23 hours ago, at 11:08 PM
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Week 2 Discussion
Based on the clinical presentation of AM's chief complaint, it represents signs and symptoms of a corneal abrasion; corneal abrasions can be compartmentalized into spontaneous or traumatic events resulting from a foreign body or contact lenses, in AM's case, the prolonged use of contact lenses or use of damaged lenses increased the possibility of a scratched cornea (Domingo et al., 2022). AM is a contact lens wearer, and a concern that can arise is Pseudomonas in the eye; therefore, AM will be prescribed topical NSAIDs such as Diclofenac and fluoroquinolone or aminoglycoside: Levofloxacin 05% and Tobramycin 0.3%, respectively (Domingo et al., 2022).
Appropriate follow-up care and consultations must be completed for AM, and a referral to an ophthalmologist within 24-48 hours is indicated for AM due to his eyesight for the right eye being 20/40 (Domingo et al., 2022). AM should be counseled on the hygiene and care of his contact lenses; in most cases, individuals using contact lenses lack awareness of proper upkeep for contacts. The practitioner must educate AM on the proper storage, saline solution use, maintenance, and possible reuse of lens or solution, resulting in increased awareness and vigilance towards contact lens care and proper use (Falahati-Marvast et al., 2021).
Natalie Nunez
Advanced Pharmacology
I would consider AM to be presenting with corneal abrasion due to wearing contact lenses. Corneal abrasions may happen in any circumstance that compromises the epithelial layer of the cornea. Instances such as these include diseases of the cornea or epithelium (such as dry eye), superficial corneal lesions or ocular injuries (such as those caused by foreign things), and the use of contact lenses. Corneal abrasions that occur for no apparent reason may be linked to a condition known as map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy or recurrent corneal erosion syndrome.
Pharmaceuticals recommended include those to treat pseudomonas bacteria type such as bacitracin (Bacticin), Ciprofloxacin 0.3%. Antibiotic ointments are lubricating and soothing to the eye, making them a good option for traumatic corneal abrasions. Topical ophthalmic antibiotic ointments commonly used are bacitracin (Bacticin), erythromycin (Ilotycin), and gentamicin (Gentak) (Lim, Turner & Landon, 2016).
Eye infections and other injuries that are caused by contact lenses may cause long-term harm, although they can often be avoided. One of the simplest and most essential steps that patients can take to safeguard their eyesight is to ensure that they handle their contact lenses in a clean and safe manner (Lim, Turner & Landon, 2016). When it comes to using contact lenses for an extended period of time, proper hygiene is the single most important factor. Many frequent care blunders, such as neglecting to clean and store lenses in accordance with the directions provided by an optometrist and sleeping while wearing contact lenses, may increase the likelihood of obtaining germs in the eyes and developing an infection. Even small eye infections may cause significant discomfort and interfere with day-to-day activities. Serious eye infections have been linked to cases of blindness in up to one in every 500 people who use contact lenses annually (Smolin, 2018).

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