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Ratings of Temperament

Rate the child from 1-6 on the following nine temperament dimensions, using the scale below each dimension and circling the appropriate number. Briefly explain (1-3 sentences) why you rated the child in that way. Include your explanation in your case study.


1. Activity Level

1 23456

Low activity High Activity

Observations: Hannah did not like to sit still. She was always moving, and she obviously enjoyed running and jumping. Her mother had to remind her to sit still while eating.

1. Activity Level

1 23 456

Very Quiet Very Active


2. Rhythmicity

1 2 3456


Observations: on a regular eating schedule sleeps at different times

3. Approach/Withdrawal

1 234 56

Quick to approach Slow to Approach

Observations: Doesn’t go up to people rather me to himself.

4. Adaptability

1 234 56

Adapts quickly Adapts slowly

Observations: Likes to be on own vs with other kids.

5. Sensory Threshold

1 23456

Not Sensitive Highly sensitive

Observations:Parent said not sensitive to new items clothes, food,etc

6. Quality of Mood

1 23 456

Positive Negative


7. Intensity of reactions

1 23 456

Very mild Very intense


8. Distractibility

1 2 3456

NondistractibleVery distractible

Observations: In his own zone while talking to him while his favorite movie Encanto was on, I Tried to hand him a bottle he tuned me out

9. Persistence/Attention Span

1 234 56

Short attention span (low persistence)High attention span (high persistence)

( For most part was able to sit thur a movie he likes)


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