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Assignment 2: SBIRT Powerpoint and Kaltura Presentation

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Purpose :

This is an exercise combining screening for harmful drug or alcohol use, with a ‘brief intervention’ using Motivational Interviewing and referrals for follow up with behavioral health specialist.  For this assignment, create a narrated presentation regarding a patient case scenario, using the  Screening with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) approach.  APA format is expected.  Submit the PowerPoint slides  and recorded Kaltura media to  Assignments in Canvas for grading.  Post the PowerPoint in the threaded discussion section. View and respond to two colleagues’ presentations to obtain full credit for the assignment.

Assignment Criteria:

Develop a Power Point presentation that includes the following criteria:

1. Slide 1:  Title Page

2. Slide 2:  SBIRT overview:  Describe the SBIRT process and use in healthcare.

3. Slide 3:  Case Presentation Do not include patient identifying information but include age, chief complaint, and risk factors

4. Slide 4:  Screening Tool used – Describe tool, validity, scoring information and citation.  Your patient’s score and an interpretation of it.

5. Slide 5:  Brief Intervention:  How was the Motivational Interviewing process applied and shared your client’s need for behavioral changes

6. Slide 6:  Referral for Treatment:  Describe the referral for follow up treatment

7. Slide 7:  Evaluation of the process:  Share patient outcome and provider evaluation of SBIRT process

8. Slide 8:  References – 3-5 references.  APA format.  Include Screening Tool authors.

9. Include up to 10 slides.  The presentation should be  no longer than 10 minutes.  You are encouraged to provide this case presentation to your preceptor and staff at your clinical site.

10. Create a scholarly PowerPoint presentation using Kaltura. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura located in Canvas under Modules and APA Documents/Resources.

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