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Benchmark – Cross-Curricular Unit Plan – Rubric Total 240 points

Criterion 1. No Submission 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Target

Section 1: Grade Level,

Content Area, Unit and

Lesson Titles and

Summaries, and Factors

Section 1: Grade Level,

Content Area, Unit Title,

Lesson Titles and

Summaries, and Classroom

and Student


0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Grade level, content areas,

unit title, lesson titles and

summaries, and classroom

and student factors/grouping

are incomplete and/or


17.76 points

Grade level, content areas,

unit title, lesson titles and

summaries, and classroom

and student factors/grouping

are vague.

20.88 points

Grade level, content areas,

unit title, lesson titles and

summaries, and classroom

and student factors/grouping

are clear.

24 points

Grade level, content areas,

unit title, lesson titles and

summaries, and classroom

and student factors/grouping

are thorough.

Section 1: State Literacy and

Cross-Curricular Standards

and Learning Objectives

Section 1: State Literacy and

Cross-Curricular Standards

and Learning Objectives

0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

State literacy and cross-

curricular standards are

unfitting for the specified

grade level and unit of study.

Learning objectives are

unrelated or inappropriate.

17.76 points

State literacy and cross-

curricular standards make

few connections to the

specified grade level and unit

of study. Learning objectives

lack precision.

20.88 points

State literacy and cross-

curricular standards are

relevant for the specified

grade level and unit of study.

Learning objectives are


24 points

State literacy and cross-

curricular standards make

complex connections for the

specified grade level and unit

of study. Learning objectives

are expertly crafted.

Section 1: Academic

Language and Unit

Resources, Materials,

Equipment, and Technology

Section 1: Academic

Language and Unit

Resources, Materials,

Equipment, and Technology

0 points

Not addressed.

8.28 points

Academic language is

inappropriate. The list of

resources, materials,

equipment, and technology

to be used in the unit is

incomplete and/or incorrect.

8.88 points

Academic language is

minimal. The list of

resources, materials,

equipment, and technology

to be used in the unit is

partially complete and


10.44 points

Academic language is

appropriate. The list of

resources, materials,

equipment, and technology

to be used in the unit is

mostly complete and correct.

12 points

Academic language is in-

depth. The list of resources,

materials, equipment, and

technology to be used in the

unit is complete and correct.

Section 2: Anticipatory Set

Section 2: Anticipatory Set

0 points

Not addressed.

8.28 points

The anticipatory set is

ineffective for activating prior

knowledge and generating

student interest in the


8.88 points

The anticipatory set is

minimally effective for

activating prior knowledge

and generating student

interest in the content.

10.44 points

The anticipatory set is

effective for activating prior

knowledge and generating

student interest in the


12 points

The anticipatory set is

extremely effective for

activating prior knowledge

and generating student

interest in the content.

Section 2: Multiple Means of

Representation and

Differentiation (B)


0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Description of how content

will be presented and

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, student with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is unrealistic and/or

inappropriate for students.

Discussion of how individual

student's abilities, interests,

preferred learning

environments, and cultural

and linguistic factors will be

considered is unconvincing.

17.76 points

Description of how content

will be presented and

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, student with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is underdeveloped

and does not demonstrate

best practices. Discussion of

how individual student's

abilities, interests, preferred

learning environments, and

cultural and linguistic factors

will be considered is weak.

20.88 points

Description of how content

will be presented and

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, student with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is logical and

appropriate for students.

Discussion of how individual

student's abilities, interests,

preferred learning

environments, and cultural

and linguistic factors will be

considered is suitable.

24 points

Description of how content

will be presented and

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, student with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is realistic and

demonstrates best practices.

Discussion of how individual

student's abilities, interests,

preferred learning

environments, and cultural

and linguistic factors will be

considered is meaningful.

Section 2: Multiple Means of

Engagement and

Differentiation (B)


0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Description of how students

will explore, practice, and

apply the content and how

these activities will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is unrealistic and/or

is inappropriate for students.

Strategies to enhance the

language development and

17.76 points

Description of how students

will explore, practice, and

apply the content and how

these activities will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is underdeveloped

and does not demonstrate

best practices. Strategies to

enhance the language

20.88 points

Description of how students

will explore, practice, and

apply the content and how

these activities will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is logical and

appropriate for students.

Strategies to enhance the

language development and

24 points

Description of how students

will explore, practice, and

apply the content and how

these activities will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is realistic and

demonstrates best practices.

Strategies to enhance the

language development and

Criterion 1. No Submission 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Targetcommunication skills of

individual students are


development and

communication skills of

individual students are


communication skills of

individual students are


communication skills of

individual students are


Section 2: Multiple Means of

Expression and

Differentiation (B)


0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Description of how progress

will be monitored using

formative and summative

assessments and how

assessments will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is unrealistic and/or

inappropriate for students.

