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Discussion: Multicultural Marketing -Identify a Brand4949 unread replies.5050 replies.

Topic: Multicultural Marketing


● Links to an external site.●● READ:

● Links to an external site.●

After reading the articles above, IDENTIFY A BRAND that you believe get's itsmulticultural marketing right based on the articles above.

● Defend your choice by listing how and why you feel the brand youchose is a good example.

● Include a link or screenshot to a specific campaign that caught yourattention for your chosen brand.

● Submission must be a minimum of one paragraph in length.

Your discussion post will be graded as follows:

• Thoughtfulness and research on the assigned topic. Make sure you are researchingthe topic and writing eloquently otherwise full potential points will not be given.

• Submission must be a minimum of one paragraph in length.

• Relevance of individual post to assigned topic.

• Proper citation, original thinking and good writing.

• If you quote a source, make sure you include proper citation.

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