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Edit the attached outline to include more literature review and background information about the gap that exists for medical doctors in working with autistic children. The evidence, and resources must be within the last 10 years and a peer reviewed article written in English. For the solution,find evidence in research where implementing a training program about Austistic population had a positive effect on treatment for pediatric patients who have Autism. Edit the outline to include bullet points. Do not use footnotes, only in text citations as the attached document includes.

Below is the general outline of the project.

The goal of this assignment is to develop a working outline to begin the writing process. Several components of the outline grow directly from your Capstone Proposal. The proposal will be based off of the attached document with proposal thesis statement:

“Implementation of multi-specialty education and training strategies in medical school and residency focused on understanding and addressing the needs of obese pediatric autistic patients and their parents will improve health outcomes and make a positive impact on the obesity epidemic for these populations in the US,
Assignment Instructions
Each point you fill in should be a brief statement (think in bullet points), not a long narrative.

Text in italics is for guidance and information about the purpose of the section of the Capstone; use the information from the course to guide your content development and organization. The organized list of information will show the structure of the Capstone, the flow of how your points build your argument, and the steps you will take to achieve your results.

The following is the structure your outline must follow and be written in accordance with the University College Format and Style Guidelines and Capstone Instructions. That means that all major sections are level one headings, all subsections are level two or three.

Turabian section 6.2 reviews outlining and you may use either the formal numbered outline or the sparer version. There is not an example outline to share with you as these take many different forms.I.Title: OBESITY AND AUTISM

II.Abstract [Blank for now]

III.Table of Contents [Blank for now]

