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Please used peer reviewed sources. Need at least 5 peer reviewed sources that discuss the problem with compassion fatigue among nurses, the challenges nurses are face with because of compassion fatigue. Need 2 additional peer reviewed sources that discuss possible solutions to the problem. Do not used any “I” language. Write as if you are proposing an idea to professionals to help with the growing concern of compassion fatigue.ENG 112 Problem-Solution Paper Instructions
Following up on your Literature Review paper, your second paper for Unit 1 in ENG-112 will identify a narrower, solvable version of the problem you identified at the end of your Literature Review. Rather than arguing that you can solve the whole problem at once, which even the researchers and scholars you have cited in your Literature Review paper could not do, you will instead identify three possible partial solution actions that working professionals can take now.
For each of these three proposed actions, you will use analytical thinking and scholarly source information to evaluate the action?s possible benefit, the resources needed to implement it, and the costs, limitations, or drawbacks of taking the action. In your conclusion, you will use what you have learned to identify a ?small, first step? that professionals must and should take right now to start addressing part of the problem or its consequences. This step cannot be ?more research;? it must be an action or outreach effort on the part of those professionals.
The ultimate goal of the paper is to practice using research and writing to consider how researchers and professionals contribute to problem-solving, and to understand the real limitations and professional and political contexts that make it hard to resolve large-scale problems in the field.
The final version of the Problem-Solution Paper is due in Sakai at 11:55 PM on 4/12, but there is a no-penalty ?grace period? until 11:55 PM on 4/14. The further into the ?grace period? we are, the less likely it is that extensions will be given. No credit will be given for the paper beyond the end of the grace period.
Minimum Assignment Requirements
?Provide a one-paragraph introduction that works as a ?miniature Literature Review? establishing the narrowed problem you are addressing, its causes, and the reasons it is an urgent, important problem for professionals in your discipline
?In at least three body paragraphs, identify and evaluate three realistic, specific ?first step? actions that could partially address this problem or limit its consequences
?For each proposed action, explain what group of professionals could take this action, and how and why this ?first step? action might address a key part of the problem
?End each evaluation by identifying the limitations, drawbacks, and costs of the proposed action; all actions are imperfect and will have costs, limitations, and drawbacks
?Write a full paragraph that identifies and supports a preferred ?first-step? action that is not a call for additional research, comparing its limitations and benefits to those of the other proposed solutions
?Use at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources total, at least two of which must be solution-oriented sources found after completing your Literature Review, to support all of your claims in the paper with clear, well-reasoned analysis
oYou may use sources from your Literature Review as long as you also use at least two credible, scholarly, peer-reviewed solution sources identified later
?Create a polished, well-formatted APA document
?Use proper citation in the style specific to your field, as discovered through your Citation Rationale work and the feedback you received on it
?Include a complete, correctly formatted list of sources in this citation style
?Employ good paragraph and sentence structure, including effective transitions, clear and grammatical writing, appropriate signal phrases, and an objective, scholarly writing style
?Write at least six well-developed paragraphs
?Avoid all forms of plagiarism, including patchwriting and unmarked quotation
As you draft and revise the paper, make sure you label files clearly and save your work in more than one place. I provide a space on the course Sakai site called the ?Assignment Sandbox? that can be used for file storage, and you may also consider free online storage spaces such as Google Drive.
Learning Goals
?Practice analytical reading skills by narrowing down a general ?research gap? to identify a smaller piece of a larger problem
?Practice targeted, practical research skills by using databases to find additional sources to support possible solution actions
?Practice critical thinking and applied research by identifying and evaluating the real-world actions professionals can take, as well as the real-world limitations of any action
?Gain experience identifying and addressing problems that professionals and researchers encounter in their fields and the ways individual professionals can take limited action to address these problems
?Practice writing as a recursive process by developing an essay across notes, outlining, drafting, and revision using both feedback from others and individual reflection and critical thinking
?Develop note-taking and writing strategies for synthesizing
?Become familiar with scholarly writing styles and expert-level information in your discipline
?Gain additional understanding of scholarly citation and document styles
What You Will Need to Get Started
?A good sense of a narrower, but still real and urgent problem related to the ?research gap? you identified in your Literature Review paper
?All of the sources from your Literature review that are still relevant to the revised problem
?At least two additional peer-reviewed articles that take you beyond those sources and towards possible solution actions
?Good notes on all your sources, including clear indications of which ideas and words come from which sources
?Organized, grouped information from your notes using the ?notecard method? explained in Unit 1 materials
?A good understanding of the comments and feedback you have received on previous Unit 1 assignments, as well as access to that feedback
?The course textbooks, including They Say / I Say and The Little Seagull
?A good understanding of APA citation style and documentation
?A correctly formatted APA document, including headers, title page, abstract page, APA headers, APA in-text citations, and a References page
?Reliable Internet access
?At least two reliable places you can save your work as a .doc or .rtf document

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