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ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 4 Quiz

What does APA stand for?

 The Alternate Panda Act of 1983

 The Absent Pickle Award

 The American Psychological Association

 The Amazing Paper Admission

True or False: Formatting a paper refers to items like margins, spacing, page numbering, and title page.



What is a “title page” in APA formatting?

 It is the first page of the essay, where you write a brief summary of the contents of the essay.

 It is the first page of the essay; the page has just the title of your paper on it, in 16-point font, bolded—nothing else should be on the title page.

 It is the last page of the essay and includes the title of the essay and an explanation of why there is no research referenced.

 It is the first page of the essay where you include information about the essay, such as your name, the essay’s title, and other basic information.

Three of the following statements about APA are true, and two are false. Please click “True” next to the true statements and “False” next to the false statements. Remember: 3 are “True”, and 2 are “False.”

True       False

The American Psychological Association’s APA style is a standardized set of guidelines for academic and scholarly writing.

 You need to learn APA formatting because instructors want you to do way more work than is necessary. 

 Using a standardized formatting style creates consistency in appearance that permits the writing and ideas to be the reader’s focus.  

APA formatting has been around since 1670 and has not once changed a bit since then.  

 APA makes changes to its rules from time to time, so the newest version should always be used.                

Which of the following lists elements of basic APA formatting?

 Pen, pencil, and chalk

 Title page, margins, and spacing

 Laptop, tablet, and desktop

 Argument, cause/effect, and narrative

Two of the following statements about APA formatting in portions of an essay are things you should do, and three are things you should not do. Please click “Do This” next to the true statements and “Do Not Do This” next to the false statements. Remember: 2 are “Do This,” and 3 are “Do Not Do This.”

                Do This Do Not Do This

Make a header for your essay that uses letters, so that each page is, in order: page “a,” page “b,” and so on.           

 Go above and beyond by using non-APA cool tricks like large, fancy fonts and colors.        

 On the title page, place the required information in centered formatting, meaning in the middle and not at the right margin or left margin.    

 Be sure you have a page number in the upper right of each page via a header.    

 Use triple-spacing for your body paragraphs but single spacing for your other paragraphs.             

True or False: Some of the information on a title page is bolded and some is not.



Which of the following rules should you follow when formatting the pages of your written work in APA style?

 You should change your margins to 3 inches all around (3 inches top, 3 inches bottom, 3 inches left, 3 inches right) because it makes your paper look longer and no one will be able to tell.

 You should double space every single line of your essay and indent the first line of each paragraph.

 You should make your entire essay center-justified, just like your title page.

 To make sections of your paper stand out, you should add extra spacing and bolding wherever you feel like it.

Two of the following statements about APA formatting in portions of an essay are a big “Yes,” but three are a big “No.” Please click “Yes” next to the accurate statements and “No” next to the actions you should avoid. Remember: 2 are “Yes,” and 3 are “No.”

                Yes          No

On the title page, place the required information in centered formatting, meaning in the middle and not at the right margin or left margin.    

 Your header should be formatted with letters, so that each page is, in order: page “a,” page “b,” and so on.           

 Be sure you have a page number in the upper right of each page via a header.    

 Use triple-spacing for your body paragraphs but single spacing for your other paragraphs.             

 Get crazy and creative with all the cool formatting tricks you can think of, like large, fancy fonts and colors.True or False: APA formatting requires that absolutely nothing should be bolded on the title page.



What does APA stand for?

 The Abilene Pomegranate Army

 The Aberdeen Porpoise Aggregate

 The American Psychological Association

 The Armenian Philosophical Advisory

Which of the following lists elements of basic APA formatting?

 Spacing and margins

 echanical pencils and wooden pencils

 HP and Canon

 Sharpies and highlighters

Three of the following statements about the American Psychological Association’s (APA) style are true, and two are false. Please click “True” next to the true statements and “False” next to the false statements. Remember: 3 are “True,” and 2 are “False.”

True       False

The APA style is a standardized set of guidelines for academic and scholarly writing.            

 Using a standardized formatting style creates consistency in appearance that permits the writing and ideas to be the reader’s focus.  

 APA formatting has been around since 1670 and has not once changed a bit since then. 

 You need to learn APA formatting because instructors want you to do way more work than is necessary. 

 APA makes changes to its rules from time to time, so the newest version should always be used.                

Which of the following rules should you follow when formatting the pages of your written work (not including the title page) in APA style?

