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How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography

Throughout your studies, you will read many texts and journal articles. In many courses, you will be asked to prepare an annotated bibliography to assist you in preparing key assignments. An annotated bibliography is a writing and research tool that you want to master because it allows you to record important information in a concise and scholarly way quickly.

Begin this process by reading about annotated bibliographies in the Conducting Research and Forms of Writing sections in the Northcentral Academic Success Center (click the links in the left side navigation area of the ASC screen).

You may also find the following links helpful to you in understanding how to compile an annotated bibliography, located under your weekly resources.

  • Annotated Bibliographies. Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography. Cornell University

For this assignment, you will research assessment options for the offender population that you are writing about in your Signature Assignment.

Find three peer-reviewed journal articles that address common conditions and assessment measurements used with this population. Prepare an annotation for each article.

After you have completed the annotations, prepare a 1-page summary that includes the following:

  • An overview of the population and the condition that is being assessed
  • A listing and brief description of assessment instruments or methods utilized with this population
  • A description of any validity reliability concerns with the instruments
  • Recommendations regarding the assessment practices and tools one might utilize when assessing this population

Length: Three annotations; 1-page summary

it should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy

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