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The requirement for this Assignment is to build upon the information presented in the first requirement (ATTACHED). Using the references that has already located. You are to prepare a 15 slides PowerPoint presentation, The relationship between properly-planned student assessments and student outcomes intended to address the harmonious relationship that should exist between student assignments and desired student learning outcomes. A thorough PowerPoint presentation is expected to include the use of images, and a warm choice of font. In-text citation should be cited on each slide that it is used , and each slide must have speaker’s notes and also a full reference list should be at the conclusion (last slides) In-text citation style to reference journal articles (by author?s last name and year) on specific slides (when the reference is used) and include a complete reference list at the conclusion of the presentation. ?

APA writing style should be followed for reference format. This style manual may be accessed through the Purdue Online Writing Lab, APA website.


Annotated Bibliography

Dwight Woods

Course Assessment 14 Weeks

Amridge University

February 21, 2021


Balfanz, R., DePaoli, J., Atwell, M., & Bridgeland, J. (2018). Great American High School

Campaign: Reforming the Nation’s Remaining Low-Performing High Schools. Civic


Educators at underperforming high schools must examine their behaviors and implement

a reform strategy based on current evidence. This strategy should involve setting minimum

entrance criteria for first-year students, developing an intercession suite for difficult scholars,

creating a safe and secure atmosphere for students, and ensuring that instructors are equipped to

teach their content. At school, a co-educational civic should be developed. Each of these

scheduling alternatives has its own set of considerations because of these scheduling

possibilities. Three school-wide reform programs that have attracted attention.

binti Si-Rajab, S. (2020). The level of instructional leadership practices among principals of

National Religious Secondary School in Malaysia.

Despite universal agreement on the significance of instructional leadership, the author

contends that there is less agreement on what defines instructional leadership. Classroom

supervision and instructional leadership, in some people’s perspectives, go hand in hand. The

authors advocate for a different approach to educational leadership, emphasizing the importance

of a varied range of administrative practices and resource distribution approaches. This approach

to instructional development emphasizes organizational management rather than teaching and

learning. Despite the importance of good classroom education, the authors conclude that the

presence of a school principal in the classroom has only a minor impact on teaching quality.

School leaders have a significant impact on student learning by hiring and allocating teachers to

classes, keeping teachers, and providing opportunities for teachers to grow and learn. They are


all about changing the way things are done to improve educational outcomes. Managers who are

skilled in hiring and retaining employees, allocating funds, and ensuring a healthy work and

learning environment are referred to as strong managers in the workplace. When discussing

instructional leadership, they warn against relying solely on classroom instruction.

Kame?enui, E. J. (2021). Ode to Zig (and the Bard): In Support of an incomplete logical-

empirical model of direct instruction. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 44(2), 285-305.

The article includes an overview of twenty-four whole-school reform projects, as well as

an independent assessment of each one. The author has presented various models for assessment

of educational outcomes for learners in high school. The author has developed a well-structured

scheme for conducting the assessment activities. Each model was assessed based on information

on learner conclusions, the asset of the exploration basis, the availability of support services, and

the program’s expenses.

Kanaany, M., Hasani, R., & Mohamadi, M. (2021). A Systematic Review of Identifying Aspects

and Indicators of Improving Learning Culture Model at Schools. Journal of New

Approaches in Educational Administration, 12(3), 15-1.

The “culture” of an educational institution is characterized as a set of deeply held ideas,

practices, ideals, and myths about the school, all of which are famously difficult to change.

Schools with a welcoming climate may be extremely different from those with a poisonous one.

Participation in decision-making, preservation of basics, and open communication are only a few

of the healthy cultural norms underlined by the author, who also emphasized cooperation, trust,

honesty, practical assistance, gratitude and recognition, compassion, celebration, and humor. The


instructional leader’s responsibility is to support the faculty in regularly assessing the school’s

cultural norms. This technique entails resolving the unaddressed before choosing whether to

keep, re-examine, or delete practices or behaviors based on their influence on student learning.