 Center your entire paper, all of your paragraphs, in the middle of the page, just like your title page.

 Add extra spacing and bolding wherever you feel like it.

 Change your margins to 5 inches all around (5 inches top, 5 inches bottom, 5 inches left, 5 inches right) because it makes your paper look longer and no one will be able to tell.

 Double-space every single line of your essay and indent the first line of each paragraph.

True or False: Formatting a paper refers to items like good details and hiding sources by not citing them.



What is a “title page” in APA formatting?

 The title page appears at the end of the essay and is a brief summary of the contents of the essay.

 The title page should be placed in the exact middle of your essay (for example, if your essay is 4 pages long, the title page should be after page 2) and should explain why there is no research referenced.

 The title page has just the title of your paper on it, in 16-point font, bolded—nothing else should be on the title page.

The title page appears first in an essay and provides information about the essay, such as your name, the essay’s title, and other basic information.

Which statement best defines an attention grabber in an introduction paragraph for an argument essay?

 It should speak directly to the reader, like this: “Hello dear reader, and welcome to my argument essay. You will have a great time hearing about my thoughts.”

 It should be very provocative and shocking, regardless of the content.

 It should gain the reader’s interest while also beginning to subtly persuade the reader.

 It should be a personal story about how the topic affected you yesterday; it should include words like “I” and “In this essay.”

True or False: In the middle part of an argument essay’s introduction paragraph, the main goal is to provide several sentences laying out the issue in a way that will subtly persuade and prepare your reader for your thesis statement.



Below are five statements noting actions to take when composing an argument essay thesis statement for the introduction paragraph. Please select “Yes” if the statement names something you should do and select “No” if the statement names something you should not do.

Yes          No

You should very carefully apply prewriting and planning toward writing a good thesis that matches your stance and strategy.              

 You should place your thesis statement anywhere in the introduction.      

 You should make sure your thesis statement is factual and does not show any argument at all; you can argue later.


You should use this pattern for your thesis statement: In this essay, I will . . .          

 You should state your stance on an arguable issue without offending or alienating possible opposing readers.       

 Below are five statements noting basic approaches to writing argument essay introduction paragraphs. Please select “Good” if the statement is a good approach and select “Not Good” if the statement is not a good approach.

                Good     Not Good

Understand that an introduction paragraph is simply a step to be taken; do not use it as a tool for persuasion.      

 Before you write the introduction paragraph, think about your stance and all parts of the argument, such as supporting and opposing viewpoints.       

 Before you write the introduction paragraph, be sure to perform prewriting, planning, and strategizing.    

 Before you write the introduction paragraph, consider the structure and order of the points you might employ.   

 When you begin prewriting and planning for your introduction paragraph, you should not yet know your topic or your stance on a topic.            

 Please review the following sentences from an introduction paragraph and choose the one that avoids major errors.

 While some feel that the acceptable levels of contaminants in the water are healthy, much more must be done to raise that bar.

 While others assert that the water in most major cities is clean, I assert that it is not.

 In this essay, this writer wishes to compel you to think differently about the environment.

 I believe that all humans have a right to clean drinking water.

Which example of an attention grabber would work the best for an argument essay’s introduction paragraph?

 Greetings, reader, and welcome to my awesome world.

 Have you ever eaten?

 Over the years, health organization recommendations about drinking coffee have changed several times.

 First, if you don’t agree with me, you can just stop reading this paper.

Below are six questions you might use for evaluating the middle part of an argument essay’s introduction paragraph. For each question, decide if it is a strong or poor question for evaluating your introduction paragraph’s middle part. Select “Strong” or “Poor” after each evaluation question.

                Strong   Poor

Does my middle part emerge well and flow naturally from the attention grabber?               

 Does my middle part use strategy by persuading readers in a subtle way and according to my goals?         

 Have I counted to make sure that I correctly used 20-30 sentences in my middle part to cover all information about the topic in every way?        

 Have I been careful to avoid using transitions so that the middle part is nice and choppy?              

 Have I avoided doing anything to “turn off” an opposing reader?               

 Is it possible to transition into my thesis well (smoothly and logically) after the end of my middle part?    

 Below are four thesis statements for an argument essay. Please select “Strong” if the statement is good and “Weak” if the statement is weak.

                Strong   Weak

While many reasonably assert that the end of the pandemic means the end of evaluating slowing the spread of viruses, this is by far the best time to assess possible changes in building structures and layouts toward better virus containment in the future.          

