BSC2346 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 06 Quiz
Question 1
An action potential can only be propagated along a myelinated axon.
Question 2
As long as neurotransmitters are bound to a receptor, ion channels remain open.
Question 3
Which statement is true regarding the nervous system?
Neuroglia cells are only responsible for providing immunity to the nervous cells
Depolarization is the reduction of the membrane potential; going from negative to a more positive charge
Neurons can communicate with other cells without the use of neurotransmitters
Damaged myelin on an axon has no effect with its ability to transmit an action potential
Question 4
During relative refractory period, a neuron cannot create another action potential to a stimulus no matter how strong or intense that stimulus is.
Question 5
The resting membrane potential of a neuron, specifically in the axon, is more negatively charged inside when compared to the extracellular space (outside of the cell)?
Selected Answer:
Question 6
Which statement is true regarding action potentials (nerve impulses)?
An action potential moves from the axon to the soma of a neuron
Is typically only generated in the dendrite portion of a neuron
Neuroglia are solely responsible for creating action potentials
When action potentials reach the axon terminal, they cause the release of neurotransmitters
Question 7
During the repolarization phase of an action potential, the neuron begins to regain its negative internal charge.
Question 8
Which portion of the neuron processes information?
Question 9
Action potential is unique to neurons and muscle cells. Other body cells do not use this process.
Question 10
Which choice is true regarding myelin sheaths?
Myelin sheaths cover dendrites in the central and peripheral nervous system
Myelin sheaths help release neurotransmitters from the axon terminal
Myelin sheaths allow for the conduction of nerve impulses (action potentials) to be transmitted faster
Myelin sheaths are composed of astrocytes and satellite cells
Question 11
The generation or creation of an action potential depends on the strength of the stimulus a neuron receives.
Question 12
Which choice is true regarding neuroglia cells?
The majority of neuroglia cells are found in the peripheral nervous system
Schwann cells function are located in the central nervous system
Oligodendrocytes produce myelin sheaths
Astrocyte cells protect the neurons by acting almost like an immune cell
Question 13
Which statement is true regarding the action potential process?
Depolarization occurs because voltage gated K+ channels allow K+ ions to rush into the cell
The repolarization phase must occur prior to depolarization
The action potential process only occurs at the nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons
Hyperpolarization allows for Na+ and K+ ions to move into and out of the cell
Question 14
The autonomic nervous system is a sub-division of sensory (afferent) division?
Question 15
Which statement is true regarding neurons?
Both the axons and dendrites receive information from other neurons and cells
The nucleus of the neuron is located in the axon
Neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminal(s)
Myelin sheaths provide protection to the axons but slow the nerve impulse (action potential) through it

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