BSC2346 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 09 Quiz
Question 1
Olfactory tract damage would affect which of your special senses?
Question 2
Which special sense does not depend on an organ with sensory hairs to assist in their function?
Question 3
An irregular shape of the cornea can cause blurred vision and is referred to as:
Question 4
Myopia occurs when the refracted light (focal point) is focused in front of the retina.
Question 5
The sense of taste involves cranial nerves VII, IX, and X.
Question 6
Which choice is true regarding the eye?
A hyperopic eye occurs when the refracted light is focused behind the retina
The sclera is part of the internal eye and changes shape to focus light
A function of the ciliary body is to absorb light and prevent it from scattering around the eye
The lens shape and thickness cannot be adjusted
Question 7
Which statement is true regarding the ear and hearing?
The auditory (Eustachian) tube allows passage of sound waves to the tympanic membrane
The ear ossicles are connected to the oval window
The semicircular canals vibrate in accordance to the sound waves entering the ear
The spiral organ is found within the external ear
Question 8
Which of the following structures is in direct contact with the tympanic membrane?
Question 9
Which statement is true regarding the special senses?
If the olfactory bulb is damaged, an individual’s sense of equilibrium will be partially lost
If the light entering the eye is refracted on two different areas of the retina, double vision will occur
If an individual is missing a particular category of rod cells, he or she will be colorblind
Conductive hearing loss can result from damaged or dead hair cells (stereocilia)
Question 10
What statement is true regarding the eye?
The fovea centralis of the macula lutea has the highest concentration of rod cells
The muscles of the eye are all controlled by peripheral nerves
The ciliary processes of the eye secrete the fluid that fills that anterior chamber of the eye
The fovea centralis is the blind spot of the eye
Question 11
Gustation is the medical term that refers to the sense of smell.
Question 12
Which of the following structures houses 70% of the body’s sensory receptors?
Olfactory bulb
Question 13
Which of the following senses rely on chemoreceptors?
Taste and Hearing
Taste and Vision
Smell and Hearing
Smell and Taste
Question 14
When the sound waves are blocked from reaching the inner ear, resulting in impaired hearing, this is referred to as:
Sensorineural hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss
Question 15
What structure does not have an effect on the refraction of light within the eye?
Vitreous humor (body)

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