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Course Project Overview
Managing Organizational Change
Project InformationCourse Project: This project must be completed individually.
Course Project milestones are due by Sunday of Weeks 3, 5, and 7. The final writtencomponent and the final oral presentation are due by Saturday of Week 8. Hence, it isnecessary to begin working on your project as quickly and as early as possible.
DeliverablesThis Course Project will help you utilize the concepts in this class by doing a thoroughanalytical and in-depth review and comparison of the change in two companies.
You will accomplish the following in the course.
1. Research two publicly traded companies and compare and contrast their methods ofhandling a significant change in their organizations. Analyze and write about images ofchange in those organizations in a Change Analysis Paper ‐ Images of Change(Milestone 1, include four references). This component is due in Week 3.
2. Determine the change in those companies and their barriers and resistors by creating aDetermining the Change Paper (Milestone 2, include four references). This componentis due in Week 5.
3. Analyze and create applications for a change project in communication, based on thechange in one of your researched companies. This is the Communicating the ChangePaper (Milestone 3, include two references). This component is due in Week 7.
4. Create the final written version of your project. The written component will simply be acombination of Milestones 1, 2, and 3, completely formatted using APA writing styles.You must ensure that your final written component includes a title page, table ofcontents, and a References Page (which will include the required 10 references fromMilestones 1, 2, and 3). This component is due in Week 8.
5. Create the final audio version of your project. The audio component will be a summaryof your project. You must use an audio multimedia tool of your choosing(PowerPoint and Kaltura are the two most used). This component is due in Week 8.
Please note the following points related to the research component of this Course Project.
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Utilize multiple references using online research, including the DeVry University on-site oronline libraries. As well, consider using a public library or other area university or collegelibrary for print resources. Other secondary research sources you feel would be appropriatefor this project may also be used. The purpose of completing the research component for thisCourse Project is to include strong references to support your findings.
Important Note!Note! DeVry librarians are a wealth of information and will help you findsources. Using the chat feature, you can talk to them about what you need tofind, and they will teach you how to use the library!
Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a reference source. If you find useful information fromWikipedia, triangulate your research, and find other, more credible source(s) that provide thesame (or better) information, and then utilize the information from that more credible source inyour paper and References page.
Here are some examples.
Both Ford and General Motors experienced serious issues pre-, during, and post-TARPperiod, causing them to restructure and change how they do business. Each of themreacted to these pressures differently. A paper comparing and contrasting the way bothcompanies reacted to this pressure would be very interesting and easy to set up in anorganized fashion. Further, utilizing the grid of the image, you can discuss how they didhandle these pressures (using which image) and how a different style of the leader(image) might have handled it differently.Both Hewlett-Packard and Home Depot have had issues selecting a new chief executiveofficer (CEO) for their company. Reviewing the last 10 years of CEO history, a papercomparing and contrasting the pressures involved and how they impacted the overallproductivity of the companies would be sustainable throughout the term.Review any two companies in the airline industry, their entrance into (and possibly theircompletion of) bankruptcy, and how they handled the changes through management asa result (i.e., United Airlines and American Airlines).Review any two companies who have recently been through some part of merger andacquisition change and how they handled the culture changes.Review any two companies who have had industry changes, how they have reactedeither successfully or unsuccessfully, and how their reactions perhaps resulted in theirsuccess or failure (i.e., Yahoo versus IBM).
These are simply illustrative. You can do research and find a number of companies and topicsof change that could work for this Course Project, and you are encouraged to do so. If you
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have questions or need more ideas, please ask your professor for assistance.
Topic SelectionSelect your two companies that have undergone some type of fairly substantial change in therecent past. Find the company and the change information online using EBSCO or usinganother appropriate resource in the DeVry Library. Other ways to find information includeutilizing Google, Yahoo Finance, or Reuters and looking up annual reports of companies thatinterest you. Often, reading the first sections of these reports (i.e., letters from CEOs) will giveyou ideas about changes they have gone through in the past year(s).
You will need to ensure the following.
a. Your companies are publicly traded so that their information will be easy to research andfind.
b. Your change in the two companies are comparable (i.e., don’t compare a new CEO to achange in the human resources information system [HRIS]. Do compare two changes inchief information officer.
c. The changes happened in the recent past so that you will find sufficient onlineinformation about how they were handled, but not so recent that the information aboutthe change results is still being researched and published.
The Change Analysis—Images of Change Paper(Milestone 1)The Images section focuses on the six different images of managing change and how eachapproach to change affects all that follows in its implementation and continued support.Download the Project Images Grid(https://devryu.instructure.com/courses/93635/files/14220307?wrap=1) (https://devryu.instructure.com/courses/93635/files/14220307/download?download_frd=1) .Select three of the images of change explained in the lesson from the grid. Then, analyze howthose particular images would affect the ensuing diagnosis and implementation in your twoselected companies on their change plans.