 While several valid arguments exist surrounding prairie land conservation, the only true solution is to turn every inch of prairie land in the entire U.S. into protected land that no one can access at all.                  

 Children do better in school when they are read to from a young age; therefore, any parent who does not have books in their home is horrid and thoughtless.

 Those who predict a big change in U.S. politics soon are likely correct, but most of these predictions do not consider the most powerful and impactful changes on the horizon, the changes arising because millions from Generation Z are coming into adulthood.

 Which of the following best expresses what to avoid in an attention grabber?

 ask a broad and obvious rhetorical question like “Have you ever seen a bird?”

 use third-person to address the topic and debate

 gain the reader’s interest

 subtly persuade the reader

Below are six ways you might evaluate the middle part of an argument essay’s introduction paragraph. For each, decide if it is an effective or ineffective approach. Select “Effective” or “Ineffective” after each approach. Hint: 3 are effective and 3 are ineffective.

                Effective               Ineffective

Make sure the middle part flows from sentence to sentence within the middle part, from the attention grabber, and into the thesis statement to come.           

 Check to see if you’ve used a creative insult for opposing readers, like “nincompoop”; if not, you may need to use a thesaurus to find even more creative insults.       

 Check to see that you’ve covered the basics your reader will need to understand your thesis statement. 

 Try to address an interesting related topic; if your thesis is about air quality in Los Angeles, for example, use the middle part to take your reader on a quick tour of the best surfing spots in that area.      

 Be sure nothing in your middle part is subtly persuasive; we never want to start swaying a reader’s perception until after the introduction paragraph.             

 Check to make sure you haven’t written too much in the middle part, aren’t being repetitive, and aren’t trying to do more than is needed early on.                   

True or False: The goal of an introduction paragraph’s middle part is to provide several sentences laying out the issue in a way that will subtly persuade and prepare your reader for your thesis statement.



Below are five statements noting ways to ensure that you have a powerful argument essay thesis statement. Please select “Powerful” if the step will help your thesis statement be powerful and select “Not Powerful” if the step will not help your thesis statement be powerful. Hint: 2 are “Powerful” and 3 are “Not Powerful.”

                Powerful              Not Powerful

Announce your purpose and assert your authority by saying “This essay will . . .” 

 If you address opposing viewpoints in your thesis statement, treat them with respect.     

 Write your thesis exactly how you are feeling at the moment; do not plan for it or try to word it effectively.            

 Position the thesis statement at the end of your introduction paragraph.

 Write your thesis statement to avoid argument; state facts only.                

Below are five instructions for writing argument essay introduction paragraphs. Please select “Follow Instruction” or “Do Not Follow Instruction” depending on whether the instruction is good or bad. Hint: 2 are “Follow Instruction” and 3 are “Do Not Follow Instruction.”

                Follow Instruction            Do Not Follow Instruction

Please just feel and wildly explain your emotions; your introduction paragraph should be all about how mad, sad, or happy you are.  

 Please take the time to prewrite to find the best ideas for writing the best introduction paragraph possible.          

 Please spend time arranging the structure and order of the points you’ll likely cover in your essay so that your introduction paragraph reflects your strategy.     

 Please avoid persuasion in your introduction paragraph.                 

 Please avoid addressing any ideas that do not perfectly match with yours; you are not here to talk about what others believe.                               

Which sentence below uses appropriate language for an argument essay thesis statement?

 It is natural to look around locally and not see the most extreme gaps in living conditions in a limited locale, but those disparities in quality of life are everywhere and need to be addressed with initiatives now toward larger solutions in the future.

 While no one on Earth believes that there are low-income people in the world, I feel that lots of people do live in poverty.

 The world is grossly divided by wealth, and I feel this is just the goofiest thing ever.

 The wealth gap is a very serious issue worldwide, and this paper will attempt to find some ways to approach the issue.

Below are four thesis statements for an argument essay. Please select “Effective” if the statement is effective for an argument essay and “Ineffective” if the statement is ineffective for an argument essay. Hint: 2 are effective and 2 are ineffective.

While there are still many careless narcissists in this country who don’t care at all about the environment, we can force them to.              

It does cost more to manufacture products made from all recycled materials; however, the well-documented positive impact indicates that companies’ efforts in this direction should be supported and subsidized.     

While the U.S. efforts toward recycling at the individual level have been weaker than in other countries, a new approach to campaigning can make a major difference in the next decade.              

