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COVID-19 was a novel virus. Novel means new. That means it was new to us and our immune system. Our body was not able to fight it off efficiently because our cells did not have memory of it. Once exposed, our immune system had to work from scratch to mount a defense against it. Having an intact, robust, well working immune system was the key to recovery. To fight the virus, scientists around the world worked together to develop a tool to give our immune system the abiltiy to fight off this virus. This tool is the vaccines.

Much has been printed/reported about the quick way the vaccines were developed. But remember this was a world wide effort. Typically pharmaceutical companies work alone on developing a new drug. This pandemic changed that dynamic and scientists worked together for the sake of the world.

Emergency Authorization Use has been if effect for many years. Many HIV/AIDS drugs were put on the market through this process as were other safe/effective drugs.

For this discussion (10 line minimum) I would like you to see the rigorous process of drug approval.

First read this article from the FDA:
Then go to the National Institute of Health’s clinical trials website:   
Click on The Basics
Click on the different links and read through the information
Please focus on the following three links:
What are Clinical Trials and Why do People Participate
What are the Phases of Clinical Trials.
What Happens After a Clinical Trial is Complete
Once you have read this information, for your discussion:
Describe the drug approval process in your own words
Explain how this information would be useful for you to use in the health care field as a Registered Nurse when discussing vaccine/medication hesitance with your patient.

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