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Blog #2 The influence of culture on marketingand advertising to multicultural consumers

Topic: Analyze a current event article on any topic covered in Ch. 3 of Mueller'stextbook. Use other articles and research to support your post.

The list of topics are:

• The influence of culture on marketing and advertising to multiculturalconsumers

• Concept of culture

• Culture and Communication: Verbal and Non-verbal communication

• Expressions of culture: Values, religion, morals, ethical standards, family,Hofstede dimensions of culture, individual vs collectivism

• Influence of culture on consumer behavior

Your blog posts will be graded as follows:

• Thoughtfulness and research on the assigned topic. Make sure you are researchingthe topic and writing eloquently otherwise full potential points will not be given.

• Meeting the 500-word count minimum, otherwise you will be discounted the % ofpoints based on 500. Example, if your post is 350 words, that would be 350/500 = 70%or 14 points out of 20 potential points. I will start grading your post at 14 points.

• Relevance of individual blog post to assigned topic.

• Proper citation, original thinking and good writing.

• If you quote a source, make sure you include proper citation. Otherwise, it will beconsidered plagiarism and blog will be awarded 0 points.

• Clear and eloquent articulation of concepts regarding assigned topic using thefollowing sections:


O Topic being discussed and clear articulation of main issue: 10 points

O Your POV clearly articulated: 5 points

O Blog post style, grammar, and composition: 2 points

O Proper secondary research and references: 3 points

O Total point for individual blog: 20 points each

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