Some people recycle, but some people do not recycle.    

Please choose the attention grabber that would work the best for an argument essay’s introduction paragraph.

 Howdy, esteemed reader; allow myself to introduce . . . myself.

 Until well into the 1980s, disposable diapers were not the most common choice; in fact, most parents still used and washed cloth diapers.

 I’m sure you’ll immediately be like “Oh no- another one of those tree-huggers”; well, forget you.

 Are you reading my essay right now?

True or False: An essay developing an argument must have exactly ten body paragraphs.



Below are six possible elements that should be included in an argument research essay’s body. If the element should be included, select “Yes.” If the element should not be included, select “No.”

                Yes          No

A long list of facts about the topic of the paragraph, all paraphrased so that no citation is needed

 The author’s voice for creating the persuasive elements in the following places: the topic sentence, after the topic sentence/before any sources are used, and after sources are used/before ending the paragraph    

 A rich, engaging, detailed use of the writer’s voice to persuade the reader by developing appeals to logic, values, and contexts              

 A clear topic sentence that includes a transition, a mention of the overall thesis argument, and a statement of the specific body paragraph’s main idea          

 Many sources in the paragraph that become the paragraph’s main content and the paragraph’s main voice              

 Quotations that stand alone as complete sentences, with no connection to the writer’s words or voice

                Which paragraph length best represents the ideal length of a body paragraph that argues a point?

 Three total sentences: 1 topic sentence, 1 sentence in the writer’s voice explaining the issue, and 1 sentence at the end of the paragraph that is a quotation from a source


As many sentences as it takes to present a body paragraph, prepare the reader well in a persuasive way for source material, use sources sparingly and briefly, and richly argue in your own voice with appeals to logic, values, and contexts

 Five total sentences:1 topic sentence, 3 sentences of sources, and 1 closing sentence

 Ten total sentences: 2 sentences to present the topic of the paragraph, and 8 sentences that offer factual information from sources

Below are six statements about body paragraphs in argument research essays. If the statement is a fact, select “Fact.” If the statement is not true, select “False.”

                Fact        False

Your sources should determine the structure of your essay and should be the driving force of your essay.  

 It is important to frame sources with signal phrases and introductory material to be very clear about what you are saying vs. what your sources are saying.

 Each body paragraph should be mapped out before you begin writing, and you should be prepared to use your voice powerfully to persuade your reader.          

 It is best to use big, long quoted passages from sources.                 

 Most of each paragraph will be developed in your voice and will include persuasion in the form of details, examples, explanations, logic, and other argumentative appeals.     

 The topic sentence tells the reader all you need to say; therefore, no additional thoughts from you are required—a few sources after the topic sentence are all you really need.           

 True or False: This would be a good, strong outline for one body paragraph in an argument research essay.



In a body paragraph for an argument research essay, almost all of the many sentences will consist of your own arguments in your own voice. Which of the following best represents how you will develop that material?

 You will locate an effective paragraph about the topic online and completely rephrase it so that it appears to be in your own voice.

 You will brainstorm to generate many persuasive ways to create your own logical statements, your own appeals to the reader’s values, and your own expression of contexts that illustrate urgency and immediacy.

 You will tell your own personal stories about what happened to you in relation to the topic and explain to your reader that because of your personal experience, everyone should do something to fix the problem.

 You will brainstorm to generate many possible ways to humiliate your opposition, choosing the five best and turning those into nice, rich, insulting sentences.

True or False: In an opposing viewpoint paragraph, it is necessary to develop a discussion in your own voice that presents the opposition, demonstrates reasonable concession to the opposition, and richly refutes the single opposing viewpoint with multiple argumentative appeals.



True or False: Once you have taken a good amount of time to prewrite, plan, develop, and evaluate each of your body paragraphs, you should let them sit for some time, ideally a full day, and then begin performing focused revision to ensure the strength of your voice and the effectiveness of your logic support the argument and to check for flow, correctness, and proper citation.



True or False: Once you have taken a good amount of time to prewrite, plan, develop, and evaluate each of your body paragraphs, you should let them sit for some time, ideally a full day, and then begin performing focused revision to ensure the strength of your voice and the effectiveness of your logic support the argument and to check for flow, correctness, and proper citation.



Which statement is true of the order in which you will place your body paragraphs to best persuade your reader?

 Always arrange your paragraphs like this after the introduction paragraph: an opposing viewpoint paragraph, followed by several supporting viewpoint paragraphs.