Discussion of how bias will

be minimized in the

assessments is unrealistic.

17.76 points

Description of how progress

will be monitored using

formative and summative

assessments and how

assessments will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is underdeveloped

and does not demonstrate

best practices. Discussion of

how bias will be minimized in

the assessments is overly


20.88 points

Description of how progress

will be monitored using

formative and summative

assessments and how

assessments will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is logical and

appropriate for students.

Discussion of how bias will

be minimized in the

assessments is logical.

24 points

Description of how progress

will be monitored using

formative and summative

assessments and how

assessments will be

differentiated to meet the

needs of various learners

including ELLs, students with

exceptionalities, and early

finishers is realistic and

demonstrates best practices.

Discussion of how bias will

be minimized in the

assessments is realistic.

Section 3: Performance Data

Section 3: Performance Data

0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Description of how

performance data from the

class profile was analyzed to

develop the unit plan is poor.

Explanation of how the unit

is developmentally

meaningful and provides

learning opportunities to

meet the unique needs of

the students in the class is


17.76 points

Description of how

performance data from the

class profile was analyzed to

develop the unit plan is

weak. Explanation of how the

unit is developmentally

meaningful and provides

learning opportunities to

meet the unique needs of

the students in the class is

missing key details.

20.88 points

Description of how

performance data from the

class profile was analyzed to

develop the unit plan is solid.

Explanation of how the unit

is developmentally

meaningful and provides

learning opportunities to

meet the unique needs of

the students in the class is


24 points

Description of how

performance data from the

class profile was analyzed to

develop the unit plan is

insightful. Explanation of

how the unit is

developmentally meaningful

and provides learning

opportunities to meet the

unique needs of the students

in the class is convincing.

Section 3: Critical Thinking

and Problem-Solving Skills (B)


0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Description of how the unit

teaches cross-disciplinary

knowledge and critical

thinking and problem-solving

skills to students with

exceptionalities is irrelevant.

17.76 points

Description of how the unit

teaches cross-disciplinary

knowledge and critical

thinking and problem-solving

skills to students with

exceptionalities is superficial.

20.88 points

Description of how the unit

teaches cross-disciplinary

knowledge and critical

thinking and problem-solving

skills to students with

exceptionalities is relevant.

24 points

Description of how the unit

teaches cross-disciplinary

knowledge and critical

thinking and problem-solving

skills to students with

exceptionalities is insightful.

Section 3: Strengthening

Literacy Skills and Extension

Section 3: Strengthening

Literacy Skills and Extension

0 points

Not addressed.

16.56 points

Description of three ways the

content of the cross-

curricular unit strengthens

student literacy skills is

insufficient. Discussion of

one strategy that could be

recommended to families to

extend the cross-curricular

unit at home is inadequate.

17.76 points

Description of three ways the

content of the cross-

curricular unit strengthens

student literacy skills is

surface level. Discussion of

one strategy that could be

recommended to families to

extend the cross-curricular

unit at home is overly


20.88 points

Description of three ways the

content of the cross-

curricular unit strengthens

student literacy skills is

beyond surface application.

Discussion of one strategy

that could be recommended

to families to extend the

cross-curricular unit at home

is noteworthy.

24 points

Description of three ways the

content of the cross-

curricular unit strengthens

student literacy skills is

persuasive. Discussion of one

strategy that could be

recommended to families to

extend the cross-curricular

unit at home is novel.



0 points

Not addressed.

8.28 points

An attempt is made to

organize the content, but the

sequence is indiscernible.

The ideas presented are

compartmentalized and may

not relate to each other.

8.88 points

The content is not well

organized even though it

provides the audience with a

sense of the main idea.

10.44 points

The content is logically

organized. The ideas

presented relate to each

other. The content provides

the audience with a clear

sense of the main idea.

12 points

The content is well-organized

and logical. There is a

sequential progression of

ideas that relate to each

other. The content is

presented as a cohesive unit

and provides the audience

with a clear sense of the

main idea.

Criterion 1. No Submission 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Target

Mechanics of Writing

Includes spelling,

capitalization, punctuation,

grammar, language use,

sentence structure, etc.

0 points

Not addressed.

8.28 points

Errors in grammar or syntax

are pervasive and impede

meaning. Incorrect language

choice or sentence structure

errors are found throughout.

8.88 points

Frequent and repetitive

mechanical errors are

present. Inconsistencies in

language choice or sentence

structure are recurrent.

10.44 points

Few mechanical errors are

present. Suitable language

choice and sentence

structure are used.

12 points

No mechanical errors are

present. Skilled control of

language choice and

sentence structure are used


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