Here’s what to do.
1. Review the changes in each company and describe them thoroughly in a Worddocument. Explain how the change impacted the companies and who it impacted.Compare some of the similarities and differences between the change in the twocompanies. This should be 1-2 pages.
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2. Review your prepared grid, and select three images of change from your grid. Completethe empty blocks on the grid for those three images. Use outlines, bullet points, andrough ideas for both company's changes to fill them out.
3. Adding to the Word document you started in Step 1, analyze, compare, and contrast thethree images and explain how the behaviors of those images would be different or thesame during your companies’ changes and how those differences could (or did) impactthe success (or failure) of the change, comparing and contrasting the results at bothcompanies. This should be 1-2 pages.
4. Explain which image (or combination of images) you feel would have best facilitated thedescribed change, and explain why. This should be less than 1 page.
5. Based on the information you read about the results of this change, state which imageyou think the leader of the change actually resembled the most. You may speculate onwhich image you feel best represents the change agent at either or both of thecompanies. This will depend on how much information you found about the internalworkings of the company during the change. This should be 1-2 pages.
This paper should focus on evidence that demonstrates how the management of theorganization integrated one or more of the six images of managing change, how effective thechange was, and what management could have done differently to increase the probability ofsuccessfully implementing the strategic change initiative. Again, this is a compare andcontrast paper, so include information about both companies in your report.
APA_Template_7th_Edition.docx(https://devryu.instructure.com/courses/93635/files/14242224?wrap=1) (https://devryu.instructure.com/courses/93635/files/14242224/download?download_frd=1)
Grading Rubric
Category DescriptionTotalpoints
AnalysisProperly filled out and submitted change grid showing yourinitial analysis and notes.
Documentationand Formatting
Paper is properly referenced according to APA guidelineswith at least four references, properly cited and in-textcitations included.
Two companies selected, briefed, and referenced. 20
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Category DescriptionTotalpoints
A thorough description of the change explained. 20
Comparison of the two companies, similarities anddifferences of the changes, and the results.
Explain which image (or combination of images) you feelwould have best facilitated the described change andexplain why.
HRM OutcomeA
Integrate distinct professional HR competencies andpractical applications in HR management to ensure that anorganization’s most important asset is available, capableand effective in an ever-changing business environment.
Total PointsA quality paper will meet or exceed all of the aboverequirements.
Determining the Change (Milestone 2)Select a diagnostic model that you can utilize to review aspects of change activities andactions that have been taken by the companies chosen. For this analysis, we are looking atthe parts of the companies as well as their strategies, as surmised by your earlier research. Itis acknowledged that this information will not be complete as you are looking at thesecompanies as an outsider, but a thoroughly researched paper will give enough data to allowsome well-defended assumptions on your part.
Here’s what to do.
1. Select one diagnostic model (i.e., 6-box, 7S, congruence, or one of the others) to applyto the two chosen companies. Choose the model that you feel best identifies andmeasures the relevant aspects of the organization's performance.
2. Apply the data obtained in your research through an analysis of the appropriate chosenmodel. This will allow you to create a diagnosis of where each company is today (as perthe criteria of the model).
3. Create a SWOT analysis for each of the two chosen companies' change plans andprograms, utilizing information obtained in the diagnosis (strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats).
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4. Compare the two company analyses to each other and offer your perspective (valuejudgment) of the effectiveness of the changes made to date in each case.
5. Identify potential areas of resistance that may occur and at least one strategy to respondto each. (This will most likely come from your weaknesses and threats section of yourSWOT. If not, take another look at your SWOT.)
6. Make recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationalechosen for these recommendations.
7. Write the paper, including each of the above sections and analyses.
Grading Rubric
Category DescriptionTotalpoints
Diagnostic Model
Provide a comprehensive review of the changediagnostic model chosen that details the componentsincluded, as well as some background about the modelitself through research from the author(s).
Documentationand Formatting
Paper is properly referenced according to APAguidelines with at least four references, properly citedand in-text citations included.
Model Rationale
Include your rationale defending why that particularmodel was selected. You can utilize a review of internaland external pressures that have affected thecompanies chosen.
SWOT Analysis
Create a SWOT analysis based on the above.Compare the two company analyses to each other andoffer your perspective (value judgment) of theeffectiveness of the changes made to date in eachcase.
Areas ofResistance
Address potential areas of resistance that wereencountered or that you anticipate may be encounteredand possible actions to minimize the negative effects ofsuch resistance.
RecommendationsInclude recommendations for further actions within theorganizations and the rationale chosen for theserecommendations.