 Always arrange your paragraphs like this after the introduction paragraph: the way that you have decided will work best with your particular argument and points.

 Always arrange your paragraphs like this after the introduction paragraph: several paragraphs that include both opposition and support in each paragraph.

 Always arrange your paragraphs like this after the introduction paragraph: several supporting viewpoint paragraphs, followed by several opposing viewpoint paragraphs.

How can you prepare during prewriting to develop body paragraphs that are driven by your own voice?

 Begin searching for an effective paragraph about the topic online so you can completely rephrase it to make it sound like it all came from your head.

 Start using brainstorming to come up with many possible ways to humiliate your opposition, choosing the five best and turning those into nice, rich, insulting sentences.

 Journal out a few of your own personal stories about what happened to you concerning the topic because your personal experience will alone persuade your reader.

 Brainstorm as much as possible to develop persuasive material with your own logical statements, your own appeals to the reader’s values, and your own expression of contexts that illustrate urgency and immediacy.

True or False: An essay developing an argument must have exactly two body paragraphs.



Below are six instructions for creating a body paragraph in an argument research essay. If you should follow the instruction, select “Do This.” If you should not follow the instruction, select, “Avoid This.” Hint: 3 are “Do This” and 3 are “Avoid This.”

Do This Avoid This

Write a topic sentence that includes a transition, a mention of the overall thesis argument, and a statement of the specific body paragraph’s main idea.       

 Build your paragraph’s main content from sources.            

 Compose your paragraph with sentences that paraphrase source ideas without citing them.           

 Use your voice for creating the persuasive elements in the paragraph: the topic sentence, after the topic sentence/before any sources are used, between sources to connect the ideas, and after sources are used/before ending the paragraph.     

 Develop rich, engaging sentences in your own voice that persuade your reader with logic, values, and contexts.  

 Build each body paragraph by stringing together around ten direct quotations from sources.                        

True or False: This would be a good, strong outline for one body paragraph in an argument research essay.

Supporting Viewpoint Paragraph: General Benefits of the Four-Day Workweek on Workers and Companies

•              Topic sentence: A quotation from a source that says the four-day workweek makes employees more productive (cite source)

•              Three other sentences from quoted sources that support this viewpoint include:

•              another source with more numbers about productivity

•              a source about happiness levels with four-day workweeks

•              a source about life expectancy and four-day workweeks



Which statement about the length of body paragraphs is most accurate?

 Each body paragraph should be at least two pages in length.

 Each body paragraph must contain no more than ten total sentences: two sentences to present the topic of the paragraph, and eight sentences that offer factual information from sources.

 Each body paragraph should be just three total sentences in length: a topic sentence, one sentence in the writer’s voice explaining the issue, and one sentence at the end of the paragraph that is a quotation from a source.

 Each body paragraph should contain the number of sentences it takes to accomplish building a strong persuasive point.

True or False: An opposing viewpoint paragraph does not require much of your own voice; it is simply a list of all of the opposing viewpoints you have found on social media.



True or False: Conclusions are simple to write because they provide a simple summary of everything that has been written in the essay.



In an argument essay, every part should work toward persuading the reader in some way. Which of the following best represents how persuasion is used in a conclusion paragraph?

 The reader is persuaded by the repetition of the main points.

 The reader is persuaded by a story about why the writer gets angry at people who disagree.

 The reader is persuaded because the writer tells the reader, “In this essay, I have proven my thesis to you.”

 The reader is persuaded by a uniquely-worded reiteration of the argument and a powerful ending.

Please review the list of items below and select “In a Conclusion” if the item should be in an argument essay’s conclusion paragraph. Select “Not in a Conclusion” if the item should not be in a conclusion paragraph for an argument essay.

                In a Conclusion  Not in a Conclusion

A smooth transition       

 The thesis statement of the essay           

 A reiteration of the argument to drive it home without repeating the thesis word for word            

 All of the topic sentences from the body paragraphs       

 A brand-new argument

 Material that leaves the reader thinking in powerful ways about the essay’s argument                    

Please read the following statements. If the statement notes what you should do in a conclusion paragraph for an argument essay, select “Do.” If the statement notes something you should avoid in a conclusion paragraph for an argument essay, select “Do Not.”

                Do          Do Not

Be sure to call the reader back to your main stance without simply restating your thesis or main points.   

 Be sure to write very short sentences without any transitional words or phrases.