Education is viewed as a sort of punishment in toxic communities. It is critical for school

administrators to be ready to change aspects of the school’s culture so that they support rather

than obstruct the school’s goals. The school administration identified a learning community in

which each member is accountable for the well-being of others and the community as a major


Lewis, K. R. (2016, August 08). Standardized testing hits a nerve. Retrieved February 5, 2022,



In recent years, the validity of standardized examinations has been called into question.

When No Child Left Behind was implemented in 2008, the goal was to level the playing field for

students of all races and socioeconomic levels. The federal government has promised funds, but

if no progress is achieved, that cash may be jeopardized. The spiraling core curriculum had a

flaw since not all schools used the same way. When this issue was being debated, many parents,

children, and teachers’ unions backed the “opt out of testing” campaign. Lewis has received

multiple accolades as a journalist for his work on education. Harvard University awarded her a

bachelor’s degree in physics. Her piece was included in one of the world’s most widely read

newspapers, USA Today. USA Today was created in 1982, while was launched

in 1995 as an extension of that newspaper. The article supports its thesis statement by illustrating

how high-stakes tests constrain students’ learning and instructors’ teaching to the test.


McKim, C. A., Hvidston, D., & Hickman, B. J. (2019). An analysis of superintendent and

principal perceptions regarding the supervision and evaluation of principals. Journal of

Educational Supervision, 2(2), 53.

This study investigated principal assessment tools and professional standards for heads in

school divisions in a using quantitative and qualitative content analysis approaches to determine

the levels of emphasis placed on instructional leadership and management qualities anticipated of

school heads. Determine whether the principal assessment tools comply with state and certified

regulations. School districts place a high importance on school administrators’ abilities to oversee

instruction while simultaneously managing the organization and communicating with the local

community, according to the findings. This means that currently of accountability, principals

must manage a rising number of responsibilities, making the position more onerous. According

to the findings of this study, consistent performance requirements were observed in principal

evaluation tools throughout school divisions.

Mulyani, H., Meirawan, D., & Rahmadani, A. (2020). INCREASING SCHOOL



Pendidikan, 39(2), 279-292.

Over the course of several school days, researchers observed and documented the

activities of Miami-Dade County public school officials for five minutes at a time. Participants in

the study wanted to see if there was a link between the amount of time principals spent on

specific activities and the performance of their schools. There is a correlation between how much

time students spend on academics and how they feel about their teachers and parents.


Vujic, D., Novakovic, S., Maksimovic, M., & Karaba?evic, D. (2019). The role of the leader in

empowering and supporting employees towards sustainable development. Vojno

delo, 71(5), 117-125.

A five-year study in New York and Canada looked at the long-term feasibility of

educational reform. In the past, it has been difficult to sustain educational breakthroughs that

assist pupils learn over extended periods of time. The move from the testing phase of current

ideas and practices to the period of change institutionalization, when new practices are integrated

into teachers’ repertoires, is a significant difficulty. According to the authors, maintainability and

sustainability were distinguished, with the latter referring to long-term transformation that

benefits all students and is not dependent on a single school leader or external resources. It is

critical to look for five vital features in educational transformation: ? Long-term improvement; ?

Long-term improvement for an extended period; and ? Long-term improvement for an extended


You must prioritize learning in all that you do. The primary role of the school leader is to

keep learning going, which best performed with the help of others. In a web of distributed

leadership, people, structures, and cultures are all interconnected. This type of organic activity

requires connectivity and interrelationships. The relevance of long-term leadership outweighs the

importance of a single leader. Rather than relying just on a few heroes, a culture of shared

leadership and accountability should be established in the hearts and minds of all. Leadership in

a school division may be horizontal among leaders, but it should become vertical at the school

level. Not just a few school leaders, but the entire school community, should be dedicated to a

distributed leadership culture.

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