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Total Points: 50 (combination of initial posts points and response posts points)

Initial Post: 25 points

Criteria for Initial Post

5 pt.


4 pt.

Very Good

3 pt.

Minimal Effort

2 pt.

Below Expecta-tions

0 pt.

Failure to Launch

Points Earned:

Substance of Post:

Addresses the outcomes of the discussion in a clear, relevant and thorough way. Initial post must be minimum of 200 words. Posts between 150-200 words earn 3 pts. Posts under 150 words earn 0 pts.


All initial discussions posted by the deadline. Only 5 points or 0 points can be earned in this category. Each day late for initial post -5% credit per day late. No posts will be evaluated if 5 days late or greater.

Evidence Based Conclusions:

At least two references should be used to support the content of the initial post.

At least one reference should be outside the assigned textbook, not a website, and written within the last 5 years or less .

The initial post should be scholarly in nature by contributing substance to the discussion.

Each reference is worth 2.5 points.

· 1 point per reference if 5-10 years old

· 2 points per reference if greater than 10 years old


Written posts show respect and sensitivity to gender, cultural and linguistic background, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs.


Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Sentence structure is appropriate, and the style of writing facilitates communication. APA in-text citation and references are accurate.

Score: /25

Criteria for Response Posts

5 pt.


4 pt.

Very Good

3 pt.

Minimal Effort

2 pt.

Below Expecta-tions

0 pt.

Failure to Launch

Points Earned:

Substance of Post:

Responds in a clear, relevant and thorough way. Each response is 100 words in length (2.5 points for Response 1 and 2.5 points for Response 2).

Timeliness of Posts:

Discussion postings are distributed throughout the discussion’s assigned time frame. Clustering responses towards the end of the discussion period will earn a deduction of 2 points.

Consistently responds to postings of peers within 3 days. All responses by deadlines.

Respond to at least two different student’s initial postings.

Evidence Based Conclusions:

At least one reference should be used to support each response post. At least one reference of the two posts should be outside the assigned textbook, not a website, and written within the last 5 years or less.

Discussion postings build on peers' responses and are supported by related research. I.E. avoid writing superficial comments such as “Great job Jan! I loved how you said "Babies aren't just small adults. I respect pediatric nurses so much!".


Written interactions on the discussion board show respect and sensitivity to peers' gender, cultural and linguistic background, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs.


Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Sentence structure is appropriate, and the style of writing facilitates communication. APA in-text citation and references are accurate and use the most recent APA guidelines.

Score: /25

NO LATE DISCUSSIONS ACCEPTED FOR PARTIAL CREDIT after the close of the discussion week. Exceptions can be found in the LPN to BSN Student Handbook.

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