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Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 5 Points: 100 OVERVIEW This is the third assignment related to your course project. Remember, the final project will be completed over the course of the term as four summative assignments, consisting of 1) topic selection with optional peer review, 2) a preliminary research assignment including a clear thesis statement and focusing on the first stage of the course, 3) further development of your thesis, evidence, and counterarguments to include elements of the second stage of the course, and 4) final submission of your course project in your chosen format. This week, you focus on conducting additional research, further developing your selected topic and argumentative analysis, and relating it to the second stage of this course (i.e., ethics and morality in a technology-specific context). Unlike your previous project assignments, you will not be required to submit a paper, unless that is your chosen format. In this assignment, you will submit your work in the format you have chosen for your final project. Again, you will have the opportunity to share it with your classmates for peer review. INSTRUCTIONS In this assignment you will expand upon your work up to this point. Thus far, you have constructed a problem statement utilizing the five-step decision-making process, identified the ethical, moral, and/or legal implications of the topic you selected, begun to develop arguments for and against your declared thesis statement, and developed an outline for your project. Now you will begin to incorporate the technology-related computer ethics issues that you have learned in the past two weeks related to your topic, including cybersecurity, data analytics, IP rights and personal privacy. Specifically: 1. Your project will now take the form of your selected format.

2. In your chosen format, elaborate on your previous work and frame the issue within the context of what you have learned in the second stage of the course (i.e., ethics and morality in a technology context).

3. Examine the specific technology-related computer ethics issues and questions posed by your topic, including cybersecurity, data collection, and data breaches.

4. Discuss how your topic affects computer ethics issues such as Intellectual Property, privacy rights, and free speech.

5. Your project must contain each of the basic elements of an argumentative essay, including (1) an introduction consisting of a topic and problem statement, background information on the issue, and a thesis statement, (2) arguments and evidence supporting your position, (3)

CIS340 – Computer Ethics Unit 5 Assignment: Ethics in Technology and First Draft

counterarguments to your position, how you view those arguments/positions, and how you would refute those arguments with evidence, and (4) a conclusion. These basic elements are required regardless of the format you select.

6. You must incorporate additional research that you used to develop your thesis and decision-making. Include a reference list of sources cited in your essay in APA 7th edition format.

7. Your work this week will be considered a first draft. Submit the draft of your project to your instructor, who will provide you with feedback to incorporate into your final deliverable.

8. You will have the option to resubmit your assignment during Unit 6 after receiving and incorporating feedback from your instructor.

Percentage of total course grade: 5% FORMAT: The format of your final project is up to you. Some examples include a paper, a video, presentation with notes, presentation with voice over, blog, vlog, or a web page. No one format is better than another or preferable from the instructor's perspective. The purpose of providing you with options is to give you an opportunity to do what you do best. You may be very analytical and can best get your point across in a traditional term paper format, or you may be an extremely creative person and can be more persuasive in a video or presentation, or you may be very technical and can shine through the creation of a web site or blog.

• If you have another format in mind, you must seek approval from your instructor. This is a chance for you to demonstrate creativity, what you are passionate about, and the computer skills you have learned in other courses.

• Choose the format that will motivate you, one you are most comfortable with, that will keep you focused over an eight-week course, and that will enable you to produce your best work.

Please see the following requirements for each project format:

• Final Paper: 8-10 pages in APA format, not including Title or Reference pages. • Video: 15-20 minutes recorded and uploaded to YouTube • Presentation (with notes): 10-15 slides in PowerPoint. Use the Notes feature to

provide necessary context to explain the content of your slides. • Presentation (with voice): 10-15 slides in PowerPoint with recorded voice presentation

of your slides. Voice recording should be approximately 1-2 minutes per slide. • Web Page: if you create a web page, requirements will depend on the outline of your

site. For example, the site could consist of multiple pages, one page with several tabs, blog or vlog style, etc. Confirm with your instructor. Be creative but ensure all the elements of the project requirements are included.

• Regardless of the format you select, you are required to submit references. OPTIONAL PEER REVIEW:

In Unit 6, you will have the opportunity to submit your work in the Peer Review Discussion Board. This is optional and up to you to decide if you would like your classmates to review your work and provide feedback.

Whether you submit your work for peer review or not, you are welcome and encouraged to visit the discussion board to review and comment on your classmates’ submissions. To foster discussion that is constructive and helpful, utilize the RISE Model of feedback when responding to your classmates.

This element of the assignment will not be graded, but it is highly recommended that you utilize this option as it will lead to improvement in your own work.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated.

Evaluation Rubric for Course Project: Ethics in Technology and First Draft

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement


9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points Topic

Selection and Thesis


Topic focus and problem are stated and fully described. Rationale of topic selection and clear thesis are well articulated. Overall and personal relevance and importance of the selected topic is detailed.

The topic and problem are selected and described, and a rationale and thesis provided, but they are not completely developed.

Provides some required information, or the information is incomplete and not well-constructed.

Required information is lacking or poorly constructed.

19-20 points 15-18 points 11-14 points 0-10 points Application of Course Concepts (General Ethics)

Course concepts including moral theories, critical thinking, problem solving, ethical business cultures, the value of ethics, impact of technology on society, and IT relationships are fully explored and developed within the context of the topic.

Course concepts are explored and discussed but are not completely developed.

Provides some required information, or the information is incomplete and not well-constructed.

Required information is lacking or poorly constructed.

19-20 points 15-18 points 11-14 points 0-10 points Application of Course Concepts (Ethics in


Course concepts including cybersecurity, data collection, data breaches, Intellectual Property, privacy rights, and free speech are fully explored and developed within the context of the topic.

Course concepts are explored and discussed but are not completely developed.

Provides some required information, or the information is incomplete and not well-constructed.

Required information is lacking or poorly constructed.

19-20 points 15-18 points 11-14 points 0-10 points Critical

Thinking and Personal Growth

The student demonstrates deep critical thinking and analysis of the problem, considering various alternatives, understanding outcomes, and reflecting on different points view. Exhibits an ability to accept constructive criticism, contributing to personal growth.

The student demonstrates good critical thinking and analysis of the problem, considers some alternatives and their outcomes, and reflects on different points view. Exhibits personal growth.

Critical thinking, analysis, and personal growth are present, but are lacking or not fully developed.

Lack of engagement in critical thinking, analysis, or personal growth.

19-20 points 15-18 points 11-14 points 0-10 points Quality of

Research and Argumentativ

e Analysis

Strong evidence in the form of arguments and research from reliable sources supporting and opposing your position are utilized consistently and are fully developed. Exhibits an ability to argue for a position and refute opposing points of view with evidence.

The arguments and sources for and against positions with counterarguments is presented and described, and a rationale provided, but they are not completely developed.

Provides some required information, or the information is incomplete and not well-constructed.

Required information is lacking or poorly constructed.

9-10 points 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points Clear and

Professional Writing and/or


Well written/spoken and clearly organized using standard English, characterized by elements of strong style and basically free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors. Consistent use of APA format with no errors.

Above average style and logically organized using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Consistent use of APA format with minor errors that do not impede reading and flow.

Average style lacking in standard English, clarity, and contains errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Inconsistent use of APA format.

Poor style lacking in standard English, clarity, language used, and/or frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. APA format is significantly below expectations and detracts from the content.

  • Evaluation Rubric for Course Project: Ethics in Technology and First Draft
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