Shakespeare is full of vivid and repeated images. Choose an image (a bird, a ship, gold, a handkerchief, a sword, a horn, a crown, a throne, the sea, etc.) and discuss how Shakespeare uses it in Othello.Have an into paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion.Use...
– Choose a restaurant or fast-food chain to evaluate. It needs to be something most people dont like but you do. The goal is to evaluate it and argue why its good. – Based off of using arguments of evaluation- Criteria need to be specific, but they should...
– This is an evaluation for a restaurant- Do not go to outside sources for criteria. – You design the criteria and you show how those criteria are met. What makes this under appreciated restaurant or movie so great?- Criteria need to be specific, but they...
An essay (250 words max) answering the following question: New York City is often referred to as the Melting Pot of America. Penn States Class of 2025 consists of students with different identities, experiences, and backgrounds. How has your time living in the New...
Directions: Write a research based paper based on this topics. George Orwell’s 1984: The Lack of Privacy and TheEffect of No Individualism Personalprivacy and space is never granted throughout 1984. Every person is alwayssubject to observation, even by their own...
must be 12-font, double-spacedincludes a brief INTRODUCTION paragraph with a THESIS at least one and one-half pages, double-spaced, or approx. 500 wordsthe analysis should include an analysis of setting and atmosphere, symbols, and irony; consider...