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Category DescriptionTotalpoints
HRM Outcome B
Employ an interdisciplinary perspective for strategicleadership, HR management and decision making soas to add value to the overall success of a businessenterprise.
Total PointsA quality paper will meet or exceed all of the aboverequirements.
Communicating the Change (Milestone 3)An important part of any change project is how the change is communicated to theorganization, to the change agents, to the line workers, to the customers, and to the public.Along with media relations issues, communicating change (especially in a publicly tradedcompany) can involve multiple legal and regulatory aspects as well as personnel andmanagement concerns. Perhaps the single most difficult piece of handling Kotter’s “establisha sense of urgency” is that too many inexperienced or immature change agents read this tomean “panic the troops.” Never do this.
This project piece will have three parts.
1. The main part of this project component will ask you to pick one of the company'schange plans and develop a communication plan for the company. This plan should besubmitted by using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and setting out the stakeholders, thetimeline of the communication plan, the method of communication, the rationale for whyyou chose this method of communication, the purpose of the communication, andidentifying who will do the communicating. The grid for this project can be found in theFiles section of the Course Menu and is titled Grid for Week 6—Communication Plan.
2. Select one of the communication pieces that you would have used that is listed in yourcommunication plan, and write the communication in a Word document (either the textor the script, if the communication would have been oral). Be sure to review the Week 6information and the examples of communication plans and types for more assistance onthis piece of the project. If you use any form of communication from templates you findonline or in a textbook, be sure to cite your source. Your instructor will grade this basedon how well it relates to the audience and stakeholder group to which it is intended.
3. The real-world aspect of this project is that you will write a one- to two-page analysis ofone of the media pieces about one of the company's changes written (or provided viaoral media) by the company. For this section of the project, please analyze any media,
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news, or other communications that explained the change going on in the organization.Explain in your paper how the company handled communicating the change to itsstakeholders.
Grading Rubric
Category DescriptionTotalpoints
Stakeholder IDID Stakeholders have been identified on the Excelspreadsheet grid.
Documentationand Formatting
Paper is properly referenced according to APA guidelineswith at least two references, properly cited and in-textcitations included.
Timeline of communication has been identified andexplained on the Excel spreadsheet grid.
The type of communication has been identified andexplained on the Excel spreadsheet grid.
The rationale for why this method of communication wasselected.
ID correct communicator has been identified on the Excelspreadsheet grid.
At least four communication pieces listed on the Excelspreadsheet no more than six.
AnalysisAn analysis of the actual communication plan as seenfrom the public eye.
A sample communication piece for the organization. 11
HRM OutcomeC
Assess the culture and workplace environment andpropose and make HR decisions that align with and helpachieve an organization’s strategic goals.
Total PointsA quality paper will meet or exceed all of the aboverequirements.
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Course Project: Final Presentation - WrittenSubmissionThe written component will simply be a combination of Milestones 1, 2, and 3, completelyformatted using APA writing styles. This final written document must be uploaded in the Week8 Final Written Assignment area. You must ensure that your final written component includesa title page, table of contents, and a References Page (which will include the required 10references from Milestones 1, 2, and 3). Keep in mind, you will be simply compiling all threemilestones and creating a final APA style document for final submission. Also, adhere to thefollowing points, as you finalize this document.
A. Use of at least 10 references.B. Remember the title page.C. Remember in-text citations.D. Remember the table of contents.E. Use proper use of APA style.
Grading Rubric
Category DescriptionTotal
Content All three milestones included 30
Citations In-text citations included 10
Formatting Proper use of APA style 5
References At least 10 references, properly cited 5
Total PointsA quality paper will meet or exceed all of the aboverequirements.
Course Project: Final Presentation - OralMultimedia SubmissionYou will be required to upload your final oral presentation in the Week 8 Discussions Area.Your colleagues and the professor will have a chance to view your oral presentation and
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comment on it in that discussions area. This final oral presentation must also be uploaded inthe Week 8 Final Oral Assignment area. It is the instructor's option as to the modality of eachpresentation (PPT Audio or Kaltura).
The requirements for the audio presentation are as follows.
Course Project PresentationI. IntroductionII. Change analysis summary
III. Determining the change summaryIV. Communicating the change summaryV. Presentation quality
VI. Verbal presentation quality
Presentation Guidelines
A. Ten to 12 minutes (maximum) are allocated for the presentation.B. No more than 10 slides are allowed in the final oral presentation. Do not embed any videofiles, audio files, or animated graphics, due to the limitations of the Canvas LMS. C. Ensure that your presentation contains audio.
Grading Rubric
Category DescriptionTotalpoints
QualityIntroduction, presentation quality, and verbal presentationquality
Summaries1. Change analysis summary2. Determining the change summary3. Communicating the change summary
Formatting Proper use of APA style 5
Total Points Total Points 50