews have been completed and documented by the target date. | 51% | 60% | 85% |
2. Increase the percentage of employees who achieve at least 80% of their annual performance targets. | 69% | 72% | 80% |
What might the activities be? |
Logic Model: Assignment F
The logic model need not have “bells and whistles,” need not be in color, have fancy symbols, or be interactive.
Benefits and Purpose
A way of telling the story of a program plan in terms of if-then.
Tells you where program is headed, what it needs to get there, and how one would know if it arrived.
Shows gaps in flow
Visually presents program components:
conception and logic of program design
intent, purpose, structure, activities, and outcomes
helps identify data that can/should be collected
The logic model..
Is used to build common understanding among diverse stakeholders, as well as educate and clarify the pieces, functions, purpose and consequences of each piece of program design.
Serves as a periodic reminder of the program components and purpose
So we don't lose sight of overall design and purpose.
It's easy to get lost in the daily minutia and busy-ness of program operations.
Is popular with funding sources because it forces you to clarify program plans/ design.
Three Basic Parts of Program Structure
Short, Intermediate and Long–Term Outcomes
Serves as a map to outcomes
Where are you going?
What are the outcomes? [Should be measureable!]
What are you trying to achieve?
How will you get there?
How will you know when you got there ?
How will you know if you achieved what you wanted?
How will you measure each outcome?
Sometimes we work backwards
Determine what outcomes we want and then consider how we will get there.
IF a program is well conceived…. THEN it should attain outcomes.
If resources and activities are in place and used efficiently and effectively, and if plan for their use is realistic and feasible, it should attain outcomes.
Are activities sufficient and well planned? Is there a research basis for the use of these activities to obtain sought-after results?
Resources = Inputs
I.e., human, financial and physical space resources including partners; in-kind such as volunteers, and contributions
Consider if resources are sufficient, well planned, and can be obtained and used as planned.
Activities = Action
Activities are:
# of sessions
Use of tools
Events/ actions
# of clients served, # participants
Use of technology
Outputs (optional)
Products, goods, services provided to direct customers/participants/clients
Products include promotional materials, curriculum guide, TX manual
Services include education, training, therapy, medication management, health screening
Short-term outcomes (teachers learn new skills)
Intermediate outcomes (change teaching approach and techniques)
Long-term outcomes (students do better on standardized tests, more go to college, more become good teachers)
Might Add Context
antecedent factors
Factors that you start out with (e.g., geographical factors, demographic factors)
mediating factors
Factors that emerge after program starts or after program plan is in place (e.g., crisis, staff change)
Textbooks might be written in future tense. You need to discuss your logic model in the present tense.
Pool Modifications
Program Coordinators & supervising staff
Teaching equipment
Pool equipment
Training for instructors
Swim lesson/curriculum plan
Meetings/discussions w/ staff about progress
Meeting w/ parents about swim progress or concerns
Water safety lesson plan curriculum
Promotion of water safety
5X3 hour training sessions for swim instructors
Group lessons 4x 3 weeks at a time
Private lessons meet min. 2x & max 5x a week- up to an hour
Special Olympics team meets 4-5x for 60 mins.
Water safety training classes meet 1x a month on Wednesdays.
CRP courses meet 2x a month every other Saturday.
Short Term:
Teach proper technical and efficient strokes
Develop social group pods
Staff and swim instructors teach are trained on different swimming water prevention and lesson techniques for children with DD
Teach children and parents basic in water safety skills
Practice the strokes/swimming 4-5x a week for 60 mins.
Foster friendships that may not be made other wise that push them to become well rounded socially
Parents appreciate role swimming and the skills learned and can apply skills IOE
Allow opportunities for children to practice in water safety skills independently during lessons. Allow parents to practice these life saving in water safety skills
Long Term:
Develop muscular endurance strength
Build long term postive lasting friendships that these children can trust and communicate with
Gain more knowledge of water safety and prevention methods- parents are more comfortable around water
Eliminate drownings in the DD community at APA through the water safety lesson program.
Logic Model: Benefits Of Swimming for Children with DD
Marketing PlanAssignment G
BudgetAssignment H
Assignment I
Detailed narrative (3 page minimum) describing the personnel that will be needed to run your proposed program.
job titles and explanation of their role within the program including administrators, support staff, and direct service personnel.
Describe the physical environment in which the program will take place.
Getting ready for the final report
Headings and subheadings
Chapter numbers
Everything cited must be in reference list
APA format