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`About the Company:Velan Studios was founded in 2016 by game industry veterans Guha and Karthik Bala touncover the pure magic of breakthrough technology and design to deliver revolutionarygameplay experiences. Our team members have created, developed, and contributed to manycritically acclaimed franchises, such as Guitar Hero, Uncharted, Skylanders, Rock Band, SuperMario Maker, Crash Bandicoot, Metroid Prime, Destiny, and many more. They recently launchedthe Mario Cart Live, the latest edition of the MarioKart franchise, and Knockout City, whereteams engage in epic dodgeball battles.

About the Project:Analytics is a critical component of both the design of games as well as the business model ofthe video game production. Velan Studios seeks to develop a model to understand customerretention, particularly during the initial onboarding process for its Knockout City game.

The team will examine the drivers of a “fun survey” in which players indicate whether they arehaving fun in a game. This survey is something that is selectively given to some players.

1. The team will begin by understanding what factors from recent play may most impactwhether someone is having fun.

2. In addition, the team will compare results with data from last year, prior toimplementation of the “free-to-play” model to see if there are differences

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