Using Analysis to Develop an Intervention Strategy
What is your opinion of the methodology used to develop the intervention that was employed to reduce the convenience store robberies?
I thought the methodology used was innovative and effective in identifying responses used by other police departments throughout the nation affected by convenience store robberies. The article pointed to the use of data collected by the International City Managers Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police to establish if national models existed that could be applied in the City of Gainesville to help reduce the number of convenience store robberies (Clifton, 1985). Further research indicated that several police departments dealing with similar issues were working to implement prevention guidelines on policies to combat an increase in convenience store robberies such as the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado and the City of Akron, Ohio (Clifton, 1985).
According to the research, the City of Akron, Ohio, executed city ordinances that required all convenience store owners to abide by the policies established to reduce the likelihood of victimizations and restore safety back into areas affected by the increase in convenience store robberies. Each of the rules included factors related to attendance of late employees, amount of money kept within the store during late night shifts, requirement for drop safes, store front visibility requirements, visibility of the clerk, counter and register from the street, and lighting requirements (Clifton, 1985). The City of Gainesville utilized the City of Akron’s ordinances to further their research to compare to other police departments use of crime prevention methods to correlate a pattern of requirements that seemed to reduce convenience store robberies. For example, research indicated that two employees on duty during nightshirts reduced or deterred robberies of convenience stores (Clifton, 1985). I thought the advantage from the research and analysis used uncovered key environmental factors that deterred criminals from choosing certain convenience stores versus others.
This is a 1985 article, would the strategies discussed be applicable today.
Yes, I feel that the strategies used by the Gainesville police department and other departments are still useful and valid today. Many of the strategies implemented focused on environmental changes to reduce the venerability of victimization (convenience store robberies), which plays into the psychological viewpoint of the offender when choosing to commit crimes. I do believe that as societies advance in technology there is need to implement new resources such as cameras to the already useful and proven deterrents such as visibility and lighting requirements (Clifton, 1985). The motive and means of opportunity do not usually change over time, so methods proven to reduce crime should continue with the addition of new advances (technologies) and partnerships between the police and public (convenience store owners).
Could you use this methodology for other crime problems?
Thorough examination into an identified crime problem and the use of researching preventive methods used by other law enforcement agencies to better assist in the decision-making process and the implementation of response methods is genius and should be used to properly identify all the related factors associated with the identified crime problem. Information is a powerful tool and if law enforcement agencies have the resources to gather and examine data to create a bigger picture of the overall problem that is a step forward in accurately applying a response that will effectively reduce crime.
Clifton, Jr., W. (1985). Gainesville Police Department – ASU Center for Problem-oriented policing. Retrieved February 3, 2023, from
What is your opinion of the methodology used to develop the intervention that was employed to reduce the convenience store robberies?
The search for answers began with inquiries to the International City Managers Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police to determine whether national models could be replicated in the City of Gainesville.
Some of my favorite ordinances to help reduce robberies are:The parking lot must be lit to a level of at least 5-foot candles per square foot. Stores must contain a 500-pound, or greater, floor-bolted drop safe. Signs must be posted, providing information that a safe is on the premises and that it is inaccessible to store employees.
This is a 1985 article, would the strategies discussed be applicable today.
Many stores still have these in place today, or at least my local gas station does. I agree with the five most desirable things to look for when considering which store to rob. 1) Remote area, 2) Only one clerk on duty, 3) No customers, 4) Easy access/getaway, 5) Lots of cash, 6) Female clerk, 7) No backroom, 8) Obstructed windows, 9) safe, and 10) No alarm. Even to this day, this is what people would look for.
Could you use this methodology for other crime problems?I think this would work for other crimes because it helps break them down into steps. Would it solve all crimes? No, but it could be helpful for most.