The World Health Organization (WHO) (2021) explains that obesity spread unprecedentedly over the years, tripling since 1975, with more than 650 million people today. Obesity is a condition that develops when someone has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of or more than 30. Obesity statistics in the U.S. are also alarming. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2021) argued that between 2017 and 2018, the predominance of obesity was 42.4%. Obesity is a severe condition because it is a risk factor for developing other conditions. They include cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer (CDC 2021). Obesity causes annual medical costs of $147 billion, like in 2008 (CDC, 2021).?
While there have been multiple efforts to combat obesity both in the delivery of care and from a general public health perspective, even from a policy perspective, unfortunately, this issue has evolved to be more diverse. It compels one to consider how the issue derails public/population health in more detail. For example, paying more attention to how people are affected diversely. There are more vulnerable groups presenting with the poorest health outcomes from obesity. The aim of this paper is to explore obesity in autistic children. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a growing condition that affects the brain. It impairs one?s ability to communicate and interact effectively. CDC (2022) argue ASD affects a person?s ability to behave and learn. The symptoms of ASD vary because, for example, patients may have advanced conversational skills over nonverbal skills or vice versa (CDC 2022). According to Nor et al. (2019), obesity in patients diagnosed with ASD surpasses the prevalence of the condition in the whole population. It calls for the need to identify affected people as a vulnerable group within the obesity continuum. Hence, public health providers need to work out an intervention to promote health outcomes and quality of care for obese autistic patients.?
C.Proposal Thesis
Implementation of multi-specialty education and training strategies in medical school and residency focused on understanding and addressing the needs of obese pediatric patients and their parents will improve health outcomes and make a positive impact on the obesity epidemic of these populations in the U.S.
The following study will conduct a systematic review of the available and current literature. The literature will provide extensive knowledge on issues connected to the healthcare and health outcomes of obese autistic patients and their parents/families. The study will consider information from both primary and secondary sources. The sources will be no less than 12 in the final paper and published in the last 10 years (2012). The search will also focus on synthesizing evidence providing insight on a way forward to address the health outcomes and quality of care for obese autistic children.
Caring for obese autistic children; effective nursing care for obese autistic children; health problems facing autistic children; the prevalence of obesity in autistic patients; promoting the health of obese autistic children
VI.Literature Review
A.The Prevalence of Obese Autism
1.Find several scholarly sources to inform the subject
According to Nor et al. (2019), research shows that obesity prevalence in children ranges from 17% to 32%. Overweight autism ranges from 13% to 33% (Nor et al., 2019). The National Survey of Children?s Health?s 2016 survey found that 19% to 23% of autistic children were overweight and obese, yet only 14 to 15% of typically developing children were overweight and obese (Nor et al. 2019, 2). The following primary source concludes that risk factors for developing obesity concurrently with autism include ?older child age, high maternal BMI, older paternal age, low physical activity, low likelihood of food refusal, and high likelihood of food selectivity? (Nor et al. 2019, 7). The following study provides significant insight into the community health problem and the prevalence of obesity. It was unfortunate to learn that the condition is higher in autistic children than those without a concurrent condition.
Criado et al. (2018) studied the predominance of being overweight or obese among children with autism and disruptive behavior. Children with ASD, with a mean age of 2.6 years and 84.4% of them being males, had an obesity prevalence of 42.4% and 21.4% (Criado et al. 2018). In a control group, the prevalence of being overweight was 26.1%, while that of being obese was 12.0% (Criado et al. 2018). The following article provides critical data for further emphasizing the significant public health problem of autistic children being at risk of being overweight and obese. Such data can support, for example, the need for policy, public health advocacy, and more.
B.Health Outcomes of Obese Autism
1.Find several scholarly sources to inform the subject
According to Curtin et al. (2014), obese autistic children face unique effects and challenges that increase the severity of their condition such as using psychotropic medication. Antipsychotic drugs lead to significant weight gain yet, many autistic children have impaired movement and are not as physically active as typically developing children (Curtin et al., 2014). Obese autistic children are also at risk of severe sleeping problems. The following research article provides into the contributing factors to developing the condition, and the challenges involved. It means that the parents/guardians/families significantly struggle with caring for obese autistic children, especially those with the worst symptoms of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
One realizes that a lot of research leans toward expounding on the risk factors for developing ASD. The lack of research on health and life challenges faced by obese autistic children is visible. However, obesity is a critical risk factor for other severe conditions.
C.Opportunities for Improving the Quality of Care for Obese Autistic Patients
1.Find several scholarly sources to inform the subject
Walls et al. (2018) conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 1500 pediatricians aiming to “examine pediatricians’ attitudes, self-efficacy, practices, and barriers around obesity management in children with ASD” (Walls et al. 2018, 2). Walls et al. (2018) found that most agreed and strongly agreed that obesity is a threat to children with ASD. Others reported having lower levels of self-efficacy in the ability to counsel ASD patients and their parents on weight-related issues (Walls et al., 2018). Other general barriers to providing quality care include the lack of clinician time and many pediatricians’ viewing the children’s weight as less concern. Few pediatricians reported receiving adequate training on delivering care for managing obesity in autism spectrum disorder patients (ASD) (Walls et al. 2018).
1.The solution should be precise interventions for improving outcomes or a way forward
One can expect that research on this topic will drive focus toward educating and training healthcare professionals on the most suitable healthcare delivery strategies for understanding and addressing the needs of obese autistic children. Indeed, many healthcare professionals have not had any formal training in caring for obese autistic children. Research might also raise the idea that guardians/families/parents of autistic children should be wary of risk factors and mitigation strategies for becoming obese.
VIII.Discussion [Blank for now]
1.These should be to the general problem after completing the discussion
One should get creative in this section and utilize knowledge learned from the topic. For example, the first recommendation can be to start by emphasizing the need for increased research on this subject. From a general perspective, this subject has not gotten fully exhausted in the health care, community, health education, political, and research setting. Increasing research on the subject will pave the way for identifying evidence-based practices that will meet the needs of these obese autistic children. The second recommendation can be to emphasize the need for interprofessional collaboration in treating obese autistic patients. The third, and most significant recommendation can be to implement multi-specialty education and training strategies in medical school and residency focused on understanding and addressing the needs of obese pediatric autistic patients.
1.In this section, summarize the main facts identified through the search
For example, the prevalence of obesity in autistic children is significantly higher than that of the general population and typically developing children.
2.Restate the thesis

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Overweight & Obesity: Adult Obesity Facts.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022. What is autism spectrum disorder?
Criado, Kristen K. et al. 2018. ?Overweight and Obese status in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Disruptive Behavior.? Autism 22(4): 450-459. DOI:?10.1177/1362361316683888
Curtin, Carol et al. 2014. ?Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.? Harv Rev Psychiatry 22(2): 93-103. DOI:?10.1097/HRP.0000000000000031
Nor, Norazlin K. et al. 2019. ?Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Associated Risk Factors.? Frontiers in Pediatrics 7(28): 1-10.
Walls, Morgan et al. 2018. ?Prevention and Management of Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Primary Care Pediatricians.? J Autism Dev Discord 48(7): 2408-2417. DOI:?10.1007/s10803-018-3494-0
World Health Organization. 2021. Obesity and Overweight.

Title Page: [Working Title]

Abstract: [Blank for now] The Abstract page is numbered Surname-ii (in a top-right page header). For the Outline include only the first-level heading Abstract. You will come back and write it in your initial draft. In the final draft, the abstract will include a summary of the Capstone that quickly and clearly tells the reader the problem addressed, how the solution was approached, and the resulting solution. It does not include any discussion of the results. The final abstract is 120 words or less.

