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Outline effective strategies forcollaborating with patients andtheir families to achieve desiredhealth outcomes.

Does not outline strategiesfor collaborating withpatients and their familiesto achieve desired healthoutcomes.

Attempts to outlinestrategies for collaboratingwith patients and theirfamilies to achieve desiredhealth outcomes.

Outlines effective strategiesfor collaborating withpatients and their familiesto achieve desired healthoutcomes.

Outlines effective,evidence-based, andculturally sensitivestrategies for collaboratingwith patients and theirfamilies to achieve desiredhealth outcomes. Ensuresthe strategies are well-supported by credibleevidence.

Identify the aspects of changemanagement that directly affectelements of the patientexperience essential to theprovision of high-quality, patient-centered care.

Does not identify theaspects of changemanagement that directlyaffect elements of thepatient experienceessential to the provision ofhigh-quality, patient-centered care.

Attempts to identify aspectsof change management notrelevant to the patientexperience, emphasizespatient expectations, oridentifies aspects of thepatient experience withminor impact on the qualityof care.

Identifies the aspects ofchange management thatdirectly affect elements ofthe patient experienceessential to the provision ofhigh-quality, patient-centered care.

Identifies the aspects ofchange management thatdirectly affect elements ofthe patient experienceessential to the provision ofhigh-quality, patient-centered care. Focuses onaspects of care highlyvalued by patients, anddistinguishes betweenpatient experience andpatient satisfaction.

Explain the rationale forcoordinated care plans based onethical decision making.

Does not explain therationale for coordinatedcare plans based on ethicaldecision making.

Attempts to explain therationale for coordinatedcare plans based on ethicaldecision making, butreaches conclusions basedon a simplistic, biased, orcursory examination of theissue.

Explains the rationale forcoordinated care plansbased on ethical decisionmaking.

Explains the rationale forcoordinated care plansbased on ethical decisionmaking. Identifies thelogical implications andconsequences of an ethicalapproach to care, andarticulates underlyingassumptions that guidedecision making.

Identify the potential impact ofspecific health care policyprovisions on outcomes andpatient experiences.

Does not identify policiesaffecting the provision ofhealth care.

Attempts to identify policiesaffecting the provision ofhealth care.

Identifies the potentialimpact of specific healthcare policy provisions onoutcomes and patientexperiences.

Identifies the potentialimpact of specific healthcare policy provisions onoutcomes and patientexperiences. Draws logical,evidence-basedconclusions from aninsightful interpretation ofrelevant and significantpolicy provisions.

Raise awareness of the nurse'svital role in the coordination andcontinuum of care in a video-recorded presentation.

Does not raise awarenessthe nurse's role in thecoordination and continuumof care. Does not include avideo presentation.

Attempts to raiseawareness of the nurse'srole in the coordination andcontinuum of care. Doesnot include a videopresentation.

Raises awareness of thenurse's vital role in thecoordination and continuumof care in a video-recordedpresentation.

Raises awareness of thenurse's vital role in thecoordination and continuumof care. Clearly establishesthe importance andrelevance of the nurse'srole in an engaging andmemorable presentationthat is appropriate for theaudience and wellsupported by an error-freevideo presentation thatincludes a written script andan APA-formattedreference list.

PrintCare Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Scoring Guide

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