 Be sure to announce what you have done in the essay, like this: “In this essay, I have proven to you…”      

 Be sure to engage your reader.  

 Be sure to write a conclusion paragraph by using 9 steps so that it is at least 2 pages in length.                    

True or False: This sentence follows the conventions for a good first part of a conclusion sentence.

All things considered, elder care does not receive the attention it so desperately needs, but a growing group of young and middle-aged people can help influence more effective and widespread government action.



Which of the following best describes an effective second (final) portion of a conclusion paragraph for an argument essay?

 It repeats the essay’s thesis statement word for word.

 It powerfully leaves the reader thinking about the argument.

 It includes words like “I” and “you.”

 It raises a new argument, with the writer asserting a new stance.

Which of the following lists effective ways for ending a conclusion paragraph in an argument essay?

 Rhetorical questioning and saying “I believe” so the reader knows you really mean it

 Inserting exclamation points for emphasis and envisioning the impact of the argument on the world

 Threatening the reader and noting that the world will end if the reader does not take action on your stance

 Bookending to unify the conclusion with the introduction’s approaches and envisioning a bigger picture

True or False: This paragraph is an example of an effective conclusion paragraph.

        Ultimately, volunteering encourages teenagers to think about other people and to help in their communities, which will, in turn, prepare them much better for the adult world. After all, these young people of today will shape the world in the coming decades, and the unique issues facing the people of this planet call for leaders who have learned to serve others.



True or False: This sentence follows the conventions for a good first part of a conclusion sentence.

So, I think I have shown how important it is to have kids do volunteer work, but you can do research, too!



Please read the following statements and select the one that best describes the final portion of an effective conclusion in an argument essay.

 The final lines of the conclusion should express a new argument.

 The final lines of the conclusion should leave the reader thinking in powerful ways about the argument.

 The final lines of the conclusion should include an exclamation point at the end.

 The final lines of the conclusion should be a copy/paste of the first lines of the essay’s introduction.

True or False: Conclusion paragraphs require you to use effective transitions, apply new and original wording to drive home the main idea, and generate language that leaves the reader thinking.



Please read the following list describing five roles the writer (you) will take on when writing a conclusion paragraph for an argument essay. If the role is correct, select “Yes.” If the role is not correct, select “No.” Hint: 3 are “Yes” and 2 are “No.”

Yes          No

Your role, as the writer of the conclusion paragraph, is to tell the reader exactly what you have done in the essay by using “I” and “In this essay.”       

 Your role is to continue persuading the reader in the conclusion.                 

 Your role as the conclusion writer is to copy your thesis and topic sentences, weaving them together with transitions.               

 Your role is to drive home your argument in your conclusion by stating it in an original way vs. repeating the thesis statement word for word.           

 Your role as the writer is to compose a smooth conclusion paragraph with flowing transitions.                     

True or False: This paragraph is an example of an effective conclusion paragraph.

   All that being said, I actually think that we should think bigger and maybe make all the teenagers on Earth do 20 hours of volunteer work every week. I mean, if it’s good enough for one country, it’s good enough for the world, right? Let’s do it!



Read the following techniques for ending a conclusion. Which technique is the most effective?

 Making sure to say, “I believe” and “I seriously mean this,” so the reader understands how firm you are in your argumentative stance

 Looking to the bigger picture to make the reader consider the larger and longer-lasting implications of your argument

 Making fun of people who don’t hold the same opinion as you in order to humiliate your reader into agreeing with you

 Brainstorming for all of the ways in which an exclamation point might work better than a period to get your message across better

In which paragraph(s) of an argument essay should the writer deliberately apply persuasive techniques?

 In all paragraphs

 Only in the body paragraphs

 Only in the conclusion paragraph

 Only in the introduction paragraph

Please review the following list of instructions for writing a good argument essay conclusion paragraph. If the instruction is one you should follow, select “Yes,” and if the instruction is not one you should follow, select “No.” Hint: 3 are “Yes” and 3 are “No.”

Yes          No

Copy and paste each of the topic sentences from the body paragraphs into the conclusion.            


Begin a brand-new argument.   

 Carefully generate some phrasing that will leave your reader thinking about your argument.        

 Experiment with different transition methods and choose one that works best at the start of your conclusion paragraph.         

 Copy and paste the thesis statement from the introduction paragraph into the conclusion paragraph.      

 Drive home your argument by reiterating it with original wording that is not the same as the wording in your thesis statement.                         


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