Table of Contents [Blank for now]

Background: This is the introduction to the Capstone. Provide the basic information about the topic to explain the question or problem the Capstone examines and the position taken in the thesis statement. Tell your audience why this topic has importance to the professional field for study. Save most of the explanation for the Literature Review.

Any subheadings for the background would go below the main heading.

Approach: This section does not need to be long but must give the reader a clear idea of the steps taken to achieve the results (i.e., your analysis, case study, etc.). Do not predict or include your solution or recommendations in this section.

Literature Review: Each point included in the Literature Review builds the argument for your Capstone and appropriate academic and professional literature supporting the arguments, and it may include any other relevant evidence. Organize your points to build that argument; you will have an ordered list of points/topics and may break those down into subtopics for better planning and organization of your Capstone.

Solution (Optional if you have one): What is your anticipated solution to the problem? What will you advise, change, implement, renew to address your problem?

Discussion: For now, just insert a heading as a placeholder. This section will cover. Anticipated strengths and weaknesses of the solution.

Recommendations, and Conclusion: For now, just insert a heading as a placeholder. This section will cover. You will not be able to fill in your points for these sections until the results of the Capstone emerge. This section provides your interpretation of the solution of the Capstone.

Interpretation of solution outcomes
The success of the approach
What was learned
Contributions to the field
Further recommendations
Insert a new page (page-break) for your references.

References should appear at the top of the page and any research you have cited/included in the outline must be entered into the references. You can add references that you have begun collecting as well and not entered in the outline itself. I.Title: OBESITY AND AUTISM

II.Abstract [Blank for now]

III.Table of Contents [Blank for now]

