IS151 Spring 2022
Class Project 1
The assignment should be well-written, correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, professional appearance; citation’s when using other’s work. You need to cite each sentence or paragraph appropriately. I suggest using APA or MAL style. You should have citation for all your answers in the text in APA format.
The paper should be written as an academic paper, with 12 points font style, Times New Roman font, and double spaced, with 1inch margins.
Papers without title will not be graded.
Students must submit their paper in the Word format to blackboard.
The paper will help students to think critically, analyze the problem (diseases) and use secondary source of data, and understand different disease model and preventative strategies.
Each student will select a non-communicable disease listed below:
Heart disease, female breast cancer, colon cancer, adult obesity and Alzheimer.
Non-communicable Disease
1.Overview of the disease
1.1.Explain the disease in one short paragraph and explain why the disease is important from the public health perspective (make sure you cite the references in the text).
2.1.Overall prevalence of the disease in the world (among who and when and where) (you need to cite the reference in the text)
2.2. Overall prevalence of the disease in the United States (among who and when and where) (you need to cite the reference in the text)
2.3.Overall prevalence/incidence in State of New York among who and when and where) (you need to cite the reference in the text)
2.4.Compare the three levels international, national, and local level (table 1).
3.Who is the most affected in the United States? You should provide the latest statistics and explain your answer.
3.1.Prevalence of the disease-based age, gender and race/ethnic group (only for the United States). These statistics will help you to identify who is most affected.
4.Factors Associated with Disease.
4.1.List risk factors* associated with the disease.
4.1.1.Categorize listed risk factors based on the multi-causation disease model (for more information review slides in chapter 4 of the text book and see chapter four-Introduction to Community and Public Health).
4.1.2.Place the factors into the multi-causational model in appropriate level. You can draw the model and place factors into the model.
*Risk factors are characteristics which increase the chance of the disease.
*Protective factors are characteristics which decrease the chance of disease.
I.Individual factors and family factors such as personal history and biological factors affects increase or decrease chance of diseases. Examples: age, gender, race, ethnicity, occupation, behavioral choices, personality and family history
II.Environmental Factors: Examples: Physical Factors: Geography, latitude and climate, infectious disease outbreak, inadequate food production, natural environment, built environment** such as housing, health food stores, physical activity friendly neighborhood.
**The?built environment?influences a health outcome. For example, inaccessible or nonexistent sidewalks and bicycle or walking paths contribute to sedentary lifestyle and inactivity. Sedentary lifestyle is associated with obesity, heart disease and some types of cancer.
For more information regarding built environment watch the following link:
Social and Cultural Factors: Beliefs, traditions, and prejudices, health disparities, economy, health care system, policies, regulations, social norm, socioeconomic statue of the community
Students need to report the latest statics. Students need to cite the text.
Reliable source of the data.
Table 1: Prevalence of X disease in three level: world, USA, and New York
Location Prevalence per Year Age group
New York
Table 2: Factors associated with X disease in the Unites States (this is a dummy table so you can add rows based on the factors )
Personal factors Environmental factors Social and Cultural Factors Policy
Table 3: Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors associated with X disease
Modifiable risk factors Non-modifiable risk factors
Figure 1: Disease Multi-causational Model
5.Prevention :
5.1.Consider all three levels of prevention for the disease and list the current prevention actions or intervention(s) for the disease in the United States. You need to use Healthy People 2030 ( to list and analysis the current prevention strategies in the United States.
5.2.List current strategies and programs for the disease control and prevention.
5.3.List and categorize the preventative strategies based on three levels of prevention (table 4).
5.4.Discuss if the current preventative strategies are effective. Explain your answer. Why it is effective or why not effective.
5.5.What should be done to make the strategies more effective?
Table 4: List of preventative strategies for X disease (you might add more row to the tables)
Primary prevention
Individual role Community role
Secondary prevention
Individual role Community role
Tertiary prevention
Individual role Community role
Rubric for grading project for IS-151 course
Analytical rubric domains Excellent
4 points Good
3 points Fair
2 points Poor
1 point Not answered
0 points
Students will report prevalence/incidence of the disease in three levels ( world, USA and NY) Information is taken from reliable source and the rates reported with enough detail and cited correctly Information is taken from reliable sources and the rates reported without detail and cited correctly Information is taken from reliable source and only number of cases is reported and cited correctly. rate is not reported. Only number of cases were reported without enough detail and citation. Not answered
Students will explain who most affected based on descriptive epidemiology Information is taken from reliable source and reported with enough detail and cited correctly. The rate among different groups is reported and compared. Information is taken from reliable sources and reported without detail and cited correctly. The rate in different groups is not reported or compared. Information is taken from reliable source and reported without citing correctly. The rate is not reported correctly or sufficiently and not cited correctly. Number of cases is reported in different groups and not compared correctly.
Rate are not reported Not answered
Students will be able to list factors associated with the disease and classify factors based on biological, social and cultural factors. All factors associated with the disease are listed and categorized correctly based on the multi-causation model individual, personal, social/ community, environmental and political factors .
Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors are correctly categorized. Some but not all of the factors associated with the disease are listed and categorized correctly based on the multi-causation model individual, personal, social/ community, environmental.
Some of the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors are correctly categorized. Some of the factors associated with diseases are listed but not categorized correctly based on the model.
Only few of the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors are correctly categorized. Only few related factors listed and not categorized on model.
Modifiable and no-modifiable risk factors are not categorized correctly. Not answered
Students will propose a multi-causation model Most of the factors associated with the diseases are correctly placed correctly in the model.
Some of the factors associated with the diseases are correctly placed. Only some of the factors are correctly placed in the model. Model is not demonstrated correctly. Model has two or three levels and only few factors in the right place. Not answered
Students will list and classify the preventative strategies for the disease List most of the preventative strategies and categorized correctly based three levels of prevention.
Preventative strategies are categorized correctly in individual and community level. List some of the preventative strategies and categorized correctly based three levels of prevention.
Some of the preventative strategies are categorized correctly in individual and community level List only few preventative strategies but not categorized based three levels of prevention.
Only few of the preventative strategies are categorized correctly in individual or community level. List only one or two preventative strategies without mentioning the level of prevention.
Preventative strategies is are not correctly categorized. Not answered
Students discuss the current preventative strategies Discuss with logical order based on evidence and critical thinking Discuss based on limited evidence without critical thinking Discuss based on personal evidence Not answered
Always cites sources and provides complete bibliography Usually cites sources and provides partial bibliography Inconsistent citation of sources and limited bibliography No citations or bibliography Not cites sources Not answered
*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Useful websites:
Incidence rate for different types of cancer:
Tool for prevalence and incidence
Citation websites
APA generator: