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1/21/23, 2:17 AM Week 3: Chabros Case Study: MGMT 4890 02 23WQ Strategic Management 1/2

Week 3: Chabros Case StudyChabros Case Study / TeamworkThis week we are going to cover the strategy of Chabros and also look at teamwork, to enable yourteams to establish basic communication and choose a team leader. I had planned to do a teamworkexercise and announce teams, but it seems like not enough of the class has taken the course survey,which is necessary to assign teams (due by Sunday).

We will instead go over the Chabros Case Study in more depth as you have a quiz that will cover thecase study. This case is particularly relevant given recent changes in oil prices and evaluation of howmacroeconomic trends (PESTEL) influence corporate strategy and decision-making. Given recentchanges in the relative value of the dollar and fluctuation of oil prices / the pandemic, this casehighlights how macroeconomic factors can change the competitive landscape and influence strategy.

These are your TEAM case study questions.

You will have a team Case Study (10-15 pages) Write up and PPT (max 15 slides) Due:Monday 1/23: 8pmIn assigning or discussing the allocation and division of work, I recommendthat at least 2 persons do each problem and that you consider working together. Powerpoint willbe handed in and used in class and will not be presented.

Case Study Questions:

1. Detail the competitive advantages of Chabros vis-a-vis its competitors. Compose a SWOTanalysis of Charbros which includes details on their product offerings.

2. Explain how the product mix of Chabros affects the strategy. Include financial terms and howcurrency in particular may impact Charbros’ choice of products to both now and in the future.

3. If Chami were to choose a market penetration growth strategy – or – in other words, furtherpenetrate one country, which country where Chabros is already present would you furtherpenetrate (Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Egypt)? Develop arationale and model to rank the countries that comprises internal and external factors; explainyour rationale and how you derived your ranking.

1/21/23, 2:17 AM Week 3: Chabros Case Study: MGMT 4890 02 23WQ Strategic Management 2/2

4. If you decide to follow market development growth strategy, into which new country wouldyou expand (Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco)? Rankthe candidate countries. Explain how you derived your ranking.

5. What do you think Chami should do about the sawmill? Elaborate on the advantages anddisadvantages of vertically integration (owning the sawmill) provides Chabros and whether suchprovides a greater competitive advantage for Chabros? Include discussion of currency and futureevents in your answer.

6. Given your analysis and above, make a recommendation on the strategy Chabros shouldpursue – should he close parts or all of the sawmill mill? Try to use capacity by expanding markets– and if so, which strategy – market development (new markets, same products), marketpenetration (existing markets, same products), product development (same markets, newproducts) or diversification (new products, new markets)? Be specific.

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