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Respond to discussion 4


Motivation is essential in developing literacy skills in students. Learning, reading, and writing all require high-level involvement both mentally and physically. This is why motivation is so important to ensure that students have the desire to further develop their knowledge. As teachers, it can be challenging to keep the student's attention, but having the right content and activities can help promote their interest and enthusiasm. For instance, providing learners tasks that involve fun or abstract activities, such as discussions, creative projects or collaborative work, can help engage and motivate pupils to continue to read and write. Additionally, providing positive reinforcement and frequent feedback can help encourage students to further challenge themselves.

Motivating students with learning disabilities, ESOL/LEP, or students who need practice in skill and conceptual development can be challenging. It can be beneficial to modify the activity so that it meets the student's individual needs. Learning goals should be realistic and tailored to the student's strengths. For students with learning disabilities, the use of visuals, such as graphic organizers, can help reinforce the concept. Offer frequent reinforcement and feedback to equip and encourage them to further challenge themselves. For ESL/LEP students, providing items with print, such as stories with audiotapes, worksheets, visual aids, and flashcards, can help enliven the learning process. Additionally, providing students with practice activities that promote skill and concept development can help keep them motivated and engaged.


Motivation is important in a classroom, whether it's for learning, reading, or writing because it causes development in the student's progress. It's important because it helps students focus and pay attention to what they are being taught. The relevance of motivating students would be wanting a positive outcome. By staying motivated, they will not be easily distracted, especially if it's for a long time. 

To maintain students motivated, a teacher must find relevant material that students can connect to. If the students can make a personal connection to what they are learning, they will find it interesting and want to continue learning about it. To help increase motivation, the classroom should encourage students. The classroom should include print that captures the students' attention, for example, putting books that the students find interesting on display. Also, incorporate hands-on activities that will engage students and make them want to continue to participate in the present activity. An example of a hands-on activity would be creating their own short story in a book design. An activity like such will help develop their reading and writing abilities.

To motivate students with learning disabilities, ESOL/LEP, and students who need practice, one should assign material in which the students can use their strengths. After discovering the students' strengths, they will feel prompted to complete the assignment and feel confident in what they are doing. These students should also be given reasonable goals. In the process of achieving those goals, the students should constantly be reminded of their achievements throughout the process. This will continue to encourage them to complete the task they’ve been assigned. Incorporating technology and making it available to the students may also support keeping them motivated and engaged. 

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