The World Health Organization (WHO) (2021) explains that obesity spread unprecedentedly over the years, tripling since 1975, with more than 650 million people today. Obesity is a condition that develops when someone has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of or more than 30. Obesity statistics in the U.S. are also alarming. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2021) argued that between 2017 and 2018, the predominance of obesity was 42.4%. Obesity is a severe condition because it is a risk factor for developing other conditions. They include cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer (CDC 2021). Obesity causes annual medical costs of $147 billion, like in 2008 (CDC, 2021).?
While there have been multiple efforts to combat obesity both in the delivery of care and from a general public health perspective, even from a policy perspective, unfortunately, this issue has evolved to be more diverse. It compels one to consider how the issue derails public/population health in more detail. For example, paying more attention to how people are affected diversely. There are more vulnerable groups presenting with the poorest health outcomes from obesity. The aim of this paper is to explore obesity in autistic children. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a growing condition that affects the brain. It impairs one?s ability to communicate and interact effectively. CDC (2022) argue ASD affects a person?s ability to behave and learn. The symptoms of ASD vary because, for example, patients may have advanced conversational skills over nonverbal skills or vice versa (CDC 2022). According to Nor et al. (2019), obesity in patients diagnosed with ASD surpasses the prevalence of the condition in the whole population. It calls for the need to identify affected people as a vulnerable group within the obesity continuum. Hence, public health providers need to work out an intervention to promote health outcomes and quality of care for obese autistic patients.?
C.Proposal Thesis
Implementation of multi-specialty education and training strategies in medical school and residency focused on understanding and addressing the needs of obese pediatric patients and their parents will improve health outcomes and make a positive impact on the obesity epidemic of these populations in the U.S.
The following study will conduct a systematic review of the available and current literature. The literature will provide extensive knowledge on issues connected to the healthcare and health outcomes of obese autistic patients and their parents/families. The study will consider information from both primary and secondary sources. The sources will be no less than 12 in the final paper and published in the last 10 years (2012). The search will also focus on synthesizing evidence providing insight on a way forward to address the health outcomes and quality of care for obese autistic children.
Caring for obese autistic children; effective nursing care for obese autistic children; health problems facing autistic children; the prevalence of obesity in autistic patients; promoting the health of obese autistic children
VI.Literature Review
A.The Prevalence of Obese Autism
1.Find several scholarly sources to inform the subject
According to Nor et al. (2019), research shows that obesity prevalence in children ranges from 17% to 32%. Overweight autism ranges from 13% to 33% (Nor et al., 2019). The National Survey of Children?s Health?s 2016 survey found that 19% to 23% of autistic children were overweight and obese, yet only 14 to 15% of typically developing children were overweight and obese (Nor et al. 2019, 2). The following primary source concludes that risk factors for developing obesity concurrently with autism include ?older child age, high maternal BMI, older paternal age, low physical activity, low likelihood of food refusal, and high likelihood of food selectivity? (Nor et al. 2019, 7). The following study provides significant insight into the community health problem and the prevalence of obesity. It was unfortunate to learn that the condition is higher in autistic children than those without a concurrent condition.
Criado et al. (2018) studied the predominance of being overweight or obese among children with autism and disruptive behavior. Children with ASD, with a mean age of 2.6 years and 84.4% of them being males, had an obesity prevalence of 42.4% and 21.4% (Criado et al. 2018). In a control group, the prevalence of being overweight was 26.1%, while that of being obese was 12.0% (Criado et al. 2018). The following article provides critical data for further emphasizing the significant public health problem of autistic children being at risk of being overweight and obese. Such data can support, for example, the need for policy, public health advocacy, and more.
B.Health Outcomes of Obese Autism
1.Find several scholarly sources to inform the subject
According to Curtin et al. (2014), obese autistic children face unique effects and challenges that increase the severity of their condition such as using psychotropic medication. Antipsychotic drugs lead to significant weight gain yet, many autistic children have impaired movement and are not as physically active as typically developing children (Curtin et al., 2014). Obese autistic children are also at risk of severe sleeping problems. The following research article provides into the contributing factors to developing the condition, and the challenges involved. It means that the parents/guardians/families significantly struggle with caring for obese autistic children, especially those with the worst symptoms of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
One realizes that a lot of research leans toward expounding on the risk factors for developing ASD. The lack of research on health and life challenges faced by obese autistic children is visible. However, obesity is a critical risk factor for other severe conditions.
C.Opportunities for Improving the Quality of Care for Obese Autistic Patients
1.Find several scholarly sources to inform the subject
Walls et al. (2018) conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 1500 pediatricians aiming to “examine pediatricians’ attitudes, self-efficacy, practices, and barriers around obesity management in children with ASD” (Walls et al. 2018, 2). Walls et al. (2018) found that most agreed and strongly agreed that obesity is a threat to children with ASD. Others reported having lower levels of self-efficacy in the ability to counsel ASD patients and their parents on weight-related issues (Walls et al., 2018). Other general barriers to providing quality care include the lack of clinician time and many pediatricians’ viewing the children’s weight as less concern. Few pediatricians reported receiving adequate training on delivering care for managing obesity in autism spectrum disorder patients (ASD) (Walls et al. 2018).
1.The solution should be precise interventions for improving outcomes or a way forward
One can expect that research on this topic will drive focus toward educating and training healthcare professionals on the most suitable healthcare delivery strategies for understanding and addressing the needs of obese autistic children. Indeed, many healthcare professionals have not had any formal training in caring for obese autistic children. Research might also raise the idea that guardians/families/parents of autistic children should be wary of risk factors and mitigation strategies for becoming obese.
VIII.Discussion [Blank for now]
1.These should be to the general problem after completing the discussion
One should get creative in this section and utilize knowledge learned from the topic. For example, the first recommendation can be to start by emphasizing the need for increased research on this subject. From a general perspective, this subject has not gotten fully exhausted in the health care, community, health education, political, and research setting. Increasing research on the subject will pave the way for identifying evidence-based practices that will meet the needs of these obese autistic children. The second recommendation can be to emphasize the need for interprofessional collaboration in treating obese autistic patients. The third, and most significant recommendation can be to implement multi-specialty education and training strategies in medical school and residency focused on understanding and addressing the needs of obese pediatric autistic patients.
1.In this section, summarize the main facts identified through the search
For example, the prevalence of obesity in autistic children is significantly higher than that of the general population and typically developing children.
2.Restate the thesis

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Overweight & Obesity: Adult Obesity Facts.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022. What is autism spectrum disorder?
Criado, Kristen K. et al. 2018. ?Overweight and Obese status in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Disruptive Behavior.? Autism 22(4): 450-459. DOI:?10.1177/1362361316683888
Curtin, Carol et al. 2014. ?Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.? Harv Rev Psychiatry 22(2): 93-103. DOI:?10.1097/HRP.0000000000000031
Nor, Norazlin K. et al. 2019. ?Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Associated Risk Factors.? Frontiers in Pediatrics 7(28): 1-10.
Walls, Morgan et al. 2018. ?Prevention and Management of Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Primary Care Pediatricians.? J Autism Dev Discord 48(7): 2408-2417. DOI:?10.1007/s10803-018-3494-0
World Health Organization. 2021. Obesity and Overweight.

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