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635 Module 1: Assessment 1 – Baseline Survey

Assignment 1: Baseline Survey: For Module 1, before doing this week’s course readings, please post your answer to the following questions:

1. Describe your perceptions of and experiences with young children with disabilities ages 0-8.

2. Which disabilities have you had personal or professional experience with and what type of setting (general education, ICT, self-contained)?

3. What do you already know about the IFSP? IEP? (it's ok if you don't know much yet – we will learn about it this semester)

4. How does knowing that play and hands-on experiences are best for young children impact the way we teach young children with disabilities?

5. What questions do you have about teaching very young children with disabilities and working with their parents?


1. Describe your perceptions of and experiences with young children with disabilities ages 0-8.

I am currently not working in a public-school population. Therefore, I don’t have a lot of experience with children with disabilities. However, I am working hard to become a special education teacher in early childhood (birth – 2). I could not wait the time when I will begin to work with children. I perceive every child as unique and individual since they are all different. I believe that teacher’s instructions must be adjusted to meet all students’ needs in the classroom. I am open to learning every day to become an intentional teacher.

2. Which disability categories have you had personal or professional experience with?

I am currently not working in a public-school population. Therefore, I don’t have a lot of experience with children with disabilities. However, I do have personal experience. My cousin has autism and suffers from mental retardation. She is the reason why I decided to become a special education teacher. Throughout my education at Touro, I learned about many disabilities such as speech and language impairments, learning disabilities, ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorders, intellectual disabilities, physical and health disabilities, hard of hearing and deafness, low vision and blindness, and autism. I also experienced working with a gifted and talented child.

3. What do you know about the IFSP? IEP?

Both the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and Individualized Education Program (IEP) are created to help families meet a child’s and family needs to enhance a child’s development. The significant difference between them is that IFSP is for children from birth to three years old, and the IEP is for children from three to five years old.

4. What are your academic expectations for very young children with disabilities?

As a teacher, I would provide accommodations and modifications to lesson activities to meet the child’s needs. I would also motivate the students to take part in extra curriculum activities. I would adapt the classroom space, routines, and activities in various ways to support children’s strengths and address their needs. Also, it is vital to have a positive and warm classroom environment.

5. What questions do you have about teaching very young children with disabilities and working with their parents?

a) How to deal with a parent who does not show any interest in participating in a child’s development?

b) What are some practical ways to support families with children with disabilities?

c) What strategies can a teacher use to help children with disabilities cope with their challenges and frustration during the lesson?  

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