Beginning of Draft Part 2
Emerging Issue: Cybercrime
Cybercrime is the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, these attacks may not do physical harm to the body but can negatively affect the virtual appearance of a person or corporation (Dennis, 2019). Since the 1980s, cybercrime has influenced the act of espionage, the creation of viruses, and high-profile breaches (Chadd, 2020). The types of cybercriminals have also evolved over time. Cybercriminals include, but are not limited to, professional hackers, information traffickers, and fraudsters (STANCU, 2020). Even though antivirus software now exist, cyberthreats will continue to be an issue in the tech industry.
Theme: Antivirus Software flaws
According to Zaharia, over 75-percent of large companies rely on antivirus software that came pre-installed on their computer equipment, which may not be the most effective countermeasure (Zaharia, 2022). There are thousands of antivirus software that can be downloaded, and protection levels vary. Brands such as McAfee and Norton are popular, but one may work better with Windows compared to macOS and may have a higher price point. ?The number of choices and various ways to obtain antivirus software provide cybercriminals opportunities to strike. Cybercriminals mimic antivirus companies and make fake antivirus suites that can be downloaded just as trustworthy options can. For example, AntiVirus Pro 2017, AVLab Internet Security, Antivirus 10 and many others imitate computer scans and state that the computer is infected with high-risk malware which forces the user to pay for more protection, in turn, generating revenue for the developers (Meskauskas, 2021). The victims can report cyber scams and antivirus companies eventually improve their methods, but cybercriminals continue to find ways to perform attacks because their motivators remain the same: financial gain and power.
Theme: Cybercriminal Motivators?
With data being stored all over the world daily, cybercriminals know they have the tools to easily access personal, financial, or health information and monetize them on underground black markets (Ablon, 2018). They also have the options of charging businesses to get their data back or an individual directly. Keeper states, cybercriminals can make three-thousand-five-hundred dollars to one-hundred-sixty-six dollars per month. They can also stay anonymous and retrieve payments through bitcoin, a digital currency. Keeper believes, the incentives for stealing this data and then selling it to the highest bidders will remain in place for the foreseeable future (Keeper, 2018).?
I?may add more information on motivators to emphasis the power aspect mentioned in the last paragraph.?
Here, I’ll make comments about the importance of artificial intelligence, data security, and risk management and the vulnerability by including the threat of cybercriminals. This will allow me to tie everything back into data analytics and the present the idea that the tech industry will prevail but threats will still remain.?
Currently revising?
Here are a few examples of suggestions to make as a peer reader (make sure you identify which paragraph you’re discussing):?
? The thesis needs to better identify the main point of the essay.??
? The topic sentence needs to identify the main point of this paragraph.?
? Each paragraph needs one overarching idea (or needs more specific evidence/needs more of the writer’s commentary).?
? Avoid repeating words, repeating ideas, or repeating sentence structures.?
? Avoid using vague language or using slang.?
? Clearly identify your sources (if used)

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